posted on Aug, 6 2016 @ 12:05 PM
The momma dog here at the house always takes a liking to young ones and usually she is the meanest of the two, The german shepards here are not bad
dogs but they tend to be very protective of the house and its members and can get down right mean growling and barking at folks that are unwelcome
except if they have babies then momma dog tends to go into momma mode and wants to be with the kid and snuggle and lick it etc etc its the strangest
thing. That being what it is I can see how a she wolf can take a shine to lost or abandoned babies cause like I said I can see that young ones do
something to the she doggie here that puts her into a caring and alert place. I do believe there is something to the thought that females share a
special bond regardless of species with young people and creatures.