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Mandela effect and HiddenHand

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posted on Aug, 3 2016 @ 09:16 PM
a reply to: nonzenz123

That is synchronization you are experiencing. It means you are seeing double reality and have the option to choose weather or not you want to live in the positive or negative polarity

posted on Aug, 3 2016 @ 09:28 PM

originally posted by: luciferslight
He told us a message and many ignored his words.

You really should not believe everything all because a self proclaimed "superior being" posts crap here.

Let us see his failed predictions.

The Stock Markets will soon complete their controlled demolition
Our Financial Institutions will later call in all loans.
there will be a new currency by the end of 2008 / early 2009, along with a new Union of nations
San Francisco and Damascus, will be uninhabitable by the end of 2010,
There will be dramatic changes to your climate and weather conditions over the next few years, as the time of the Great Harvest approaches. You will see windspeeds surpassing 300 miles per hour at times. There will be raging tsunamis and widespread devastation; and a solar emission in late 2009 early 2010 that will cause major melting of the ice caps, and subsequent drastic rise in sea levels, leaving many (international) metropolitan areas underwater.
es, the noonday Winter Solstice Sun of December 21st, 2012 is the time when the Lord of The Harvest shall return. You might know him as "Nibiru".

None of those claims happened, as he was just making crap up.

The "Mandela effect" is just some people unable to accept that they are not perfect!

posted on Aug, 3 2016 @ 09:59 PM
a reply to: hellobruce

Please Bruce enlightenment me on stuff I do and don't know.

What I believe shouldn't matter. I know the truth. I'm not ignorant or close minded like some people are.

What hidden hand's message was about changing the vibrational stage of this earth into a beautiful one. Of course you wouldnt understand because your mind isn't as open as most people. Seeing isn't always about believing, it takes heart to see the changes not eyes.

Yes, most of it was a scare tactic to get people on ATS to change. Why else would he say this?

Please excuse my rude behavior.

Edit: the Mandela effect is as real as a groups memory. Countries changing places, names being rewritten, times and places changing because of synchronization.

You don't have to believe anything anybody says, it was always inside of you (heart) and to believe it can happen (brain) is your option.
edit on 3-8-2016 by luciferslight because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 3 2016 @ 10:08 PM

originally posted by: luciferslight
about changing the vibrational stage of this earth

What does that even mean? It is just new age gobble gook to impress the gullible, it has no meaning!

Why else would he say this?

Why do people make up and post crap on the internet? Just look at all the hoaxes etc. started here, some people just want attention, or get obsessed about something.

the Mandela effect is as real as a groups memory. Countries changing places, names being rewritten, times and places changing because of synchronization.

Countries have not changed places, no names rewritten, no times dates changing. just some American's ignorance about the rest of the world. Explain why it is mostly a American thing?
edit on 3-8-2016 by hellobruce because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 3 2016 @ 10:09 PM
a reply to: luciferslight

Hey, seems like i cant u2u yet somehow, do you have skype or something where we could talk some

Also what if i don´t feel like a choise needs to be made ? Has it already been made or what can i get from derive from it?

edit on 3-8-2016 by nonzenz123 because: (no reason given)

edit on 3-8-2016 by nonzenz123 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 4 2016 @ 07:59 AM
a reply to: hellobruce

"What does that even mean? It is just new age gobble gook to impress the gullible, it has no meaning"

Your outlook on life seems dull

"Why do people make up and post crap on the internet? Just look at all the hoaxes etc. started here, some people just want attention, or get obsessed about something."

"That's their problem.
Countries have not changed places, no names rewritten, no times dates changing. just some American's ignorance about the rest of the world. Explain why it is mostly a American thing?"

Its not mostly American. China actually recognized it's country shrunk and remembered it was much bigger. Maybe it isn't about dimensions but about new and old earth. Maybe the two are on the brink of clashing realities..

I will say this... Not everything hidden hand said was true or his prophecies came true, but his message about changing your outlook on life is what I refer to.

edit on 4-8-2016 by luciferslight because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 4 2016 @ 09:01 AM
a reply to: luciferslight

What else goes on through your mind besides the extra ordinary.

I guess I wonder when you are asked what does "changing the vibrational stage of the earth" mean

your reply is

"your outlook on life is dull".

Is that what it really means or is it that you don't know what it means and the other posters was correct that its some new age gobble gook to impress the gullible?

That is one of the infinite number of things that goes through my mind.

And yet I am ridicule in a site that you became a member of.

Well when one thinks the ratio of youtube videos means anything other than a popular trend I am not sure what to say other than what I did.

Using that logic everything I mentioned must be real, Unicorns, Nibiru and the end of the world on this date or that date.

posted on Aug, 4 2016 @ 09:55 AM
a reply to: InhaleExhale

I read a bit of what naysayers have said. If you want to shut down my thread with insults go ahead. Your choice

posted on Aug, 4 2016 @ 10:04 AM
I hate pointing this out to you but I have talking about how many times Mandela died since well before 2000 so the idea that this started in 2012 is wrong.
edit on Thu August 4th, 2016 by damwel because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 4 2016 @ 10:10 AM
a reply to: luciferslight

If you want to shut down my thread with insults go ahead. Your choice

Where do you get this from?

Who has insulted you?

Dodging questions and replying with irrelevant nonsense is your choice as well.

I read a bit of what naysayers have said.

Whats the point of coming to ATS if you are not going to read?

posted on Aug, 4 2016 @ 11:13 AM
a reply to: luciferslight

Oh I would love that. I'm probably not the nicest person in the world but I can try. Although I think it might be imperfect if I am doing nice stuff to change my dimensional reality.

But on the other hand, I have done some kinda nice things, I have been nice to the people around me and try to make them feel comfortable around me.

posted on Aug, 4 2016 @ 01:13 PM
a reply to: InhaleExhale

"Using that logic everything I mentioned must be real, Unicorns, Nibiru and the end of the world on this date or that date"

You have a closed mind. It obvious by your satire responses. Why come to this thread and become a negative energy? I never once went on your threads calling your "proof" infallible lies.

It's obvious you want to start something so I'm going to finish it.

posted on Aug, 7 2016 @ 09:20 AM
a reply to: luciferslight

You have a closed mind. It obvious by your satire responses.

No, its not satire.

I fail to see how the ratio of youtube videos indicates anything other than a popular trend like I said.

Can you explain how it means more than a popular subject, can you explain how it indicates something is real because there is a great number of youtube videos?

My comment stands, using that logic just about everything is real due to high number of youtube videos

Not sure where you get the closed mind part out of what I wrote.

It has nothing to do with being open or closed minded.

Why come to this thread and become a negative energy?

I didn't become anything, I am asking for clarification.

Any negative energy you sense is internal, maybe look within and you might recognize where the negativity stems from.

I never once went on your threads calling your "proof" infallible lies.

Have I done this in this thread?

If I had threads that claimed proof of something yet didn't make sense I would hope the ones that it doesn't make sense to would ask for clarification. If I couldn't clarify then it wouldn't be clear to me how its proof of anything.

So can you clarify how a ratio of videos on Youtube prove something?

posted on Aug, 7 2016 @ 12:23 PM
a reply to: InhaleExhale

You're right the Mandela effect isn't real and it's all a faulty memory.

"My comment stands, using that logic just about everything is real due to high number of youtube videos"

Does this make you happy?

posted on Aug, 7 2016 @ 12:28 PM
a reply to: InhaleExhale

Oh and if you aren't affected, why are you even on here?

posted on Aug, 8 2016 @ 10:24 AM
a reply to: luciferslight

You're right the Mandela effect isn't real and it's all a faulty memory.

I'm right?

In this thread, did I say this or are just side stepping the questions by trying to put words in my mouth?

Does this make you happy?


That you can quote what I said, no.

It indicates you can read and copy whats said by others.

Can you or can you not explain why the number of youtube videos means anything more than a popular fad?

Oh and if you aren't affected, why are you even on here?

Where, not just on this thread but on all of ATS and the internet combined have I said I am not affected?

I am here because I can be here, to discuss subjects that are of interest to me.

That discussion usually involves questions when things aren't clear to me and I hate to assume things or just make up a meaning for something that isn't clear to me.

I could just assume you are a mentally unstable person but am giving you the benefit of doubt by asking for further clarification about things you have said.

It was simple question for you clarify how youtube videos with a high ratio mean anything, can you or haven't you really thought about what you are posting that far and just feeding your conspiracy demons their daily dose of Woo Woo out there stuff?

posted on Aug, 9 2016 @ 07:54 AM
a reply to: InhaleExhale

Sorry. The ratios of YouTube likes/dislikes is astounding. There used to me more dislikes than likes and as time goes by these so called "watchers" are multiplying and are seeing the changes.

Personal or non personal most of the comments read on YouTube see the affected changes

posted on Aug, 9 2016 @ 08:28 AM
a reply to: luciferslight

The ratios of YouTube likes/dislikes is astounding. There used to me more dislikes than likes and as time goes by these so called "watchers" are multiplying and are seeing the changes.

Yes.... and?

So as the idea of the Mandela effect gets ever so more popular more people are watching youtube videos and clicking the like button.

Which sort of indicates its popular, does it not?

Personal or non personal most of the comments read on YouTube see the affected changes

Yes its a wonder how easy it is to manipulate the minds of many by use of media such as video and sound.

Social conditioning at its finest. social media brings it to light to those that haven't heard of it, its leads them to youtube where one watches a video with a soundtrack to set the mood and its quite easy to make a believer out of many.

Its almost like hypnotism and how easy to implant false memories into ones mind.

The whole idea of so many having the same so called incorrect memory of a certain thing seems to be proof to many that something is up when on the other hand it shows how easy it is for many to make the same mistakes which has actually been studied by those that have interests in the human mind.

so much points to how easy human minds are to manipulate, its been a topic here on ATS and other sites alike how media and government use techniques to manipulate thinking yet in the recent past someone creates something new to talk about in alternative media and it seems like the real interesting stuff that will help humanity break free from any programming is set aside because many want to believe they have jumped realities/timelines and have chosen CERN to replace HAARP to blame for changes they think are happening.

Many argue petty things like how TV shows have changes name and how lines from popular movies were different, maps and how human anatomy has changed but wont dare entertain the social conditioning explanation on how and what might have caused these memories.

The Mandela effect is the new flat earth, those that believe try to imply that others haven't opened their minds enough to grasp how extraordinary this is when in my opinion its like the many conspiracy fads that has come before.

Its easy to agree with your mind when you cant fathom how easy it is for your own mind to manipulated.

posted on Aug, 9 2016 @ 09:07 AM
I don't always believe a statement is fact but I do if it is in a Youtube video.

It's an extension of "it is on the internet, it must be true".

posted on Aug, 9 2016 @ 09:14 AM
Everyone should know the 6th dimension is The Forbidden Zone.

Living in the sixth dimension
Things get rough
Living in the sixth dimension
Can be tough
It's so hard when your on your own
When your on your own
Moving in the wrong direction
Brings bad luck
Living without protection
Really sucks
It's so hard when your on your own
You might fall into the forbidden zone
Going down, down, down
How far can you go?
You might fall into the forbidden zone
Going down, down, down
'cross the border line
The guards look scary but the girls are pretty fine
I'm going down
I'm going down
I'm going down I go
Turning me around
Turning me around
Turning me around I know
Living in the sixth dimension
Moving in the wrong direction
Living in the sixth dimension
Moving in the wrong direction
Living in the sixth dimension

States of matter are the states that matter... beings of light is simply the wave length or energy.

There are 7 chakras or 7 lights, the other two simply light and dark are the gray area of ghosts like smoke... people lost or stuck in the past ethereal yet in form. Of course consciousness once one attached to form in such a black and white state of bias or polarity cannot remember anything of past lives once a new form is taken, only to be "re-infected" by historical bias of whatever family they are born into by way of the polarity taken. Some chose a hardship role to progress even further along and faster along. This is why angels are said to be fallen. Once one regains awareness of such a state they become watchers or pure objectivity as a witness to the states of matter and form other such energy flows.

The 7th light is the clear light of being... it is in front of you and around you at all times as the flow or matrices of energy and matter flowing all around at any given moment of being. The natural forces once were and still are the "gods" of the past and no different than they ever were except they rotate just the same as any other people working at a job would. In such a manner none get the personal credit or personal blame for whatever occurs and are labeled as one mass or god in monotheistic thought.

That's just the natural order of things.

The lights or chakras are heavily detailed as something one can experience in life while operating and there are polarities of them when ascending and when descending basically wheels turning... or gears turning like the mind of thought. Conception of thought is creation itself... choices moment to moment arising and passing each one a chain of bondage or freedom depending on the intent.

So this process is going on all the time regardless of 2012... the difference being is that the alignment has an EM effect allowing the states to be seen more clearly simply due to polarity. This is why magnets seem to have a healing effect and and MRI machine makes you feel spectacular unless you are more negative in polarity then the alignments are pretty clear... if more positive then walking on air and sunshine, more negative like spreading manure for others to be fertilized or offer growth too.

Attachment to either or as a bias is the infinite circle without a twist, of course when twisted it can keep going around and around and break off into two. Much like the amoeba that can tear itself apart to reproduce itself in an infinite cycle of becoming.

The Bardo Thodol or Tibetan Book of the Dead, talks about the opportunity to realize these lights on death... this is where the judgment comes from not ones own... where one will as they purge themselves on the cosmic couch. Of course, honesty is and always will be the best policy.

If anyone hasn't noticed a lot of people really enjoy judging and blaming others instead of oneself, in the after death state all the pain that one has judged others by arises and becomes a form of hell and torment... even the smallest slight is seen if one is true and honest to not casting blame on others for the pain you have felt when first asked, then you can be unburdened by confession and take all of your lumps or pains and tortures that you have put onto others. Remember it is the intent...

An awareness can arise, if one is bound to a path of judgment then they are not walking it, but are like someone with a boulder chained to them... or in sacrifice to a held belief or standard of living. It isn't the moral of living as that's the example one sets. The ethics of living are actually walking it instead of using it to judge others or make excuses for oneself for well robbing others for ones own sense of happiness, when that becomes ones mode of expression for being, then you are a story with a moral attached... an example for people to learn and grow by... but not follow only take heed to keep walking progressing and moving forward.

The old do you walk the talk or just talk the walk?

The clear light of being is freedom from all of this it is pure awareness of all of this, how it arises how it passes, and how one is bound or set free... yet one can only point as in "keep going" but beware of where you are headed as an admonishing that it is the intent... if one is motivated purely by selfish greed that helps no one else or just family is is a lesser existence, if one is motivated to stir hate and bias or make excuses or rationalize then that too keep the lesser in the same state of spin or light and dark or gray area of being.

Not knowing or aware of any of this is delusion, illusion or ignorance. Of what it means to be energy in matter, some people understand this, but it is not ones own energy in the body unless one clings to a self, yet even then it is not oneself but a conglomerate of energies all of the same polarities taking refuge in that form one calls a self, as a stagnation instead of free flowing.

At some point there is no more coming and going in such a cycle of being, just pure awareness. Of course the energy that was once oneself as an individual identity will swing back around through the self as an awareness of did things improve in those one calls a family in form? If not, then the cycle repeats. In such a manner the freed energy does not suffer does not come to harm and moves in form as an expression or example of the way of being, in loving kindness.

Eventually, those one was born to as a "family" will cease to take form as they never unbinded their attachments to the conglomerate of energy of their particular chosen bias in the attachment to form itself allowing them an anonymous refuge to avoid judgment. In such a manner people are unrepentant for such bias.

Of course it is not the container itself, it is the energy that they allow to be contained with them being ensnared in 5 ways by the sense consciousnesses and held in mind as real and tangible for only oneself, when not held in such a manner and in form? The whole world eats, the whole world experiences and is set free instead of held in bondage to an I when such a thing does not exist only experiences, yet who is it that experiences? The conglomerate of past energies one has mistaken for a self and the ones people see as an other? Or the very energy of all that is being?

If suffering exists where does it exist? Are you a container or vessel full of it? Then empty all concepts and attachments that are not ones own, if the attachments keep arising remove the vessel... and one enters the system that will help in healing and progress.

Been all through it, it gets better.

edit on 9-8-2016 by BigBrotherDarkness because: (no reason given)

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