posted on Aug, 6 2016 @ 08:55 AM
Just for UK members this one (and those who can pick up UK TV).
2 movies worth a watch tonight (Freeview 70): eXistenZ and Prince of Darkness.
Sandwiched between is Hostel: Part III...which you can afford to miss, but at least it gives your telly a chance to cool down between movies.
eXistenZ is set in the near future and provides a fascinating glimpse into a possible future of VR gaming. Quite complicated - needlessly so, I think
- dealing with the idea of a game within a game. If the experience is sufficiently will you know when the game is over?
Definitely worth your time but confusing if it's your first watch; you'll need to watch it more than once to figure out what's going on. Why it's
on the Horror channel I don't know. I wouldn't call it a horror film.
Prince of Darkness is written and directed by John Carpenter, which should be recommendation enough. As long as you don't have too many expectations,
this should creep you out nicely.
If, like me, you don't believe in the Devil, PoD will enable you to suspend your disbelief to some extent.