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DNC's 180 on Bernie supporters

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posted on Jul, 27 2016 @ 12:30 PM

originally posted by: Lucidparadox

Part of being Liberal is recognizing "the greater good" and setting aside your personal beliefs and desires for whats best for the whole.

This is precisely why true liberals are disgusted by Hillary and the fact that she does not support what she says she supports.

posted on Jul, 27 2016 @ 12:32 PM
a reply to: Grambler

But aren't the birds chirping and the sun is still coming out?

Where's my fiddle?

posted on Jul, 27 2016 @ 12:35 PM

originally posted by: SlapMonkey
a reply to: Orionx2

You can't compare the treatment of supporters of a candidate to how a politician who is actually a candidate is treated by a party's national convention. Most supporters are real, sincere, regular people, many of whom are caught up in the meaningless rhetoric spewed by candidates. These people are not necessarily controlled by a party.

Candidates, on the other hand, generally are controlled by the party, and there is an expectation that, if you are going to use their name while running for president, then you better support the party if you don't get the nod.

Cruz deviated from that, and it's not surprising that the party is upset about it.

Sanders supporters are just staying true to what they were rallying for and against since the start--don't fault them for actually holding on to their convictions. You can fault them for their naivety as to how the system works, but not for their convictions.

I wasn't really trying to compare, just a general observation that if you don't follow the head nominee then you are going to be thrown under the bus to discredit your position either it be a politician or a supporter and it doesn't matter which party. The OP kinds suggests it is only the DNC that does that.
It's good that Bernie supporters are sticking to their convictions but in the end the real test will be if they vote Hillary or not.

posted on Jul, 27 2016 @ 12:44 PM
Omg she said Bernie or bust people . Don't leave things out to support a lie.
And let's not leave out that she was a Bernie supporter throughout the primaries.
The context of that statement was in holding out hope that Bernie could be their candidate.
There guys . Truth. Not the lie the OP would have you believing.
Hey OP did you even watch the convention.? Did you see this whole thing with Sara and Al Franken ?
Good thing I did. Good thing I know she was a Bernie supporter who like Bernie himself was saying we need to beat trump.
There's another truth.
This is an attempt to move Bernie people to trump and it's not going to work. Especially those Bernie supporters who actually watched this.
Yes she was harsh. I thought so but she was not deriding Bernie supporters just those holding out false hope.

Hey Bernie handed this show over to Hillary very graciously yesterday evening.
Now we need a thread that moves us forward together.

Trump cannot win the Whitehouse.

posted on Jul, 27 2016 @ 12:47 PM
a reply to: Orionx2

I would argue that most of the Sanders supporters don't exactly fall in line with modern Democrat ideals, and therefore, I'm betting that many of them won't vote for her. I did see a poll (too lazy to find it) that looked at how Sanders supporters' votes will be split, and if I recall correctly, it was in the 40s for Clinton, 30s for Trump, and 20s for Johnson.

I bet that, after some presidential debates, more of those head toward the Johnson side of things.

posted on Jul, 27 2016 @ 12:47 PM
a reply to: supremecommander

Really? Because they actually adopted about 90% of Bernies ideas.
Next lie?
Lay it on me ?

posted on Jul, 27 2016 @ 12:51 PM
a reply to: Metallicus

They're learning that only one wins .
There was no voter fraud.
You guys can freakin play at this bull all day long but it's lies and anyone you manage to fool is being duped by you. Your wish is that they didn't participate at all because everyone knows that most Bernie supporters are going to vote for clinton. A cheap attempt to try and steal their vote over to trump. It's not going to work.
edit on 7272016 by Sillyolme because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 27 2016 @ 12:52 PM
a reply to: Grambler

The DNC treats people like band aids.

Once their purpose has been fulfilled, they are thrown away.

Typical, really.

posted on Jul, 27 2016 @ 12:53 PM

originally posted by: Sillyolme
Omg she said Bernie or bust people . Don't leave things out to support a lie.
And let's not leave out that she was a Bernie supporter throughout the primaries.
The context of that statement was in holding out hope that Bernie could be their candidate.
There guys . Truth. Not the lie the OP would have you believing.
Hey OP did you even watch the convention.? Did you see this whole thing with Sara and Al Franken ?
Good thing I did. Good thing I know she was a Bernie supporter who like Bernie himself was saying we need to beat trump.
There's another truth.
This is an attempt to move Bernie people to trump and it's not going to work. Especially those Bernie supporters who actually watched this.
Yes she was harsh. I thought so but she was not deriding Bernie supporters just those holding out false hope.

Hey Bernie handed this show over to Hillary very graciously yesterday evening.
Now we need a thread that moves us forward together.

Trump cannot win the Whitehouse.

The DNC conspired against a candidate in favor of another.

They have engaged in electoral fraud. that is a treasonous act of malice.

This has nothing to do with Trump. You Democrats won't scare me with your rhetoric.

I went with Sanders because I believed in the man's message and would have sacrificed for the better of the country. Now after watching this witch and her cronies commit FRAUD, you want me to forget about that and vote for her?

oh no. The DNC have f'd with the wrong people and I know I'm not alone. I'm not afraid of Trump, even though I think he's a bigot and a dog whistler...and frankly, i tend to gain from his proposed tax cuts based on my income bracket from what I've read.

This is NOT OVER.

posted on Jul, 27 2016 @ 12:55 PM
a reply to: DBCowboy

Sure they do.
Just more cheap shots.
Vote your conscience guys...
If that's trump.
To your children and grandchildren...sorry babies. Very sorry.

posted on Jul, 27 2016 @ 12:56 PM

originally posted by: Sillyolme
a reply to: supremecommander

Really? Because they actually adopted about 90% of Bernies ideas.
Next lie?
Lay it on me ?

If you believe that FRAUD Clinton will keep any of the ideas on Sanders' platform that don't run concurrent with her wall street masters' whims, I have a beach side property in Florida to sell you for pennies on the dollar.

posted on Jul, 27 2016 @ 12:58 PM
a reply to: supremecommander

Some people said they favored another . Oh my how awful. Someone with a preference. The lousy traitor.
Sorry but none of that changed one vote .
Get over it.
But Trump inviting Russia to commit act of espionage against AMERICA that's what? Good? This insanity just needs to stop.

posted on Jul, 27 2016 @ 12:59 PM

originally posted by: Sillyolme
a reply to: DBCowboy

Sure they do.
Just more cheap shots.
Vote your conscience guys...
If that's trump.
To your children and grandchildren...sorry babies. Very sorry.

Playing the emotional game won't work when the facts aren't in your favor.

But it's the only tool you have, so I understand.

posted on Jul, 27 2016 @ 01:02 PM
a reply to: supremecommander

I believe the truth.
Because I can recognise that when I see it. So yeah . They did.
Guess we will see when Hillary initiates them next year.

While Trump goes to jail for treason.

posted on Jul, 27 2016 @ 01:03 PM

originally posted by: Sillyolme
Omg she said Bernie or bust people . Don't leave things out to support a lie.
And let's not leave out that she was a Bernie supporter throughout the primaries.
The context of that statement was in holding out hope that Bernie could be their candidate.
There guys . Truth. Not the lie the OP would have you believing.
Hey OP did you even watch the convention.? Did you see this whole thing with Sara and Al Franken ?
Good thing I did. Good thing I know she was a Bernie supporter who like Bernie himself was saying we need to beat trump.
There's another truth.
This is an attempt to move Bernie people to trump and it's not going to work. Especially those Bernie supporters who actually watched this.
Yes she was harsh. I thought so but she was not deriding Bernie supporters just those holding out false hope.

Hey Bernie handed this show over to Hillary very graciously yesterday evening.
Now we need a thread that moves us forward together.

Trump cannot win the Whitehouse.

I did watch the convention, and I know Silverman was a Bernie supporter. How does that change anything about the OP? Ok, so because she supported Bernie, she now has the authority to criticize all of the supporters who are mad about the treatment he received? Yes the Bernie or bust people. Are they not allowed to have an opinion that differs from elites like Sarah? Her and Seth Meyers and all of the other elites know whats best for them,right? How dare they think for themselves. What a joke. Also, I notice her and people like Seth Meyers didn't even mention the email links. Why Not?

I don't care who Bernie fans support. I never once mentioned in the OP they should vote for Trump, did I? I pointed out how these fans were celebrated by the DNC when the went after Trump, but now that many of them are mad at the DNC and engaging in the same behavious to the them, all of the sudden the DNC thinks they are being disruptive.

You are quick to call me a liar, but can't point out one lie in the op. You keep justifying the silencing of all of the Bernie or bust people though, ignore all of the protest outside, and the posters on ATS that were Bernie supporters that feel like they were cheated like supremecommander, because you know whats best, right!

A True Hillary follower!

posted on Jul, 27 2016 @ 01:04 PM
a reply to: DBCowboy

Ha funny. Facts? Yeah they are on my side.

posted on Jul, 27 2016 @ 01:04 PM
a reply to: Sillyolme

All lies and bull#. Hillary has proven herself a liar, as well as a corporate stooge. She could promise me the world, I wouldn't believe her for a second. If I asked her for a sandwich with Mayo on it, she'd give me miracle whip every time, and when I complained the answer would be "what difference does it make?" because the truth is, she cares for no one but her corporate masters.

posted on Jul, 27 2016 @ 01:04 PM

originally posted by: Sillyolme
a reply to: supremecommander

Some people said they favored another . Oh my how awful. Someone with a preference. The lousy traitor.
Sorry but none of that changed one vote .
Get over it.
But Trump inviting Russia to commit act of espionage against AMERICA that's what? Good? This insanity just needs to stop.

Yeah, "some people"...people that just happen to have the JOB to be impartial and manage the party selection process. Those "people" who openly colluded to diminish all candidates but HRC, were in favor of HRC, within their professional role as an "impartial" governing body of the DNC.

THOSE people?

Sillyolme, how very apropos an avatar name for you. Yes, that is a silly belief.

posted on Jul, 27 2016 @ 01:08 PM

originally posted by: Sillyolme
a reply to: supremecommander

Some people said they favored another . Oh my how awful. Someone with a preference. The lousy traitor.
Sorry but none of that changed one vote .
Get over it.
But Trump inviting Russia to commit act of espionage against AMERICA that's what? Good? This insanity just needs to stop.

The insanity is you telling me to get over electoral fraud.

Again. I do not support Trump. I supported Sanders because of the greater good.

That time has come and gone after what Clinton, DWS, and that pack of blood sucking leeches have done. Now comes self interest. And my self interests are my taxes being lowered, and in any way shape or form watching this blow up in The DNC, Clinton, and her arrogant supporters faces.

The DNC made several enemies this week. I hope they're prepared to lie in the bed they've made come November.

posted on Jul, 27 2016 @ 01:08 PM

originally posted by: Sillyolme
a reply to: supremecommander

...Because they actually adopted about 90% of Bernies ideas.

And you believe her.

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