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"If the other candidate wins, America is screwed"

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posted on Aug, 2 2016 @ 04:41 AM
I have found the single common denominator shared by the majority of voters. I ask myself 'what has led to this point in history where we find ourselves in such agreement that we are drowning each other out preaching to the choir'.

You see, for me the 2-party system is exactly that - vote for who you want, government always wins. I see one side of this coin as 'The Warpigs' and the other side as 'Hope you like the change'.

Because that's what the American government does, they war and change sh!t, have done for over 50 years.

Trump and Hillary are the latest muppets to be paraded before the masses and still, online and in newspapers and magazines everyone is like we're gonna go to the polls and EVERYBODY is gonna vote, because #ed if I'm gonna let that # win

Sound familiar?

"If the other candidate wins, America is screwed" bears repeating at this point because I'm attempting to paint a picture for you until you come to the realization yourself as to what I am getting at. You see, in Americas rich and diverse history, it is only in the last 110 years or so that things actually started to go south. I like to use the October 23rd, 1913 Federal Reserve Act as a good benchmark as to when, what and who started her on the road to becoming the military-Industrialized behemoth it is today, dubbed in some circles as The House of War.

It's a big house, bigger than most folks think. Every time you turn on the TV, radio, log in online - you are subjecting yourself to the possibility of being persuaded to think a certain way about a certain topic, from breakfast cereals to beheadings. In this same way, propaganda is designed to entrench itself on your psyche based upon the parameters set and your social/political/financial/religious choices you have made within those parameters.

Who sets the parameters?

The parameters are set by those who control, own and bankroll propaganda outlets - main stream media, many ATS members can rattle off dozens of such TV and ONLINE outlets covering all sides of the political spectrum. The propaganda outlets are merely one wing of the Military / Industrial complex. The going-forth into sovereign territory carrying Halliburton, McDonalds and the Federal Reserve in it's wake is the strong-arm weapon

Dozens, and within those are the giants, with global membership in the hundreds of millions of people from many countries, all logging in to the same few websites, TV channels.

Imagine going to the polls in November going "right, I'm not gonna vote for (R) and I'm not gonna vote for (D) THIS TIME I'm gonna give the benefit of the doubt to my fellow American citizen that they could be right....and that if my candidate wins, we could be screwed.

Since human nature dictates that all Hillary supporters would like all Trump supporters to acknowledge this possibility, and vice-versa, and since we have heard the reasons why, from both sides, the logical choice would then be to vote for any other person whose platform is based upon the preservation of the Constitution of the United States of America - anyone who fits that bill except the 2 current candidates.

A 3rd party candidate could be Americas saving grace, unbeknown to even them right now.

My campaign slogan is "OK, we believe you, lets all vote 3rd party and take America back again".

posted on Aug, 2 2016 @ 04:54 AM

My campaign slogan is "OK, we believe you, lets all vote 3rd party and take America back again".

But , we cant trust 3rd party candidates , either . Most are for the same ideals and policies as the major parties. TPP , firearm control , globalization , you name it. Its just they are not listened to as much and/or arent spewing rhetoric and tripe at each other . But the same , nevertheless

edit on 8/2/16 by Gothmog because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 2 2016 @ 04:58 AM
a reply to: Sublimecraft

An Aussie points out the truth while the American populace is caught up in the fireworks.

At least the election this time around is amusing for those of us that realize it's simply a joke.

posted on Aug, 2 2016 @ 05:01 AM
@ Gothmog

OK, look at it like this.

1. If you're a Hillary supporter, and she suddenly dropped out of the race, is there any third party candidate you think is better than Trump right now?
2. If you're a Trump supporter, and he suddenly dropped out of the race, is there any third party candidate you think is better than Hillary right now?

Dems + Trump win = we're screwed.
Reps + Hillary win = we're screwed.
3rd party win = less/equally/more screwed?
edit on 2-8-2016 by Sublimecraft because: @ Gothmog

posted on Aug, 2 2016 @ 05:09 AM
When a group of people is used to privilege, they will find equality oppressive.

For a certain group of people Trump is their last hope of returning America to the good old days.

For others, this is a fight about whether or not they will be able to marry their partner in the future, whether or not their parents will be deported and for others a fight over whether or not their family will be turned back and not allowed to enter this country because they just happened to practice the wrong religion.

posted on Aug, 2 2016 @ 05:10 AM
Mr. Johnson has solid ideas, but knowing he won't get more than 5% of the vote means I'm not wasting my vote on him.

Jill Stein believes Wi-Fi signals are toxic, and vaccinnes cause autism...nuff said.

posted on Aug, 2 2016 @ 05:20 AM
a reply to: muse7


I'm curious, run with me for a moment, because you touch on a good point with Johnson. Hypothetically, say Hillary dropped out and it came down to Trump or someone else / a 3rd party nominee. How would you vote on Nov 8th?

posted on Aug, 2 2016 @ 05:24 AM
a reply to: Sublimecraft

No, he doesn't touch on a good point with Johnson. Watch the guy in any interview and you will see he is a quack.

posted on Aug, 2 2016 @ 05:24 AM

originally posted by: Sublimecraft
Dems + Trump win = we're screwed.
Reps + Hillary win = we're screwed.
3rd party win = less/equally/more screwed?

Dems = Slow Death - Hunger Games scenario after America implodes on its on debt.
Reps = Fast Death - Nuclear war with Russia and China.
3rd = internal civil war. The screwedness will depend upon how much US military is on the side of the American peasants. Mad Max anybody or zombie outbreak ?

posted on Aug, 2 2016 @ 05:36 AM
I dont see how anyone can vote for Republicans or Democrats anymore... how many decades of failed policies and encroachment on our civil rights have both parties been responsible for and yet people still say voting third party is a waste of a vote.

The programming of the American people has been very very effective.

posted on Aug, 2 2016 @ 06:17 AM
a reply to: Sublimecraft

The attitude ought to be:

"If EITHER candidate gains the presidency, we are screwed".

But that would require intellectual honesty from all involved.

posted on Aug, 2 2016 @ 06:44 AM
a reply to: TrueBrit

I have to agree. I realize voting third party in this election will not change the outcome. Either Clinton though more likely Trump will be elected if the vote goes to the republican majority house.

Voting for either of the two main parties is not thinking future progress. Voting outside will create real change since there will be more variety in future elections! Candidates can't just win based on their team...they will have to prove they are worthy of a vote. It gives voters more power!

I am choosing Johnson, not because I think he will win, but he is the only candidate who really has a good chance to create change in the political structure this election! I would say that voting for the same old two parties, is actually the wasted vote towards any real progress or change!

posted on Aug, 2 2016 @ 06:52 AM
a reply to: Sublimecraft

Every time you turn on the TV, radio, log in online - you are subjecting yourself to the possibility of being persuaded to think a certain way about a certain topic, from breakfast cereals to beheadings. In this same way, propaganda is designed to entrench itself on your psyche based upon the parameters set and your social/political/financial/religious choices you have made within those parameters.

You seem to think that free speech is dangerous. What is your alternative?

posted on Aug, 2 2016 @ 06:58 AM

originally posted by: muse7Jill Stein believes[...] vaccinnes cause autism...nuff sa .

No she doesn't, read the interview where that started, she questioned the role of pharmaceutical companies in conjunction with the healthcare system.

She not some hippy-dippy homeopathic fool like the media- the common connection in all this, want to portray her as.

edit on 8/2/2016 by eNumbra because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 2 2016 @ 06:59 AM

originally posted by: Rapha
Dems = Slow Death - Hunger Games scenario after America implodes on its on debt.
Reps = Fast Death - Nuclear war with Russia and China.

Why is it always nuclear option with Trump? I see him as a a slower acting poison than Hillary, one that American could weather through for 4 years. Heck, we survived Obama for 8.

Nuclear war is bad for business.

posted on Aug, 2 2016 @ 07:27 AM

originally posted by: Teikiatsu
Why is it always nuclear option with Trump? I see him as a a slower acting poison than Hillary, one that American could weather through for 4 years. Heck, we survived Obama for 8.

Nuclear war is bad for business.

Oops. Thanks for pointing that out. You are right, Hilary wants the nuclear war. Trump wants the Hunger Games after he builds his prison wall.

Interesting how the NWO leader in Hunger Games is Donald Sutherland who has the same forename as Trump. Its almost like Hollywood knows the real future.

posted on Aug, 2 2016 @ 07:28 AM

originally posted by: Sublimecraft
I have found the single common denominator shared by the majority of voters. I ask myself 'what has led to this point in history where we find ourselves in such agreement that we are drowning each other out preaching to the choir'.

You see, for me the 2-party system is exactly that - vote for who you want, government always wins. I see one side of this coin as 'The Warpigs' and the other side as 'Hope you like the change'.

Because that's what the American government does, they war and change sh!t, have done for over 50 years.

Trump and Hillary are the latest muppets to be paraded before the masses and still, online and in newspapers and magazines everyone is like we're gonna go to the polls and EVERYBODY is gonna vote, because #ed if I'm gonna let that # win

Sound familiar?

"If the other candidate wins, America is screwed" bears repeating at this point because I'm attempting to paint a picture for you until you come to the realization yourself as to what I am getting at. You see, in Americas rich and diverse history, it is only in the last 110 years or so that things actually started to go south. I like to use the October 23rd, 1913 Federal Reserve Act as a good benchmark as to when, what and who started her on the road to becoming the military-Industrialized behemoth it is today, dubbed in some circles as The House of War.

It's a big house, bigger than most folks think. Every time you turn on the TV, radio, log in online - you are subjecting yourself to the possibility of being persuaded to think a certain way about a certain topic, from breakfast cereals to beheadings. In this same way, propaganda is designed to entrench itself on your psyche based upon the parameters set and your social/political/financial/religious choices you have made within those parameters.

Who sets the parameters?

The parameters are set by those who control, own and bankroll propaganda outlets - main stream media, many ATS members can rattle off dozens of such TV and ONLINE outlets covering all sides of the political spectrum. The propaganda outlets are merely one wing of the Military / Industrial complex. The going-forth into sovereign territory carrying Halliburton, McDonalds and the Federal Reserve in it's wake is the strong-arm weapon

Dozens, and within those are the giants, with global membership in the hundreds of millions of people from many countries, all logging in to the same few websites, TV channels.

Imagine going to the polls in November going "right, I'm not gonna vote for (R) and I'm not gonna vote for (D) THIS TIME I'm gonna give the benefit of the doubt to my fellow American citizen that they could be right....and that if my candidate wins, we could be screwed.

Since human nature dictates that all Hillary supporters would like all Trump supporters to acknowledge this possibility, and vice-versa, and since we have heard the reasons why, from both sides, the logical choice would then be to vote for any other person whose platform is based upon the preservation of the Constitution of the United States of America - anyone who fits that bill except the 2 current candidates.

A 3rd party candidate could be Americas saving grace, unbeknown to even them right now.

My campaign slogan is "OK, we believe you, lets all vote 3rd party and take America back again".

So when exactly was America a better place than today lol???

posted on Aug, 2 2016 @ 07:32 AM
a reply to: Teikiatsu

Why is it always nuclear option with Trump? I see him as a a slower acting poison than Hillary, one that American could weather through for 4 years. Heck, we survived Obama for 8.

There is no danger of a nuclear confrontation with Russia under Trump: Trump is a Russian puppet. The danger is that by betraying our allies, we will not be supported any more and be forced into a long period of isolation and decay. (Of course, if China decides to pull a Putin and annex Vladivostok for the sake of the ethnic Chinese there....)

posted on Aug, 2 2016 @ 07:33 AM
a reply to: Teikiatsu

I don't know about Trump. I simply cannot find a trace of uprightness in his behaviour - every interview of him I hear, he will derail at moments' notice with his motive to do so unknown and unpredictable.

Either his interviews are ridiculously edited, or he has the attention span of a four year old child. He seems to be all about himself, and anything not about himself has to be about himself - this tendency makes it hard to listen to him..

But I digress.

You need a third party. And your vote would not be lost - as it is counted. If you don't believe in possible change by doing so, you will never achieve democracy. Right now you have a neverending oligarchy with eternal presidential families.

posted on Aug, 2 2016 @ 07:39 AM

I like this..I will stand behind you on this. Mostly because all I've heard all year from various outlets is that we need to take back our country... but we continue to vote/do the same things that has taken our country away from us..If this is truly what Americans make a change...why do we still vote the same way?

It makes no sense to me...if I was really wanting change..I would take every opportunity to make that is one of those least in my mind.

So, I am going to vote third party..independent of the big two party leaders. Worse case vote doesn't count..which is what most Americans believe case scenario..we make a change...either way, I have nothing to lose by doing this...

edit on 2-8-2016 by blend57 because: (no reason given)

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