Originally posted by creamsoda
With all this war on terrorism going on today, I have always wondered that since the day of 9-11-01, if there will ever be another peace time
for the United States. We are at wartime now, and it is getting really old.
Its been a few years. Vietnam was 10. And the allies didn't get bored with the threat of nazi domination.
I like George Bush, but the dumb guy should have gotten Osama Bin Laden while he had him in his hands. Now he has let him go. My opinion is that
the only reason why he caught Saddam, is because Saddam is the one that fought his father in the Gulf War. So GWB just got mad and went after him.
Anyways on to my subject. All of the things going on now, establishing a new government, raiding the middle east of all evil, is NEVER going to
And of course as we continue to send troops over there, to let them die for no reason, we caught what/who we were after, why dont we retreat
and come home? Yea im sure the US is scared of being raided, but let it go for a little bit and see what happens.
Letting it go was what the US practiced for years. THe results were the original world trade center bombing, the embassy bombings, the attack on the
Cole, and finally 911.
Just keep up a tight guard while staying at peacetime.
Better to fight a prolonged and difficult war abroad than have massive restrictions on your own people and live under a siege mentality.
I remember when I was a little boy, peace time was so great, nothing was wrong, the society was great. Until 9-11, all hell broke loose, and the US
immediately went to war. There will be another holocaust, but I gurantee that it will be nuclear.
Your guarentees are pretty meaningless especially if you were a 'little boy' bewhen there were no wars.
The more our technology advances, the more the world destroys itsself.
Technological advancement has resulted in less destructive wars. Instead of a heap of rubble and fire, baghdad is a city that has sanitation
And it will destroy itsself, due to our advanced technology. Im starting to not want to be here. Its a scary place.
The world has allways been a scary place. Best to get used to it, or maybe adapt to it.
Im not skitzo or anything, im just saying, think about it, there probably wont be another peace time.
When is this mystical 'peace time' that you talk off? After WWII there was the korean war, the colonial wars for the europeans, part of which
became the vietnam war for the US, then the south american little wars, the constant threat of soviet invasion of eastern europe, then revolutions in
the middle east that resulted in a new era of hostage taking and more fighting by proxy, the somali expedition and the first gulf war the balkan war
and now the afghan war and iraq war. You'd have to be, what, 5 to have not been around in wartime?
What you suggest is 910 thinking, and isn't even doable. When extermination camps are set up in iraq by iraqis after a US withdrawl, when saudi
arabia is threatened by Iranian territorial expansion by US withdrawl, what exactly do you think the US is going to do? Nothing? Stand by and let
what would happen happen?
Lots of people suggested similar thinking in the lead up to WWI. The delay in US involvment probably resulted in a much more deadly and destructive
war. Hell, permanent non-involvment of the US could've resulted in Europe being ruled by the Kaiser right now, or similar thinking in wwii could've
resulted in nazi nukes and nazi europe and the complete exterminination of entire peoples. I mean, its like saying, after pearl harbour, that the
japanese were right to attack the US, and that, either way, the US should abandon the terribly destructive and much longer war.