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originally posted by: roguetechie
a reply to: BuzzyWigs
I have absolutely zero belief in AGW, and it angers me greatly when people who do believe claim themselves to be morally superior etc. This is what you're doing...
Along with taking credit for your daughter's possible future accomplishments.
You're showing large amounts of smug superiority and taking credit preemptively for things your daughter may accomplish in the future. Your entire attitude and handling of responses to this thread drip with selfishness and self righteousness without actually DOING ANYTHING YOURSELF.
Personally I'm a conservationist, and cautious in my daily life about what I do and buy... Do you know why I don't start self aggrandizing threads to show my moral superiority?
Because I'm just a guy trying to leave the world a little better than I left it, and nothing about this is special or remarkable. I don't need or want recognition, because what I do is the bare minimum a good human should do.
All that said, as a DIY engineering type I do actively look to find solutions that could reduce the impact and consumption required to live a comfortable and reasonably easy life. When my friends and I achieve success, which we will eventually, we're going to open source our best work...
Will we do our best to parlay kit sales, consulting on implementations, and other things?
There is no harm in seeking rewards and a decent living from your work, but we never lose sight of why we're doing what we do.
Try doing more yourself, and expecting less recognition for your accomplishments and maybe you will get some respect.
P.s. mother earth news is crap, and lies just as much if not FAR MORE than people who don't believe what you do.
I have absolutely zero belief in AGW, and it angers me greatly when people who do believe claim themselves to be morally superior etc. This is what you're doing.
originally posted by: pthena
There is Worldwide data available from non-U.S. and non-U.S. corporate interest based sources. Excuse me if I don't do your research for you.
Have I disputed that big business desires to profit or that they have lobbyists? No. I have not.
Since you'd like to sell me a bridge, I will call our discussion quit.
Ah, then we are in total agreement that carbon cap and trade schemes are just that, schemes.
it hurts when you learn that the people who are supposedly out to 'save the planet' are in reality looking to milk other people dry and have no issue scaremongering by employing faulty or fabricated data.
originally posted by: pthena
Cap and trade, yeah, schemes. Cap not so much.
Actually, it sort of hurts that you converse in a belittling way.
It hurts that you assume that I love Gore. All he's doing is profiting from his knowledge of climate change combined with his knowledge that U.S. has chosen a course from which he can profit. As long as Byrd-Hegel is on the books he will continue to profit. I really don't like Gore.
originally posted by: Mianeye
a reply to: network dude
No one can answer that question, and therein lies the problem.
Some have tried though.
99.999% certainty humans are driving global warming: new study
originally posted by: jrod
Those who deny human induced climate change are simply ignorant or just plain stupid.
The science, the data is overwhelming and there are no legitimate reasons a reasonable person can rationalize our species is not having a significant impact on the climate.
There is no harm in seeking rewards and a decent living from your work, but we never lose sight of why we're doing what we do.
Try doing more yourself, and expecting less recognition for your accomplishments and maybe you will get some respect.
P.s. mother earth news is crap, and lies just as much if not FAR MORE than people who don't believe what you do.
What percentage is man responsible for the current warming? (remember, back it up with facts if you answer)
There are no viable cap only plans that do not severely impact the developing world.
Oh well, now you know how it feels when you get condescended and talked down to by someone who thinks that just because I think carbon credits are a scam I must be some sort of Bush/Republican ass kissing sycophant who wants the planet polluted.
Gore is the poster jackass for climate change. His fearmongering and use of erroneous data is the exact reason I am highly skeptical of all data. There is too much money to be made by too few people for it all to be accurate.
Do you honestly believe that none of the data has been fudged?
It was not a very difficult question to answer. Have there been issues with the data, yes or no?
Climate change policy of the George W. Bush administration
Influence of industry groups
In June 2005, US State Department papers showed the Bush administration thanking Exxon executives for the company's "active involvement" in helping to determine climate change policy, including the U.S. stance on Kyoto. Input from the business lobby group Global Climate Coalition was also a factor.[3]
The Bush administration implemented an industry-formulated disinformation campaign designed to actively mislead the American public on global warming and to forestall limits on "climate polluters," according to a report in Rolling Stone magazine which reviews hundreds of internal government documents and former government officials.
"'They've got a political clientele that does not want to be regulated,' says Rick S. Piltz, a former Bush climate official who blew the whistle on White House censorship of global-warming documents in 2005. 'Any honest discussion of the science would stimulate public pressure for a stronger policy. They're not stupid.'
"Bush's do-nothing policy on global warming began almost as soon as he took office. By pursuing a carefully orchestrated policy of delay, the White House blocked even the most modest reforms and replaced them with token investments in futuristic solutions like hydrogen cars. 'It's a charade,' says Jeremy Symons, who represented the EPA on Dick Cheney's energy task force, the industry-studded group that met in secret to craft the administration's energy policy. 'They have a single-minded determination to do nothing—while making it look like they are doing something.' . . .
Also according to testimony taken by the U.S. House of Representatives, the Bush White House pressured American scientists to suppress discussion of global warming