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Hillary Takes Huge Lead in new Poll

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posted on Aug, 1 2016 @ 03:29 AM

originally posted by: TheKnightofDoom
a reply to: nomoredemsorreps

So when she wins will you all just claim she cheated?.
Oh and she will guys are decked either way 350 million people to choose from and you picked a baffoon and a criminal....

Seriously. Are you blind? Because anyone who has read the leaked emails KNOWS she has already cheated. But hey, make sure to spit the dirt out of your mouth when you lift it from that hole in the ground you're using.

And I gotta love how finding the rare person who is actually going to vote for Hillary (unless you're one of the many shills the Democratic Party has budgeted (and don't try denying this, because this was also leaked in spreadsheets of the DNC) is paying a total of 1M dollars for, manages to ignore ALL the links I present that show voting for Hillary is a vote for NEOCONS. Like a web search for 'mena airport bush clinton', where 3 teenaged kids were murdered by the people behind the Clintons and Bushes, or 'moriarty benghazi clinton dia' to find out what REALLY happened in Libya and what Hillary was doing there (proverbially speaking of course, she way too much of a coward to actually get down and dirty).

Can't manage to respond to any of those, but you somehow get locked onto some 'will you be upset' ditty. Like some 6 year old child who wants others to get upset over their tantrums. Just gotta SMH...I've learned to ignore this kind of person, since you don't listen to any discourse, and already have your agenda...hope you're actually being paid to be a fool, and not doing it for free!

posted on Aug, 1 2016 @ 03:30 AM
Ah, you people are funny. Trump will win by landslide and it won't be close. It was said today (or yesterday now) That Clinton/Kaine had to cancel a Cleveland Rally due to lack of interest.

Meanwhile, Trump fills Arenas, Stadiums, in every state, every city, for the last year, several times a month. Just check out some of Right Side Broadcasting's video's on YT.

These pollsters (and Slate is extremely left-biased btw) and no other website is reporting close to numbers like that. Not that it matters, cause even the polls you would think you could trust the most are wrong.

Trump just has to put a lot of money into making sure the voting is fair and on the up and up, and he will be the next POTUS.

All this other stuff is just background noise. But seriously, check out Trump's gigantic rally crowds, and then see if you can find any where Hillary is speaking to more than a couple hundred people (aside from the DNC, where half the Bernie people walked out LOL, and they paid people to fill the seats and cheer)

As Mr. Trump says, this is a movement, and we will not be stopped.

But please continue your banter like SHilldabeast has snowball's chance in hell.

posted on Aug, 1 2016 @ 03:42 AM
a reply to: nomoredemsorreps

Agenda? I'm no fan of Hilary dude she is as bad a choice for president as Trump is.
Trump has no chance sorry but he hasn't.
The FBI chose not to press any charges I agree they should have but they didn't I think that was the last chance to stop her becoming president.I can't see anything stopping her now.
Oh and fool? I think the foolish are the people supporting any of these two.
edit on 1-8-2016 by TheKnightofDoom because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 1 2016 @ 04:11 AM

originally posted by: TheKnightofDoom
a reply to: nomoredemsorreps

Agenda? I'm no fan of Hilary dude she is as bad a choice for president as Trump is.
Trump has no chance sorry but he hasn't.
The FBI chose not to press any charges I agree they should have but they didn't I think that was the last chance to stop her becoming president.I can't see anything stopping her now.
Oh and fool? I think the foolish are the people supporting any of these two.

Actually there is something else rumors are starting to fly about her health. Apparently she has to go home and rest on thr campaign trail. So her staff claimed she disapears. At first I thought this rumor which even Trump has mentioned is silly. But than I remember she has a stroke in 2012. And had to have surgery to remove a brain clot. And than I've seen videos that lead me to believe she is having neurological problems. In one video she had what I would call a seizure right on camera. Then there is a speech she actually passed out and it's happened more than once. Watching her coughing fits she's had several now may be medication related. If she's taking ACE inhibitors dor stress i. Ab arrempt to prevent further strokes that would explain her coughing fits.

Her campaign staff has been leaking information on her Health or so is claimed on the net.
edit on 8/1/16 by dragonridr because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 1 2016 @ 04:36 AM
a reply to: dragonridr

That could do her campaign in I agree and for the record If I had to pick between the two I would vote Trump just for the roller coaster ride ahead.
Can you find that video for me btw?.

posted on Aug, 1 2016 @ 04:54 AM

originally posted by: TheKnightofDoom
a reply to: dragonridr

That could do her campaign in I agree and for the record If I had to pick between the two I would vote Trump just for the roller coaster ride ahead.
Can you find that video for me btw?.

Herr is the video if I had to guess from a neurological stand point the cold beverage caused a seizure. Same reason epileptics avoid ice cream.
edit on 8/1/16 by dragonridr because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 1 2016 @ 05:40 AM

originally posted by: EntirelySomeoneElse
a reply to: slider1982

That was a very tight election though. Polls have several points as their margin of error.

You are missing the point, it was billed as the impossible win for leave, with uncertainty and a absurd amount of scaremongering yet the people still voted to leave.

Who would have said a year ago that the current situation could even exist? Trump v Hillary and lets be honest she is in a whole lot of hurt with what is going on. The media and the powers at be are crapping themselves that Trump could actually win the election.


posted on Aug, 1 2016 @ 05:51 AM

originally posted by: TheKnightofDoom
a reply to: nomoredemsorreps

Agenda? I'm no fan of Hilary dude she is as bad a choice for president as Trump is.
Trump has no chance sorry but he hasn't.
The FBI chose not to press any charges I agree they should have but they didn't I think that was the last chance to stop her becoming president.I can't see anything stopping her now.
Oh and fool? I think the foolish are the people supporting any of these two.

Yeah, sorry about that. Didn't realize you weren't a fan. I'm also not sold on Trump, but if I had to make a choice between the two of them, it's no contest IMO. Trump obviously has mob ties, because you don't build skyscrapers in NYC/NJ unless the mob approves. But he's also done things, according to witnesses that have no reason to lie, that show he's not an outwardly evil guy.

You really need to be careful of the things mainstream media puts out. Because they are lying through their teeth when they say things like Trump is racist. There is no proof of that at all. But he IS a billionaire, and I don't know any billionaires that haven't gotten that way without trouncing on top of SOMEONE. People have this great image of Bill Gates, but he lied, and destroyed and stole software from a ton of smaller companies in building Mirosoft. And he's got a better rep than any other billionaire I've read on. And believe me, he's a freaking creep...

Whatever you do, don't vote liberatarian. That Gary Johnson guy is buddies with the Bush family, and Bill Weld is one of the authors of the North American Union doc advocating the combo of Canada/USA/Mexico as a step towards their version of a one-world gov't (which isn't a bad idea, except for the fact of the people that want to CONTROL said world gov't, who are freaking evil). So the neocons basically took over the libertarian party this year and a lot of us libertarians are not at all happy about it.

Edited to add the fact that Bill Weld was also the main US Attorney in DC who helped to kill any investigation of Mena Airport and the CIA involvement (along with Bush and Clinton) in running coc aine into this country to finance the arms they were selling and giving away). He was 'rewarded' with a governorship in Massachusetts. I know this because I lived there, and no one had heard a PEEP about BIll Weld--he came up out of NOWHERE to run on the Republican ticket and won. Just shows how corrupt the election process is in this country... He's also a member of the council on foreign relations, which is nothing but clones for Rockefeller and that elite crowd and a bunch of globalists to boot.

So no, I'm definitely not voting Liberatarian this year either.
edit on 1-8-2016 by nomoredemsorreps because: added bill weld evil and corruption

posted on Aug, 1 2016 @ 06:00 AM

originally posted by: slider1982

originally posted by: EntirelySomeoneElse
a reply to: slider1982

That was a very tight election though. Polls have several points as their margin of error.

You are missing the point, it was billed as the impossible win for leave, with uncertainty and a absurd amount of scaremongering yet the people still voted to leave.

Who would have said a year ago that the current situation could even exist? Trump v Hillary and lets be honest she is in a whole lot of hurt with what is going on. The media and the powers at be are crapping themselves that Trump could actually win the election.


What's bothersome to realize is that even with all the scathing news coming out, what with the DNC deliberately cooking the works to get her nominated, the emails that show her lack of attention to things supposedly important to keep from foreign elements, the complete lack of people that show up at her meetings compared to Trump, the hundreds of youtube videos informing on the prior crimes of the Clintons...even with all that, she just ignores it as if it doesn't MATTER at all.

But make no mistake. If she wins, there's going to be a revolution in this country. Almost everyone I know is anti-Clinton. No, EVERYONE I KNOW is anti-Clinton and vehemently so. Even the people I meet on the street and tell about what's going on in the gov't...I have still not met ONE person who claims to vote for Hillary! I'm talking black/white/hispanic/asian. Not ONE.

So it's worrisome in a sense, because where are all these supposed voters for clinton? I don't think they exist except in the bowels of voting machine electrons...

posted on Aug, 1 2016 @ 06:21 AM
First off, I don't believe or should i say, I believe the polls have always been tilted.

Hopefully they will backfire as people think hillary has a lock and will not come out to vote for her.

So, here's a little levity before dinner.

Donald leans over, and With A smile on his face, says, "The media is really tearing you apart for That Scandal."

Hillary: "You mean my lying about Benghazi?"
Trump: "No, the other one."
Hillary: "You mean the massive voter fraud?"
Trump: "No, the other one."
Hillary: "You mean the military not getting their votes counted?"
Trump: "No, the other one."
Hillary: "Using my secret private server with classified material to Hide my Activities?"
Trump: "No, the other one."
Hillary: "The NSA monitoring our phone calls, emails and everything Else?"
Trump: "No, the other one."
Hillary: "Using the Clinton Foundation as a cover for tax evasion, Hiring Cronies, And taking bribes from foreign countries?
Trump: "No, the other one."
Hillary: "You mean the drones being operated in our own country without The Benefit of the law?"
Trump: "No, the other one."
Hillary: "Giving 123 Technologies $300 Million, and right afterward it Declared Bankruptcy and was sold to the Chinese?"
Trump: "No, the other one."
Hillary: "You mean arming the Muslim Brotherhood and hiring them in the White House?"
Trump: "No, the other one."
Hillary: "Whitewater, Watergate committee, Vince Foster, commodity Deals?"
Trump: "No the other one:"
Hillary: "The funding of neoNazis in the Ukraine that led to the toppling of the democratically elected president and to the biggest crisis that country has had since WWII ?"
Trump: "No the other one:"
Hillary: "Turning Libya into chaos?"
Trump: "No the other one:"
Hillary: "Being the mastermind of the so-called “Arab Spring” that only brought chaos, death and destruction to the Middle East and North Africa ?
Trump: "No the other one:"
Hillary: "Leaving four Americans to die in Benghazi and go to sleep?
Trump: "No the other one:"
Hillary: "Trashing Mubarak, one of our few Muslim friends?"
Trump: "No the other one:"
Hillary: "Encouraging and supporting the murders of Palestinians and the destruction of their homes, towns and villages by Israel ?"
Trump: "No the other one:"
Hillary: "The funding and arming of terrorists in Syria, the destruction and destabilization of that nation, giving the order to our lapdogs in Turkey and Saudi Arabia to give sarin gas to the "moderate" terrorists in Syria that they eventually used on civilians, and framed Assad, and had it not been for the Russians and Putin, we would have used that as a pretext to invade Syria, put a puppet in power, steal their natural resources, and leave that country in total chaos, just like we did with Libya?
Trump: "No the other one:"
Hillary: "The creation of the biggest refugees crisis since WWII
Trump: "No the other one:"
Hillary: "Leaving Iraq in chaos? "
Trump: "No, the other one."
Hillary: "The DOJ spying on the press?"
Trump: "No, the other one."
Hillary: "You mean HHS Secretary Sibelius shaking down health insurance Executives?"
Trump: "No, the other one."
Hillary: "Giving our cronies in SOLYNDRA $500 MILLION DOLLARS and 3 Months Later they declared bankruptcy and then the Chinese bought it?"
Trump: "No, the other one."
Hillary: "The NSA monitoring citizens' ?"
Trump: "No, the other one."
Hillary: "The State Department interfering with an Inspector General Investigation on departmental sexual misconduct?"
Trump: "No, the other one."
Hillary: "Me, The IRS, Clapper and Holder all lying to Congress?"
Trump: "No, the other one."
Hillary: "Threats to all of Bill's former mistresses to keep them quiet"
Trump: "No, the other one."
Hillary: "I give up! ... Oh wait, I think I've got it! When I stole the White House furniture, silverware, when Bill left Office?"
Trump: "THAT'S IT! I almost forgot about that one".

posted on Aug, 1 2016 @ 07:35 AM
a reply to: dragonridr

Hillary Clinton faces “mounting health issues” — and she’s secretly worried that she’s too sick to run for president, according to a new book.

The 67-year-old Democratic front-runner has been “frequently plagued” by “blinding headaches” and a series of strokes over the course of the campaign which have left her second-guessing her chances of winning in 2016, says the upcoming book “Unlikeable — The Problem with Hillary.

posted on Aug, 1 2016 @ 07:37 AM

originally posted by: TheKnightofDoom
a reply to: nomoredemsorreps

So when she wins will you all just claim she cheated?.
Oh and she will guys are decked either way 350 million people to choose from and you picked a baffoon and a criminal....

"We" or "I" chose neither of them.

posted on Aug, 1 2016 @ 08:28 AM
a reply to: nomoredemsorreps

Yeah and you need to be careful accusing folk of being paid shills it isn't going to do you any favours it is grasping at straws that.
(even If there are).

posted on Aug, 1 2016 @ 08:31 AM
a reply to: dragonridr

Grasping at straws to me that.
Not proof of anything sorry I do want you to find something but that will not sway folk unless they want to believe it.

posted on Aug, 1 2016 @ 08:52 AM
Donald Trump is the spoiler, he's a buffoon, all the stupid things that come out of his mouth make Hillary look all the more better. I read some where that Trump and the Clintons were friends. I won't be surprised at all when Hillary wins.

posted on Aug, 1 2016 @ 08:52 AM
Donald Trump is the spoiler, he's a buffoon, all the stupid things that come out of his mouth make Hillary look all the more better. I read some where that Trump and the Clintons were friends. I won't be surprised at all when Hillary wins.

posted on Aug, 1 2016 @ 08:52 AM
Donald Trump is the spoiler, he's a buffoon, all the stupid things that come out of his mouth make Hillary look all the more better. I read some where that Trump and the Clintons were friends. I won't be surprised at all when Hillary wins.

posted on Aug, 1 2016 @ 08:54 AM
August 2015 - Trump will be gone by November.
November 2015 - Trump will be gone after Christmas
Iowa primary - Well that wraps it up for Trump...Cruz wins and he will be gone by March
Super Tuesday - Trump will not carry the needed states
March 5th - No mathematical way to win for Trump
April 5th - Still no way for Trump...He will have a horrible April
No way Trump will be the nominees still in May...

Trump wins the remaining primaries and clinches early

You do not need polls to see who will win.

posted on Aug, 1 2016 @ 09:10 AM

originally posted by: EyeKyu
Ah, you people are funny. Trump will win by landslide and it won't be close. It was said today (or yesterday now) That Clinton/Kaine had to cancel a Cleveland Rally due to lack of interest.

Meanwhile, Trump fills Arenas, Stadiums, in every state, every city, for the last year, several times a month. Just check out some of Right Side Broadcasting's video's on YT.

These pollsters (and Slate is extremely left-biased btw) and no other website is reporting close to numbers like that. Not that it matters, cause even the polls you would think you could trust the most are wrong.

Trump just has to put a lot of money into making sure the voting is fair and on the up and up, and he will be the next POTUS.

All this other stuff is just background noise. But seriously, check out Trump's gigantic rally crowds, and then see if you can find any where Hillary is speaking to more than a couple hundred people (aside from the DNC, where half the Bernie people walked out LOL, and they paid people to fill the seats and cheer)

As Mr. Trump says, this is a movement, and we will not be stopped.

But please continue your banter like SHilldabeast has snowball's chance in hell.

Hey where have I heard this before? Oh yeah. Ron Paul. You know who else fills stadiums? Bands, comedians, speakers, preachers, sports etc. Trump is going to lose and lose badly. Because he is either completely stupid or is throwing the race. How else do you have somebody who is clueless about what has gone in Ukraine and things well lets just let the Russians keep it, something not even China agrees with, a man who get confused about the world, the constitution, history, current events and says things that make no sense then just hour later says he never said them, a man who has an economic policy that every economist says will be a disaster, a man who can not stop saying racist sexist things at the worst times, a man who has spent the last week bashing on the parents of a dead US soldier and keeps doing so even though it is turning his own people against him. The guy is trolling his own supporters. After all who could support a man who can not even figure of he is good friends with Putin or has never met him and does not know who he is?

posted on Aug, 1 2016 @ 09:24 AM

originally posted by: dragonridr

originally posted by: TheKnightofDoom
a reply to: nomoredemsorreps

Agenda? I'm no fan of Hilary dude she is as bad a choice for president as Trump is.
Trump has no chance sorry but he hasn't.
The FBI chose not to press any charges I agree they should have but they didn't I think that was the last chance to stop her becoming president.I can't see anything stopping her now.
Oh and fool? I think the foolish are the people supporting any of these two.

Actually there is something else rumors are starting to fly about her health. Apparently she has to go home and rest on thr campaign trail. So her staff claimed she disapears. At first I thought this rumor which even Trump has mentioned is silly. But than I remember she has a stroke in 2012. And had to have surgery to remove a brain clot. And than I've seen videos that lead me to believe she is having neurological problems. In one video she had what I would call a seizure right on camera. Then there is a speech she actually passed out and it's happened more than once. Watching her coughing fits she's had several now may be medication related. If she's taking ACE inhibitors dor stress i. Ab arrempt to prevent further strokes that would explain her coughing fits.

Her campaign staff has been leaking information on her Health or so is claimed on the net.

Well you know a Vampire has to go to native soil to recover its power so.......

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