a reply to:
It's a strange thing... trying to uncover someone's motivation for doing things. Basically, there are only three things to help form a logical answer
to the "What motivates this person" question (and only two of them are somewhat fact based).
1) What does the person say?
2) What actions has the person taken/performed?
3) Based on 1 & 2... what do we "THINK" their true motivation is (beyond what they say it is). Of course there is no way to prove this.
As it pertains to this thread (and to answer my own points/questions):
1) What does Trump Say?:
I go back to an interview with Trump I saw recently that was conducted back in the early 1980's (at around the time the Trump Tower was being
constructed in NYC). During the interview, Trump was specifically asked if he had aspirations of becoming President one day. While he didn't dismiss
it outright, he did say (paraphrase) that he felt in order to do what had to be done he would have to say a lot of things that many people wouldn't be
comfortable with. As it relates to current events, this isn't far off from what is going on now.
2) What actions has Trump taken/performed?
As far as a straightforward political career, there isn't much to go on here because he has never been an elected (or appointed) official. Going back
to the general time-frame of the construction of the Trump Tower back in the 1980's, Mayor Ed Koch (as best as I can understand it without making too
many assumptions) was NOT a fan of Donald Trump. Not a fan at all. However, when Trump offered to take over the long failing Ice Skating Rink, Mayor
Koch tried to call Trump's bluff and (unfortunately for the Mayor) Trump delivered the project on time and under budget and it is still functioning to
this day. I fully acknowledge that Trump may or may not have done this for altruistic reasons but again, I can't KNOW what is in the mind of another
person beyond what they say and do.
3) Based on 1 & 2, what do I "THINK" Trump's true motivation is?
I really don't know. I know that in the general sense I like what he has to say about ILLEGAL immigration because I find it repulsive that under the
past several Presidents (D's and R's) our borders have gotten exactly ZERO respect. I understand the desire that people have to come to this nation
(my wife and her family included) but I find it incredibly important that people do so through legal channels (and also, the process of legally
becoming a Resident is nowhere as near as impossible as amnesty supporters claim it is... and I know this first hand so the excuses to not hold water
with me).
I know that I like what he has to say about the current-events-monster-of-the-week Islamic Terrorists... which is an actual REAL thing. I think he
stepped in a big pile of poop when he made his remarks about preventing "all Muslims" from entering the country when he SHOULD have said we will not
blindly take in people from chaotic, war torn parts of the globe that apparently have an inherent hatred of the West.
Rather than go on and on about specific topics I'll just say I have no way of knowing "Why" Trump is Running. We all know money is power and he has
enough money (and influence) to maintain his lifestyle without having armies of alleged journalists digging into his past. So why WOULD he run?
I can't say this for sure but I'm starting to wonder if it is possible, JUST possible, that he actually is grateful for the opportunities this nation
has provided him and he want's to give something back in the biggest way he knows how.
I want to stress, one more time, that I can't pretend to know what is in Trumps heart and mind.....
I would say though, I wish I had the time at the moment to answer my 3 questions about Hillary. Maybe that is for another thread.