posted on Jul, 29 2016 @ 03:38 AM
Australia's current prime minister, Malcolm Turnbull has not provided his endorsement for one of Australia's former prime ministers, Kevin Rudd, in
the next selection for the role of UN sectary general.
The reason Malcolm provided is that he did not think Kevin was suitable. Kevin got a bad reputation for working and pushing his staff too hard. He got
the top job during the start of the 2008 financial mess, he kept his cool for most of it but his hair did seam to go white overnight. He also caused a
lot of dramas for providing free home insulation to everyone.
For a role such as UN secretary general I doubt there is anyone perfect, but there is a lot worst options with the the whole Kevin Rudd package. I
just hope that Malcolm already knows that some nation will veto his running so saves a lot of hassle. Otherwise Malcolm is appearing too soft and
dropping the ball for Australian values and standards on the international stage.
edit on 29-7-2016 by kwakakev because: fixed grammer in