posted on Aug, 9 2016 @ 10:37 AM
I have recently taken a good look at the Farsight Institute's postings on YouTube. Though there is something I don't like about Courtney Brown, I
can't help but agree there might be something to RV after all. There is clear proof that our Military spent a bunch of time and money to explore the
idea. I seriously doubt that after all the effort that there isn't still a government component to this day.
I like the Farsight TimeCross project as it is a focused look at the short term. They are using the scientific method to log and review the data while
presenting it month to month. If you are curious about the subject it is a good place to start. You only have to wait a month to see results. I have
to agree that the viewers presented are scary good. They do a reading of The most Noteworthy News Event of the next month and post the video prior to
the start of the month and then release another video at the end of each looked at month to see how close they were. A month before it happened Dick
Algier (sp) gave a very convincing description of the Pulse Nightclub Shooting, including a drawing of the shooter and his wife, and the building that
are an uncanny match. He even looked ahead to a day after the event and describes where the news vans are, the pock marked wall of the club and
makeshift memorial across the street. He describes the smell of tobacco, alcohol and body odors, in convincing detail. The idea is the curious can
explore RV in the near term and review the results, in a comprehensive manner that if you include their website can go as in depth as you desire.
I was surprised that the August video was more than an hour long but after watching it, knowing that they 100% believe in what they are doing, I can
understand why it had to be longer than most month's material. It is important info. If what they describe comes to fruition we are in for some
drastic days. It seems the collective of consciousness has been telling a lot of people the shtf situation is coming, sooner than later. I have some
preparations in place to keep my family going in the short term. I hope everyone who says the bad times are coming is wrong, as far from right as can
be. Be it a nuke, an asteroid, a super volcano, Nibiru or any other Beastie not yet imagined. You are not wrong to attempt to be as ready as you can
be for whatever may come. This includes physical preparations, but also mental.
Explore every avenue and be familiar with your surroundings has never been bad advice.
The scary good part, and the accuracy of recent months presentations, has me a bit uncomfortable. I'm not 100% on board with RV but I do believe it to
be within the relm of a possiable physical reality, a repeatable function of some force or field we do not yet understand totally.
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9-8-2016 by wastedown because: Grammar Nazi evasion