a reply to:
Right, take focus off Nazi influence, well before you try to tar and feather me take into account my own opinion on that particular subject.
I DO believe the US may have come into possession of at least one or maybe two Nazi saucers at or very close to the end of the war or perhaps they
were able to take custody of certain expert's in that field through operation paperclip.
However I do not believe the NAZI's built there saucers or that they had contact with little grey men.
I DO believe that the NAZI's did have an Antarctic base, maybe more than one and perhaps also south American base's even after the fall of Germany, I
do believe they were developing the Atomic bomb there and that they had a contingent of ELITE die hard no surrender Nazi troop's and that the story
about Operation High Jump is accurate and they were attacked by a Nazi operated device.
However while I do not buy the story of Hitler meeting little grey men (he met plenty of them but they were his own followers in there grey
uniform's) I do indeed believe there was a strong Demonic presence at work in Nazi Germany.
I do not however believe that they gained there Flying Disc science from the Demonic but rather that it was salvaged and reverse engineered
technology that I believe the NAZI's themselves could not understand though they were perhaps' able to repair it enough to get partial operational
functionality and perhaps even replicate it crudely with no real understanding of the principles upon which it operated.
If you have followed my post's on other thread's then you know that I am a proponent of the idea that one probable site of such salvaged technology
was outside the old medieval precinct's and wall's of the old city of Nuremburg were in 1561 a spectacular aerial battle was witnessed by the
The famous wood carving of the event was made nearly 5 years afterwards and was based on the artists interpretation's of what he had heard, now look
to the right of the image, see the plume of smoke indicating a crash site, it is possible there were numerous actual crash site's from this aerial
battle between two opposing forces that fought over the primitive city below and fought for who knows what reason, they may even have been two
different races and perhaps the human's below them were the prize, it would be comforting to think that perhaps one side was protecting the primitive
culture below from the other's wish to exploit it somehow and discomforting to wonder which side actually lost.
In the latter 1930's the Nazi's performed massive construction's, building a huge parade ground and stadium for there Nazi rally's in Nuremburg, of
course it was one of the seat's of the NAZI party's rise to power but of course you must also recognize that it was also the perfect pretext under
which to perform massive excavation's of the site, level the terrain and perhaps retrieve whatever was left of the buried crashed aerial vehicles
which had been witnessed nearly 400 years prior to there probable recovery being shot down, they may even have obtained vehicles or rather the
remains' of vehicles from both side's in that conflict and to have been able to cobble together pieces or even to have gotten one of them to work like
I pointed out earlier.
As you also know the Ahnenerb whom were intimately related to the black sun pagan German nationalist's whom believed in a fairy tale romanticized and
mostly made up history for the German people were very highly influential in the third Reich and indeed essential to the NAZI propaganda machine, they
believed whole heartedly in a former super civilization that once existed but had been destroyed in distant antiquity and even sent expedition's to
the furthest corners of the world in search of lost record's (they also seized entire library's from secret orders in country's they invaded during
the war) and evidence of the ancient super technology that they believed in which of course mean's that they DID excavate Nuremburg in search of those
crash site's.
Now like I said did the US then recover perhaps even one of the original craft and could the Roswell incident which is fairly closely timed with the
operation high jump story mean that the US could have been test flying either one of these cobbled together wreck's or even a NAZI reverse engineered
disc (Assuming they could even attempt to reverse engineer one, imagine trying to replicate a silicon chip with only valve production and science to
go by).
However the NAZI bell experiment would suggest that the NAZI's had at least one working model of an engine, perhaps recovered from the remains' of
one of these craft or reverse engineered from them and personally I do not buy the idea that Victor Schauberger's implosion engine was the source of
this tech.
So what I am saying is that perhaps you should take your foot out of your mouth before accusing someone in the wrong.
It is perhaps plausible also that the US operation was at least partially successful in retrieving technology and defeating at least one NAZI hold
out in Antarctica but I believe given Admiral Byrd's statement about craft that could fly from pole to pole in hours that it is more likely they were
beaten back after recovering SOME technology.
You may also be aware of this,
Now think on this, the US priority's had shifted from destroying the NAZI's to recovering there technological advancement's in order to face off
against the newly rearmed soviet union with whom they were ideologically opposed so it is also probable that if the operation highjump was a failure
they would instead have offered safe sanctuary to the same fanatical NAZI's and perhaps even there own autonomy somewhere in south America or even
within the US for the small price of sharing there invention's and or recovered reverse engineered saucer technology.
You may also be aware that after the war the NAZI's own intelligence operatives were first invited in to the US secret service's and later more or
less took them over entirely during the cold war establishing there own place in the military industrial establishment of the US, this is of course a
no less disputed fact but one that may be even more unpleasant to think about.
IF they kept control of there tech they may have only milked it to the US until such time as they had sufficiently infiltrated the US intelligence
and corporate infrastructure to establish themselves as untouchable's.
Do they have UFO's, I suspect that maybe yes but also maybe even with today's technology there is technology in those machine's which is still not
reverse engineerable due to it's nature, either beyond our level of understanding and/or perhaps even operating on other dimensional principle's.
SO once again even if they did have any ship's of that type (Which given the fact they were deployed from two large MOTHER SHIP's over Nuremburg in
1561 are probably or even definitely not capable of interstellar flight) then they probably only have them in extremely limited numbers and have
reverse engineered what they can and kept what they can not until such time as we can at least begin to understand them.
Further to this following the war Allied bomb disposal squad's (or those masquerading as such) would have been able to operate with impunity at
edit on 5-8-2016 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)