posted on Jul, 26 2016 @ 06:41 PM
Remember when....
Yes, yes I do..
Do yo remember when ;
You and your friends could grab a hammer and some nails,and plywood you "found" and make a fort in the abandoned lot...
Parents felt safe letting the children roam the neighborhood in hordes on their bikes until the street lights came on(dinners ready).
It was not risk of injury to a minor and you would not make local news if you let your kid walk to the park with his friend
Latchkey kids were not considered neglected
When you were at a party at [insert local isolated dead end here] and the cops showed up and drank a beer with you and wishes you luck in Sundays game
before shrugging how some people have nothing else to do but call this crap in...
Yes I do..
And Im glad I don't have any children growing up in todays society...
God bless all of you responsible parents who are trying!
edit on 26-7-2016 by Mike Stivic because: (no reason given)