posted on Aug, 23 2002 @ 06:57 PM
No debate, just fact. I rarely even bother any more as most people haven't the foggiest, and at this point there isn't any practical solution.
Unless the government goes hideous ignorant, armed revolution is not even an option considering workforce division.
Flags are not pretty little pieces of cloth to tape to your back spoiler to show fellow citizens that you are a citizen of the country and that you
are aware of it. It sets jurisdiction. At every emabassy, a nation flies their flag, and to attack that embassy is to officially attack that nation,
since that is the jurisdiction of that nation.
In a courtroom, the jurisdiction is set by the flag flown as well. What flag is flown dictates what jurisdiction, and what authority. The flag with
the gold fringe is an executive flag. Notice, an executive flag setting jurisdiction in a courtroom.
Take note of the next policeman you see. You'll see a flag on his left sleeve. Take note of what type flag; is it a flag of peace, or is it an
executive flag?
While you travel down the highway, if you go faster than what the sign says you can go, you might be stopped by a trooper in his "cruiser" (military
warship). He will gladly give you a ticket for violating a Uniformed Commercial Code. What does that have to do with a citizen exercising his
right to travel? The question, by the way, is are tyou really a citizen exercising your right to travel.
Bob Dole gave us a hint when he said that if Clinton wanted to send forces to Bosnia, there was nothing Congress could do about it.
Three ways martial law is rescinded:
1) Conqering nation rescinds martial law.
2) Citizens rise up, take control of government and rescind martial law
3) implementing commander rescinds martial law.
Paper money, or "war script", is used in times of war to deny the enemy a nation's actual worth. Silver is for intranational trade and gold is
international trade.
We were declared enemies of the state when the nation went bankrupt in the first few years of the last century. In order to prove that you are a
"friendly", you have had to obtain proper documents. Your parents helped you get the first one of your life, your "birth" certificate, and you
have accumulated more as you have gotten older. With these new documents, you are no longer a sovereign man on the land but a federal citizen, as if
you are in D.C. You are a 14th Amendment citizen.