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Interesting scene from My Dinner with Andre. Is he right?

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posted on Aug, 6 2016 @ 01:45 PM
He talks about NYC but uses it as an example for the World.

I think theres some truth in whats hes saying.

Its something Alex used to talk about before he lost his mind.

This idea that TPTB dont want people to be strong, independent nor self-sufficient.

They want a weak, dumbed-down population who are dependent on government for everything.

Its only when we're strong and independent that we can put a stop to a government which thinks its ok to grope us before we fly or record everything we do or say, or confiscate our assets without a trial nor charges etc.

At the time of the video, that dumbing-down or brain washing took the form of TV, magazines and newspapers.

But the NWO has a new tool and it seems to be unbelievably effective.

edit on 6-8-2016 by gladtobehere because: wording

posted on Aug, 6 2016 @ 02:10 PM
a reply to: gladtobehere
Most of us make our own prisons. The guy with his seeds has made his.

edit on 6-8-2016 by ugmold because: typo

posted on Aug, 6 2016 @ 02:21 PM
Fairly good representation of the truth.
I feel it's more akin to human farming. We are the most precious resource on the planet after all.
This video has been linked and discussed here. But feel it's the best explanation of what is happening.

Taxes are our chains and the cage has become the entire planet.
To see the farm is to leave it...

posted on Aug, 6 2016 @ 02:23 PM
a reply to: gladtobehere

Here's what I don't understand. People complain that large amounts of people are brainwashed by tv, smartphones, etc, right? People also complain that the people who follow politics are brainwashed by different politicians and special interest groups, right? And those same people also complain that most people are too dumb to make up their own minds, right?

So why would anyone want the majority of people to stand up and do whatever against our current system if they also believe the majority of people are easily manipulated, easily brainwashed, and/or too dumb to make up our own minds? What would be the end result, anarchy or mob rule?

In short, why do you think the majority of people would be able to come up with a better system than what we have right now? Any system would still need leaders and some form of rules, particularly because there are too many people on this planet for us all to go our own way. Not to mention, humans are social creatures, which will inevitably lead to settlements, towns, and the such. They'd have to have rules (laws), otherwise there would be no safety or security. So someone would have to make the rules/laws, which would simply start the process all over again.

posted on Aug, 6 2016 @ 03:24 PM
a reply to: enlightenedservant

In short, why do you think the majority of people would be able to come up with a better system than what we have right now?

People would but aren't allowed to... Start a garden or small farm, raise chickens in their backyard, sell stuff on a street corner. The regulations (zoning) cost of permits and licensing, the bureaucratic burden prevents us from being free to pursue our dreams. All the people are allowed to do to be self sufficient is to work for a large corporation (fulfill their dreams) to pay mortgages, rent, utilities, payments, interest, ad infinitum and barely make enough scratch to keep up.

The entrepreneurship, the free spirit of enterprise (starting small and growing slow from ones own kitchen or garage) is denied anymore, just about anywhere. If you want to make a buck and sell some home made good where you feel like it, the cops will close you down for not halving a permit, which you can't get. People are forced to buy from mega corp alone. No competition for the big guys...

posted on Aug, 6 2016 @ 03:54 PM
a reply to: intrptr

Where do you live? Because it's nowhere near like that where I am (Down South).

Street vendors just need to get a cheap license. I won't give the exact details because I like my privacy, but it's less than $50 a year for a business license or "minimal activity license" here and less than $150 for a 2 week "transient vendor" license. And those fees are for if you live in the big city. It's roughly half that price if you're located in the county but outside of the city limits. In fact, I got my first business license when I was 18 & I think it cost a whopping $25 at the time.

And not only can we grow our own food here, but both my Mom and sister have urban gardens at their homes. In fact, I'm tempted to start one at my Dad's house (in another county), though I don't know if I'd be around enough to take care of it.

In other words, I'm not really buying your argument. The digital age has made entrepreneurship easy. Even kids can write their own apps, set up youtube channels, make $ from ads on a cheap blog, and find other easy ways to make money. And most states actually make it really easy to start a business, especially if you qualify as a "small business" or are located in a small county (small population).

But let's suppose that you were correct. Who's fault is that? "Government"? Citizens make up the government and HOA's decide their rules based on community interests. If people in the community didn't care so much about home resale values, a lot of the codes for what can be done with homes and in yards wouldn't exist.

In short, even if the citizens rose up and overthrew our current system, it wouldn't change the fundamental problem, which is people who constantly try to make rules against other people. There will always be nosy and controlling people. But without a system of rules, there's nothing that stops someone & their friends from dumping their waste on your property, stealing your crops, or just storming your land & pillaging.

My whole point is that people like to complain about how things are, but what's a better solution that 7.5 billion people in the world can agree on?

posted on Aug, 6 2016 @ 04:28 PM
I LOVED that movie! I'm still mad at myself for not buying 'My Dinner with Andre' action figures when I saw them in a Portland book store. They came with two wine glasses, if I remember correctly.

To answer your OP, most humans have always been in a prison of sorts. You either agree to live in some kind of cooperation and collusion with other flawed humans, or you strike out on your own, a circumstance not too different from banishment, which was often lethal.

As far as those photos of people staring at their palms goes, are they playing a video game like mindless zombies or are they accessing the totality of human knowledge while they're waiting in line somewhere? Because we've always had brainwashing (AKA religion/Santa Claus/falsified history); some people grow out of it, many never do.

The internet is a form of global telepathy. We'll either become the Borg or a global village.

You pick.

posted on Aug, 6 2016 @ 04:28 PM
edit on 6-8-2016 by SentientCentenarian because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 6 2016 @ 04:51 PM
a reply to: enlightenedservant

Blah, blah, of course you and all yours own homesteads can have livestock a permit to sell cheap , where at flea markets? Thats the only avenue round here. Thats a truck to transport your good there, an entrance fee, all the competition, yah making bank there.

My point was is I can't just go out on the corner and set up a little table and hang a sign down the street at all, period. There is no permit available for that.

Maybe in okeefenokee where ever you live, but not out here.

I can't have livestock, a garden, a home based business, a freakin garage sale, nothin.

posted on Aug, 6 2016 @ 07:02 PM
a reply to: enlightenedservant

humans are social creatures, which will inevitably lead to settlements, towns, and the such

What would be the end result, anarchy or mob rule?

You are set in your ways if you think the current system is stable - they print money with no value and debt is piled against the future taxation of your children and grandchildren - if that ain't anarchy I'm sorry I can't help you understand -

They'd have to have rules (laws), otherwise there would be no safety or security

What laws - they make them up as they go along - invade countries and kill millions all for loot and oil.

Why is it if you print money you are jailed and yet they print money out of nothing to bail out their banking mates?

Why are some penalties for white collar crime against the elite penalized heavier than crimes like home invasions, theft with force etc...

why do you think the majority of people would be able to come up with a better system than what we have right now?

What you mean how Bankers that game the system are never punished? hahahaha...

You honestly don't see the suffering around you..are you American by any chance? Oh thats right you are....

If you want some enlightenment ask yourself why Kennedy was assassinated

If the worlds oil wasn't traded in US$ you would possibly be living a vastly different lifestyle,

posted on Aug, 6 2016 @ 07:10 PM
a reply to: enlightenedservant

If people in the community didn't care so much about home resale values, a lot of the codes for what can be done with homes and in yards wouldn't exist.

What started off as effective codes for safety has grown to endless laws impinging on "being left alone"

My whole point is that people like to complain about how things are, but what's a better solution that 7.5 billion people in the world can agree on?

But this 7.5 b number you keep throwing around is irrelevant, Leaders that have been elected by the rule of lawapplicable to their country are deposed when not in the interest of the US or US corporations. Its like comparing apple to oranges - laws mean nothing when you've got the bigger gun.

All in the name of liberation of course...ya right

posted on Aug, 6 2016 @ 10:11 PM
a reply to: gladtobehere

Without a doubt, the greatest movie ever made of two people simply talking.

Actually, I need to watch it again, in full, for a refresher course in sensibility of the basic kind.

posted on Aug, 6 2016 @ 10:13 PM

originally posted by: intrptr
a reply to: enlightenedservant

Blah, blah, of course you and all yours own homesteads can have livestock a permit to sell cheap , where at flea markets? Thats the only avenue round here. Thats a truck to transport your good there, an entrance fee, all the competition, yah making bank there.

My point was is I can't just go out on the corner and set up a little table and hang a sign down the street at all, period. There is no permit available for that.

Maybe in okeefenokee where ever you live, but not out here.

I can't have livestock, a garden, a home based business, a freakin garage sale, nothin.

So, you are self-trapped as the movie character recited about the New Yorkers?

posted on Aug, 6 2016 @ 11:40 PM
a reply to: gladtobehere

Thank you OP for reminding me of this movie.
On the agenda for tonight.
Also, for another great move simply based around a conversation, check out "Mindwalk" 1990 w/Sam Waterston. John Heard, & Liv Ullman. (& Ione Skye,breifly.)

Oh, & yes, great clip, very spot on for a movie 35 years old.

edit on 8/6/2016 by ISeeTheFnords because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 6 2016 @ 11:52 PM
a reply to: intrptr

Sounds like you need to move. What craphole do you live in? I can literally do every single one of those things you listed. No truck or flea market or fees needed.

Small one family farmers markets all over. People selling melons or boiled peanuts or flowers out of their cars all over. Garage sales all over every weekend.

These are all things i have seen in the South in the county with tons of towns within as well as in a big city in the West with over a 500,000 population.

Personaly i think you need to move OR you are full of crap and are simply too lazy and afraid of nonexistent/enforced rules to do any of these things.
edit on 6-8-2016 by lightedhype because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 6 2016 @ 11:59 PM
Anyone remember The Bridge on the River Kwai? Where Alec Guinness plays the commander of a British unit taken prisoner by the Japanese during WWII?

The Japanese force them to build this bridge to aid them in their Asian campaign, and by the end of the movie he becomes so proud of what his men have built that he tries to stop the bridge from being destroyed by the Allies.

This conversation reminds me of that--how our prison can actually become a part of our identity, and something that we will fight to preserve, even if it's contrary to our own best interests.

It's a great movie, by the way. And I'm not a movie person.

posted on Aug, 7 2016 @ 08:23 AM
a reply to: Aliensun

So, you are self-trapped as the movie character recited about the New Yorkers?

Says the slave master...

Ahh, whats the matter, we took your land, family, freedom, brought you thousands of miles, sold you, chained you and force you to labor for nothing... and you just can't break free?

posted on Aug, 7 2016 @ 08:34 AM
a reply to: lightedhype

Sounds like you need to move. What craphole do you live in? I can literally do every single one of those things you listed. No truck or flea market or fees needed.

America, California, Megalopolis Urban sprawl, HOA to boot.

My mom suffered a stroke a couple years back. I'm designated primary care giver because rest of family has no concern.

So yah thanks, kind of stuck in a 'crap hole'.

posted on Feb, 21 2018 @ 12:25 AM

originally posted by: gladtobehere
He talks about NYC but uses it as an example for the World.

I think theres some truth in whats hes saying.

Its something Alex used to talk about before he lost his mind.

This idea that TPTB dont want people to be strong, independent nor self-sufficient.

They want a weak, dumbed-down population who are dependent on government for everything.

Its only when we're strong and independent that we can put a stop to a government which thinks its ok to grope us before we fly or record everything we do or say, or confiscate our assets without a trial nor charges etc.

At the time of the video, that dumbing-down or brain washing took the form of TV, magazines and newspapers.

But the NWO has a new tool and it seems to be unbelievably effective.

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