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Bernie Sanders Loyalists Bash Clinton Nomination, Clash With Police

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posted on Jul, 27 2016 @ 12:34 AM

originally posted by: Deny Arrogance
I still can't believe I will actually be voting for a republican for the first time in my life this fall.

originally posted by: cavtrooper7
I'll roll the dice with my future on Trump.

You people just don't get it. A vote for Trump is a vote for Hillary. Both colas come with different flavours of lies, but please for the grace of God recognize them for the lies they are. Just because Trump sounds like a good choice doesn't make it so. He is telling you what you want to hear with no intention of carrying it out. Do you remember Obama saying he will pull out of the middle east? That he would have the most transparent administration ever? That if we like our doctor, we can keep our doctor? Just because the lies are sweet does not mean they will come to pass. All of you Trumpeteers will be sorely disappointed.

posted on Jul, 27 2016 @ 12:37 AM

originally posted by: queenofswords
I can just imagine how his supporters feel......I'm talking about $$$$$ supporters.

It is bad enough when the candidate you support philosophically is cheated out of a fair chance, but when you have poured donations into his "revolution" and put sweat and tears into the campaign effort, YOU are the one cheated. I'd be mad as a hornet, too.

A simple 5 minute Google search would have shown them that Hilary was the chosen one long ago.

posted on Jul, 27 2016 @ 12:48 AM
a reply to: xuenchen

I kind of think Sanders is a mug,he gets robbed and is colluded against by the likes of Wasserman Shultz and just sucks it up....useful idiot or what?
I saw one woman a Bernie fan going ballistic saying Trump will wipe the floor with Clinton come November and EFF you Hilary.

It's good to see the whole thing turn into a sham as it should be when the votes are rigged to benefit a corrupt dishonest treacherous dinosaur that is the whore of Babylon.

posted on Jul, 27 2016 @ 12:56 AM
a reply to: MayanBoricua

I get it.
But you may well be wrong on this one as i never seen the establishment media go into over drive to bring somebody down as much as Trump so in that respect something is afoot.
I know politics is a circus but the underhanded tactics of Clinton paying for people to wear Sanders shirts at Trump rallies smacks of desperation.
I have always believed the votes are rigeed anyway,it's not who casts them but counts them that matters but why such a desperate attempt at character assasination by so many.

posted on Jul, 27 2016 @ 01:20 AM
And through it all, the MSM continues on as a democrat party advocacy network without even batting an eyelash as to their own collusion to the entire illegality and ethically bankrupt daily programming we continue to receive, in fact they are reporting their version of the regular news as if nothing implicates them at all, and they are showcasing the entire parade!

posted on Jul, 27 2016 @ 01:45 AM

originally posted by: TinfoilTP
They marched out the doors and into the arms of Trump, such unity.

Then there is hubby slick Willy exclaiming his wife is the biggest change maker. Funny she couldn't change his philandering.

DNC is a real circus.

Not into the arms of Trump.

posted on Jul, 27 2016 @ 01:46 AM
a reply to: xuenchen

I thought the protests after this eveing already had a thread.

posted on Jul, 27 2016 @ 01:48 AM

originally posted by: queenofswords
I can just imagine how his supporters feel......I'm talking about $$$$$ supporters.

It is bad enough when the candidate you support philosophically is cheated out of a fair chance, but when you have poured donations into his "revolution" and put sweat and tears into the campaign effort, YOU are the one cheated. I'd be mad as a hornet, too.

Feel? He said he ould supoprt Clinton if it came down to it. It was not a surprise.

Oddly, people Trump supporters are using this as a weird way to hit blindly at just about anything. As usual.

posted on Jul, 27 2016 @ 01:54 AM

Moments after Clinton became the first woman to be nominated for president by a major U.S. political party...

I don't know why media outlets keep saying this. It isn't true and hasn't been for a long time.

posted on Jul, 27 2016 @ 01:56 AM
a reply to: reldra

I'm aware he said that, I knew he said that. It was part of the deal he made to be able to fly under the democratic banner. He has the integrity to stand by his word. I know why he did it. I respect his integrity for sticking by his word. It's part of what made him so great.

But now that he's had to endorse her, his time is done. That doesn't mean the movement has to end. Just because he was our leader, doesn't mean we need to follow him when he's forced to give the devil her due.

We didn't make the devil deal he did, we don't have to honor it. I'm not pissed at Bernie, but I am at Hillary and the DNC, and she will not get my vote.

posted on Jul, 27 2016 @ 02:00 AM
a reply to: MayanBoricua
We'll see, I already KNOW Hillary is NOT acceptable on any level.
If you listen to campaign words you are not even in the game...

posted on Jul, 27 2016 @ 02:36 AM

originally posted by: southbeach
You may well be wrong on this one as i never seen the establishment media go into over drive to bring somebody down as much as Trump so in that respect something is afoot.

I believe that the media is a fine well oiled machine capable of putting on an amazing act of reverse psychology; and that the media's bias against Trump only works persuades those that already agree in the first place. The fierceness of their assaults will only drive people into Trumps arms faster, thinking the establishment doesn't like him. Or I may be wrong. I can admit that. It would be nice if I am, considering he has been (S)elected already. Time will tell. (I'm calling it now; It will be a Red victory.)

originally posted by: cavtrooper7
We'll see, I already KNOW Hillary is NOT acceptable on any level.

Then that should also apply to Trump, considering he's been a lifelong democrat until he wanted your vote. He had my vote too, until I researched him. Besides, it should be common knowledge on this board that the Hidden Hand pulls ALL the strings on both sides off the aisle. Whether Coke or Pepsi, we get nothing but cola. A vote for Trump is a Vote for Hillary. If he picked her for Secretary of State, I wouldn't be surprised in the least. Here is Trump endorsing Hillary in 2012.

edit on 7272016 by MayanBoricua because: Mistakes Were Made

posted on Jul, 27 2016 @ 02:43 AM
a reply to: MayanBoricua

AGAIN I already have done my research thanks.
I am a bit more HANDS on than a cellphone to do so.
SCREW the current system, THIS is my answer to it ,if THIS doesn't work and he follows the current POLITICAL ideology( WHICH is BULLS##T, if you claim it) theres NASTY plan B.
We are armed and getting sick of it.

posted on Jul, 27 2016 @ 03:17 AM
a reply to: cavtrooper7

We should go straight to plan B, because Plan A is doomed to fail. Trump is the Republican version of Change We can All Believe In. He's there to keep you from going to Plan B, and when he follows in Bush and Obama's footsteps and abuses presidential power, you are the type of fool that will be making his excuses, the way the democrats have been covering Obama's ass as he did all the same thing Bush did.

This is supposed to be a conspiracy forum. Where have all the educated members gone? Does anyone remember Freemasonry? The Trilateral Commission? Bilderberg Group? Council of 300? Bohemian Grove? Rockefeller? Rothschild? The Hidden Hand? Oligarchs?
How can you people believe our saviour will be born of the enemy? Trump is the definition of wolf in sheep's clothing. At least with Hillary, we can tell she's a sellout. Do you people not remember our leaders are selected? Do you people really believe the establishment hates trump just because they say they do? Have you never heard of reverse psychology? Trump grew up with these people! Went to school with them! He plays golf with them every weekend! And you think he opposes them? Because he's rich and he can afford his own campaign? Bet you didn't know as soon as he won the primaries and KO'd the other runners, he started taking money from all the entities he talked spit about. Have y'all heard the interview where he said his antics are just an act, and that he will cooperate with the establishment? I'm searching for that fiercely.
Thank you for your service. However, your boss sucks, and so will his replacement.

edit on 7272016 by MayanBoricua because: Mistakes Were Made

posted on Jul, 27 2016 @ 03:27 AM
a reply to: MayanBoricua

NOT yet.
We don't think so.
IT'S getting EXTREMELY TENSE in the ranks,however.

posted on Jul, 27 2016 @ 04:11 AM
a reply to: MayanBoricua

You people just don't get it. A vote for Trump is a vote for Hillary.

Here we go. First "you people dont get it" Thats the problem , we do and it isnt your reality
Why you people ? And what dont we get ?
And next , a vote for Trump is a vote for Hillary . Classic nonsense. What ? Dont think people should waste their time voting for the person of choice ? Should vote for Hillary and save time and trouble ? Hell to the no.....

posted on Jul, 27 2016 @ 05:01 AM
a reply to: queenofswords

That's exactly what I'm upset about. Not only did they waste my time but robbed me of my donations too. I watched CNN yesterday morning and the Hillary camp basically said Bernie supporters will eventually have a gut check and vote Hillary. Well I already had a gut check DNC.

posted on Jul, 27 2016 @ 08:26 AM
a reply to: MotherMayEye

But i'd rather see Bernie spearhead that spending than Hillary. She isn't going to concern herself with corruption in Congress.

Hasn't it become painfully obvious to the Bernie fans yet? He will do exactly as he's told and what is best to get himself in a position of power. You don't think Clinton will reward him in some way for rolling over? If his performance at the DNC convention didn't convince his supporters, nothing will.

posted on Jul, 27 2016 @ 09:40 AM

originally posted by: Gothmog
What dont we get ?
And next , a vote for Trump is a vote for Hillary . Dont think people should waste their time voting for the person of choice ? Should vote for Hillary and save time and trouble ? Hell to the no....

Ewww, you're right. It does sound like I'm telling you to vote for Hillary. I would rather have you to chop your left nut off than vote for her.
This is what y'all dont get; Trump is playing each and every one of y'all. He's playing you the way Obama played black people. AND YOU'RE FALLING FOR IT. He makes some pretty sweet promises. Except, we've seen elections before. Plenty of you seem older than me. Why haven't ya'll figured out that candidates will promise all kinda things you want to hear while running, and not give you spit. Are you all seven years old? Or do you remember the spectacular promises Obama made to be elected, and never delivered on 8 years ago?

There is little difference between a vote for Hillary, or a vote for the man who has SUPPORTED HER FOR DECADES. In other worlds, choosing Trump is akin to slicing off your right nut. I'd like to keep my nuts, and I don't think we should pick between them. Thats what y'all don't get. And why you people? It lends itself nicely in convesation. I mean Trump voters. Why do I focus on Trump voters? Because, who the hell is seriously gonna vote for Hillary? Hell to the no.

posted on Jul, 27 2016 @ 09:47 AM
The way Bernie gave in to Hillary is no surprise to me. He is the epitome of the weak beta, the man who during all his life had a comfy public sector job, the man who never took the risk of setting up of business, the man who allows his opponents to take his microphone, the man who tells us to feel guilty and that whites don't know poverty, and now the man who gives away his ticket to Presidency of the US to a woman.

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