posted on Aug, 1 2016 @ 11:05 PM
originally posted by: bigfatfurrytexan
no, this is ok. its from before Neuremburg, when we decided to punish the Nazi's for things the whole world had been doing up until that point.
Granted, the Nazi's took it to a much higher degree....but make no mistake: Hitler isn't the only monster lurking in history during that time.
Thanks for sharing. Im pretty well aware of the public info on the US. Maybe understanding Europe would help. The 40's were a time that is right on
the heels of eugenics falling out of fashion. Seeing this happen in the 30's...not quite as surprising. And is more likely borne of Imperialism and
British exceptionalism.
You know what you have pointed out is spot on, in fact the British I have to say with an awful lot of shame were responsible for most of the ideology
that inspired the NAZI's and there racially motivated crime's.
In the 1800's through to as late as the 1950's nearly all depiction's of English youth showed athletic blonde kid's though most English and indeed
British are brown haired, the square jawed Aryan stereotype was a favourite of the English literary community as well as evidenced in there art work,
if for example you ever get the chance to review a 1930's English library all you would have to do is to change the language of the work's to German
and they would not be out of place at all.
We sadly originated the concept of inferior races thanks' to the Royal society's adoption of Darwinian theory and whether correct or not the
definitely incorrect ethical ramifications this posed to our view of other nation's especially those non European people's under British rule whom
were portrayed as barely human or of low intelligence and unable to run there own affair's or as untrustworthy and treacherous, themes which continued
even in movies until as late as the 1950's.
During the Boar war the British army gathered Afrikaans men woman and children into Concentration camp's, so named as they were concentrated into
them, they had little or no food, no water and no medical provision or shelter, needless to say the death's in these camp's were so horrendous that
when the news of this treatment of the white south African settlers whom were at war with the British empire finally reached the Victorian British
public it was greeted with dual acceptance and disbelief so it remains' a stain on British history.
There is even a rumour that Hitler stayed in England between the war's before returning to Germany and apparently in the city of Liverpool were one
rumour claimed that he had an illegitimate son by his landlady.
This is interesting though.
And there is one thing we can Give the German's, they did not use there own soldiers as guinea pig's they used there innocent and unfortunate
prisoners instead but as for Mengele well have you heard of a doctor Coleman.
I do not know if the butcher whom experimented upon Poor and Black US citizen's by that name was any relative but another doctor or maybe even the
same one in 1930's Britain also called Coleman and a doctor MacFarland under him experimented upon children here most of whom died as a result of
there experimentation at Alder Hey and Olive Mount hospitals in Liverpool, my mother was one such child whom was lucky to escape there clutch's but
only after he had mutilated her body, she was three years of age and has been disabled her entire life as a result of there action's which consisted
of grafting infected tissue (bone marrow infected by Osteomyelitis) from one patient to a healthy subject to see how the subject's body reacted, we
know this from my mother's own history but you will not find documentation about it outside of medical circles in the UK.