posted on Jul, 25 2016 @ 11:00 PM
How will you be able to know what the truth is even with the normal lines of communications open? Local news reports on commercial broadcast TV and
radio often ignore certain stories or give inaccurate and scant information. Even what you hear on a scanner may be misinformation, that is if you are
even able to hear what is going on. Who can you trust to tell you what you need to know in a crisis situation? Your best bet would be to establish a
private network of eyewitnesses to gather the necessary intel you will need to determine what is really going on in your local area. Presently that
function is being more or less performed by online social networks like Facebook, but that can and most likely will be censored if Big Brother
doesn't want you to know the truth. Then, of course, there is the total communications black out scenario, when all normal communications are
Here in Michigan I'm lucky to pick up emergency and local police chatter on the normal analog radio frequencies. However, I can only pick up on
emergency, fire and some local county and city police communications. The state police have moved their communications frequency and digitally
encrypted it, so the old scanners won't pick them up. The best I can do about that is to hear a second hand account from the other agencies or
purchase an extremely expensive receiver to listen in. Even if I could listen to the state boys, there is nothing to stop them from further encryption
on another frequency that is unavailable to the average citizen. The police have done just that for the DNC conventions and would certainly do that
for any extreme situations that might occur in a SHTF scenario. As for the federal government or the military, good luck listening in on those
This makes it necessary to have a team of operatives that can observe and report on any current situation on a two-way frequency that is not used or
monitored by the government who would likely report misinformation or blackout the news entirely. You will need to know the location of any action
including riots, terror attacks, police or military road blocks, actual level of damage or casualties, live fire fights, etc. This information can be
collected and distributed throughout a local network to keep everyone updated on the real information that is being manipulated or kept from the
public. What you do with such information is strictly up to you after you receive it, but at least you will be getting first hand accounts from people
you can trust.
It is certainly possible that the authorities could get wind of your operation and render your communication frequencies useless by jamming or
compromising it, however, there are ways to work around these problems if you have a good intel team. There are a number of methods that could be used
to transmit the information outside of two-ways and these should be incorporated into your intelligence operation plans.