posted on Jul, 26 2016 @ 12:19 PM
This is an easy one to answer. Almost all people that go to jail are new to exercise, when i went to jail and started training i did nothing special,
just had a break from booze and drugs, ate better than i did when i was out, and most importantly i was brand new to wwight training. I was a skinny
guy weighing 10 stone at 6 feet tall. After 6 months i was 12 stone, lean and most of my gains was pure muscle mass. I had stretch marks everywhere
from the rapid growth i was experiencing.
Since i was released 8 years ago after a 2 year stretch i came out weighing 15 stone and lean around 12% body fat. I decided to educate myself a lot
in excercise and diet programs as ive wanted to be a personal trainer and in 8 years ive learned a lot.
What also contributed to my massive gains in jail was for the first time in years instead of having low testosterone levels due to alcohol and drug
consumption my test skyrocketed, and being in an environment where one has to have the alpha male mindset only contributes to your test levels.
Also what else ive learned is theirs 3 ways to cause muscle growth, 1 is progressive overload by constantly adding weight to your exercises each every
couple of training sessons by small increments. 2 swap from doing low reps high weights to high reps low weights every 4 weeks. And 3, this is what
most people seem to forget is training frequency. I used to train each muscle group once a week but if i was lacking in any given muscle i would train
it twice or sometimes 3 times a week to bring said muscle out better.
The logic behind high frequency is simple enough, look at builders and how much they lift heavy weights everyday at work. Im yet to see a builder with
scrawny arms after a few years on the job (im a builder too) so as ive demonstrated and proved, frequency is a big factor in growth and with all the
time one has in jail all one can do is train, eat and sleep everyday.
I hope this has answered your questions and you find the information given informative.
P.s since i came out of jail 8 years ago im forever stopping and starting training and have never come close to the growth ive had in jail, with
working from job to job location, drinking with the lads after work and recently overcoming opiate addiction its been madness, lol the one thing i do
love though is when i first start training after being off for several months is the rapid muscle growth i get, as all those new to excercise get
dramatic effects for a few months. Even the guys that stop training for months on end then start again are back to being beginner level.