posted on Jun, 19 2003 @ 06:22 PM
in all fairness to religion... it is 1)a product of humanity's ability to imagine and think abstractly, or 2)it is a manifestation of its ability to
sense that which transcends existence (for all Religious Studies majors out there, I'm referring to the 'anthrocentric' and 'theocentric'
theories of religion's basic nature).
So, you say, you're thinking of 'organized' religion... well, just as organized religion has killed, it has also brought people together and fuled
society. True, without religion you would have less fanatics and suicide bombers... but you would also have no Sistine Chapel, very few
world-spanning charities, and... less social cohesiveness.
My belief is that religion, one way or the other, is a thing that can't be extricated from humanity because it is a part of humanity, itself. So,
you say, "I'm an atheist, and I'm happy and well-adjusted!"... well, you're also reading a message board that talks about alien beings, ghosts,
paranormal powers... in other words, the unknown.