a reply to:
Irrationality is attractive to many. Even more so in a herd.
A stampede of crazy can start with you hanging with your adolescent friends on the corner. A guy walks past and looks a little intimidated by the six
of you lounging and being loud and looking hard.
That dude is easy to identify as : 1. A dude
He's dressed like a punk: 2. He's not violent
He talks with an accent (unlike mine): 3. He's not from around here
He's wears glasses: 4. He's a (pointy-headed) intellectual
He drove up in a BMW: 5. He's go too much money
Etc, etc, ad infinitum.
The only ascertainment is that he is different and therefore to be 'processed' by this jury.
Then you find out every supposition is wrong, just after you kicked his butt.
What happens then? Apologies? Retractions? Mortification?
Most will defend their dumb behavior.
How do you react?
An external moral perspective, one not generated by the group, can allow for a different outcome. It also allows a larger society to form. Self
educating pushes that change.
Apply this to CEOs, the Elites and their ilk. They are able to pursue their single minded obsessions for power, prestige and toys since they have no
true sophistication in their thinking. They garner the assistance of the 'common sense' crowd by misleading PR. They bribe, promulgate and condone
behavior which is contrary to the interests of those they are influencing.
The dopes keep lining up to assert their 'common sense', 'common core values'.
To convince people who are comfortable that their comfort is an illusion is difficult. To convince them en mass to change without trauma is
impossible. They are protected from such trauma by being in a herd and 'echo chambering' like mad.
The elite already employ fear to manipulate in nearly every circumstance. Do we reply in kind? Is there a gentle way to modify the views of the many?
Most will run to a strongman to validate their rooted desires and false narratives and reject peace which would serve them better. The blindness to
this is institutional. Religion, politics, schooling, work, media all press us into forms. Standing up to this takes formidable strength and
independently derived information and stances. Most are too lazy and think too little of themselves to buck their riders.
I offer no succor here. Regular folks will continue to take their regular beatings and be thankful it's not worse.
While I will stand aside with a smug look derived form these thoughts. I don't have to be like them and I will suffer the consequences. How many can
do this? I fear very few.