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posted on Jun, 19 2003 @ 04:36 PM

"If you take the perimeter of the pyramid and divide it by two times the height, you get a number that is exactly equivalent to the number pi (3.14159...) up to the fifteenth digit. The chances of this phenomenon happening by sheer chance is remarkably small. Did the ancient Egyptians know what the number pi was? Not likely, seeing as it was a number not calculated accurately to the fourth digit until the 6th century, and the pyramids calculate it to the fifteenth. "

"What about the fact that although the Egyptians kept very careful records about everything they ever did; every king they had, every war they fought, and every structure they built, there were no records of them ever having built the pyramids?


What about the fact that the Egyptians had not even invented the wheel yet, but the blocks that they had to carry to build the pyramids weighed about 2 tons each? 4,000 lbs.? What did they do... use cement? In fact, they used so much stone, that if you took all of the stone they used and cut it into 1 foot square blocks, it would extend 2/3 of the way around the earth!!! "

"How about the fact that a group of modern scientists attempted to build a pyramid out next to the real one using modern technologies, and after something like 100 days, succeeded in building one about 1/40 of the size of the real one???? "

"What about all of that fungi that was found in King Tutu's chamber? Fungi which has never before been seen on earth? What about the Pharaoh's curse????? You decide, who built the Pyramids????? "

Is any of this ^ true?

posted on Jun, 19 2003 @ 04:49 PM
Just a crazy theory I have, but maybe the Egyptians designed and built the pyramids

posted on Jun, 19 2003 @ 04:59 PM
The egyptions definitely had help at least. The pyramids might have even been built by other beings. But they might not of. I'm sort of divided. They could of jsut had some sort of technology that we just dont know. If they had Anti-gravity or something they could definitly get soemthing done,like the pyramids, quick by themselves. We will most likely never know what really happened. Another theory is the Stargate theory. I believe there were once "stargates" or portals into other dimensions or other worlds.


posted on Jun, 19 2003 @ 05:36 PM
Peace, hiya again.

As to your last comment as any of this being true....sure it is....just look it up on the web....a whole boat load of info. on the G.P.

With current postualations that the G.P., among other not worthy sites: Angkor Wat, Pyramid of the Sun, etc.. the G.P. as well as Angkor Wat have been dated, by constellations programs, according to their layouts, etc. to be 10,500 to 11,500 BC in origin.

Let me remind anyone and everyone. When one truly wishes to study a subject, onr must analyze ALL information, biased and unbiased, to truly arrive at a logical conclusion.

Historical ancient writings, from a great variety of ancient civilizations, are written as historical info; myth's, legends, stories, etc. Are they to be dismissed as such? I don't think so....they are telling us something in the varied forms they give the information.

As to if the Egyptians built the G.P., I have no doubt....their ancient writings date back as far as 12000 BC plus. Read what Herodotus says when he talked to the priests. You will be amazed as to what they told him of the 'ancient Egyptians'.

I will provide a few sites, cause I know you can find a great many more, but these sites are pretty darn good for info.

The Prehistoric Alignment of World Wonders
(16 pages of some great info.)

Heavenly Designs
(covers the mathematics behind it all)

World Mysteries
(this is to more G.P. great info.)

Official Graham Hancock Website
(forum-great knowledgeable people discussing alot of the G.P. and etc.)

hope these work...not used to do the 'links' bit apologies.


[Edited on 19-6-2003 by Seekerof]

[Edited on 19-6-2003 by Seekerof]

posted on Jun, 19 2003 @ 06:30 PM
Well let's see,

I am in total agreement with all of the above.
Wouldn't you like to know why this knowledge and understanding is no longer avaiable or where in fact did all the Egyptians go in such a hurry and why?


p.s. Pi 3.1416 was obviousy in use before the Greeks introduced it to western man

posted on Jun, 19 2003 @ 07:43 PM
You wouldn't be eluding to the reason being because of the destruction (fire) that desolated the Great Library of Alexandria and destroyed all the ancient knowledge stored there?


posted on Jun, 19 2003 @ 08:11 PM
I heard something about that they used sonic waves produced by chanting or something like that to raise the blocks but we know that aliens built them ...

posted on Jun, 19 2003 @ 09:52 PM
Though most of it is gone, looted to build other structures, the Great Pyramids in Egypt were originally clad in smooth, perhaps even polished, limestone.

Now I read somewhere that a polished pyramid would make an excellent radar beacon capable of being detected from almost any angle as long as the planet was not turned completely away from the radar source...

just a stupid observation.

posted on Jun, 20 2003 @ 04:17 AM
I was very fortunate to have had the opportunity to visit the pyramids years ago and standing next the Great Pyramid of Cheops was nothing short of mind blowing.

In our ancient past, someone laid out a grid larger than a city block and set in place accurately hewn stones reaching a pinnacle some 40 stories in height all the while holding precise mathematics and incorporating chambers, passageways, and shafts throughout the interior. The outside limestone "sheeting" was highly polished and fit so accurately that some records indicate seams could not be detected. One can only imagine what the newly built great pyramid must have looked like up close...breathtaking would be a gross understatement.

After reading various books and associated theories of construction methods ranging from ramping to pouring liquid stone (cement like), I remained unconvinced about the true method used to create this seemingly unbuildable mystical mountain. That is until I came across the story of Edward Leekskalnin.

I am convinced that Leekskalnin possesed a smattering of mental power which was used regularly by some ancients; a power to levitate or manipulate objects with the mind; a power capable of being used to construct the great pyramid. I don't know whether this power was simply lost over thousands of years or if it was supressed or taken from us for one reason or another but it could be the answer to why modern man only uses 10 to 15% of the brain's potential.


posted on Jun, 20 2003 @ 04:28 AM

but the blocks that they had to carry to build the pyramids weighed about 2 tons each? 4,000 lbs.?

There are buildings in the area, the great Temple leading to the Great pyramid, that are made out of 200-ton blocks

We have a discussion about the pyramids in the Mysterious, Ancient, and Lost Civilizations forum:

posted on Jun, 20 2003 @ 04:47 AM
well the pyramids are always a great subject and theres always more you did n`t know. People like Graham Hancock, Robert Bauval are wonderful as they constantly challenge what the established historians say on these matters, they might not always get it right (sometimes being so far off the mark as to miss the planet completely), but they do push.

I don`t have a complete or proper knowledge or this yet as someone mentioned it to me the other day, but someone suggested to me that the pyramid builders used something called the golden ratio and fibonacci numbers to work all of it out.

anyone know about this golden ratio and fibonacci stuff??? sounds interesting

[Edited on 20-6-2003 by cassini]

posted on Jun, 20 2003 @ 04:53 AM

they onstantly challenge what the established historians say

They do that because they believe in things that haven't been proved with good facts. If someones theory on the pyramids is based on wrong facts, than their studies are also wrong...

Like I stated in another topic, there is no proof that the Egyptians build the pyramids. That the Sphinx was build by the Egyptians. ect....

posted on Jun, 20 2003 @ 09:15 PM
Proof, proof, we don't need no stink'in proof.
Open your eyes, it is there for those that can see.


posted on Jun, 20 2003 @ 10:36 PM
You got proof to back assertion up Tut?


posted on Jun, 20 2003 @ 11:05 PM
My friend Seekerof,
I require no proof, only you do. I have knowledge gained through experience, the only teacher. You may site all the www. you would care to explore. They are all poo poo to a tree.
Experience is the only key.
I truly appreciate you.

With honesty,


posted on Jun, 20 2003 @ 11:17 PM
And your words relay great wisdom as well as cutting sarcasm. Experience is something we all seek.

Your 'appreciation' is appreciated.


posted on Jun, 20 2003 @ 11:57 PM
That is probably the stupidest site I have laid eyes on.
I can't see how someone could have such a low amount of logic. This guy is just so sure there are aliens he fails to see logic at all.

Sorry, but that site's views are just screwed up.


Originally posted by deleted
After reading various books and associated theories of construction methods ranging from ramping to pouring liquid stone (cement like), I remained unconvinced about the true method used to create this seemingly unbuildable mystical mountain. That is until I came across the story of Edward Leekskalnin.

I am convinced that Leekskalnin possesed a smattering of mental power which was used regularly by some ancients; a power to levitate or manipulate objects with the mind; a power capable of being used to construct the great pyramid. I don't know whether this power was simply lost over thousands of years or if it was supressed or taken from us for one reason or another but it could be the answer to why modern man only uses 10 to 15% of the brain's potential.


So we come back to one of the old forum's topics. This was spoken about in an old post I started (back then I was known as Toafire).

Here's a link.

That topic went through what we are talking about here.

posted on Jun, 21 2003 @ 12:11 AM
I thought the 'method' or the 'technique' that this guy used to build the Coral Castle died with other words, he told no one of how he did it and why he thought the Ancient civ's used the same method?

Just wondering.


[Edited on 21-6-2003 by Seekerof]

posted on Jun, 21 2003 @ 12:20 AM
There are just theories, such as telekinesis.

...and eye witness accounts (as you would read)...

posted on Jun, 21 2003 @ 12:25 AM


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