posted on Aug, 13 2016 @ 07:39 AM
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Haha yes thanks, definitely better than if I'd stayed up all night on ATS lol.
Just getting up now need caffeine....I won't even call the 50p instant jar of brown granules from Tesco's's just cheap caffeine!
You should've gone out if you had the offers, I left it last minute but the party was only a short walk from home and everyone was off their nut by
the time I got there so instant amusement.
Didn't even get a 'welfare visit' from police either, must have been too busy in clubland for them last night....or they couldn't be arsed because
there were a few parties going on at various beaches and coves.
Ran out of fuel for the generator though so everyone chipped in for the taxi to get more...can't call it a party with no tunes or lights lol
Oh and a side note, the local authority have two different keys for the padlocks on their barriers blocking vehicle access to beaches/beauty spots
etc...we have copies of both haha