posted on Aug, 26 2016 @ 01:09 PM
You are the first person I address on this website since I join...
About 'twin flame'... I have a soulmate but the energy is lost... I came to believe we were not meant to be lovers, cos he already married w
children... We had a few outstanding cultural things in common... Sometimes he would come to me in my dreams and it would help me to get thru
whatever it was I was going thru...
In 2012 after 8 years in China, going thru early menopause and working on language books during lot of spare time as a teacher... celibate period...
I landed in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia and fell into a 'unconditional love'... the guy turned out to be married... what decided me to commit to him was
that everything about him was a summary of all the men (not that many) I'd ever loved before (innocent or partner)... Then it ended because I had to
leave the country (and he seemed cannot commit) and I had a lot of tears, physical breakdown in some respect tho not obvious to others... I thought
I will never love again, it was my last chance to try to have a child, failed...
Recently I met someone, much younger but this is common for me... Biggest age difference so far... Met year and half ago... This person really
doesn't seem like a twin flame... But strangely there are things about him that are kind of rare that compare to me... the way he talks very
straight, the way he tries to be authentic, his insight into people's character, his curiosity, kindness, his fears... But altho he is attracted,
he resists and I don't fault him for it... I know the age difference can be unacceptable... Since I met him he kept trying to gain intimacy of
spirit/ attraction with lot of other females (not necessarily sexual but flirtatious), and right now he seem found someone that may suit him... I
think we both miss each other, but his flirtations, our age difference keep us apart... Also I think there is a cultural gap... At one stage he
kept asking if we could be friends, but I was a bit stand-offish about that or skeptical cos I felt like he already flirting so not sure I can be
platonic (or not sure he can haha)...
And what is your experience of the twin flame ... how do you identify this is a twin flame?
I think the idea of a twin flame is logical (or soulmate)... on the male female level, to reproduce children we need to have 2 sexes... So it's
logical that for some couples they find a perfect completeness on many levels...
edit on 26-8-2016 by SallyAnneL because: add an