a reply to:
I don't doubt your honesty DC, never did. I took that line from you as honesty and as you say ciggy butt littering has not been on your radar. And
that is the larger issue of how we pay attention to the world around us that interests me.
What is and what is not on our radar.
There are many things that are not on my radar, but I am hard pressed to think of them right now (certainly) so I will use yours instead. You are a
smoker I gather from some of your posts. Fine. I used to be but it was making me sick and killing me and I finally over them now for 30 years. But
that is not the issue. The issue is things beyond our radar. So here we are again with what is not on your radar. OK?
You are a smoker in a nation where most all the people used to embrace smoking. But in the last 50 years more and more has come to light about it's
dangers, it's propaganda (sales approaches) the lies the industry perpetuates not only in advertising, merchandising and before congressional
hearings, but also to the millions of dollars that have been pumped into the so called 'scientific studies' that prove that smoking is not dangerous
to peoples health.
Then there is the general over all knowledge today of just how off putting it is to the people around us, not only in closed rooms but in out door
venues too. And also there is the butt issue, which to people like me who were taught from early childhood that littering is the simplest form of
social neglect. The case against cigarettes has been made to an astounding degree, seems to me. Yet.
So many smokers still think that the government and the liberals and the wussies are trying to take away their rights to do what they want and they
all want to smoke and that this smoking is one example of their love of freedom.
But anyone who does not know by now that smoking is not only a killer, but more than that, the result of the industry's continued control over so much
of the population, of the industry's captive (CAPTIVE) smokers is blinded by their own sense of self evaluation, which was instilled by those very
corporations in the first place. (see any number of commercials that used to promote smoking as a badge of freedom)
So for a smoker to admit that cigarette butts littering up the place is not something that has ever entered their radar only points to the complete
success of the con job that has, not in the issue of smoking alone, but larger issues been forming this society around us now for ages.
I was a sucker for smokes. I have been a sucker for numerous other 'cons' through out my life and I am sure still am, just as you are a sucker for
smokes now. You have had this at least as a 'blind' spot in your consciousness, just as you say. But recognizing these blind spots within our selves,
these myopic blindness's can suggest that we, none of us, are as right about the world as we would wish ourselves to be.