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Aerokinesis - Atmokinesis

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posted on Jan, 19 2005 @ 08:10 AM
Does anyone know of any good or reliable sites which discuss Aerokinesis and/or Atmokinesis? Or even psychokinesis as a whole?

And does anyone here have any views on the subject?


[edit on 19-1-2005 by mysticshadow]

posted on Jan, 20 2005 @ 01:25 AM
No...and once again with the dumb questions on my part: what is aerokinesis and atmokinesis?

[edit on 20-1-2005 by toechopper]

posted on Jan, 20 2005 @ 06:53 AM
Sorry, I forgot to type that.

Aerokinesis - the ability to manipulate wind with the mind.
Atmokinesis - the ability to manipulate the weather with the mind.

[edit on 20-1-2005 by mysticshadow]

posted on Jan, 20 2005 @ 12:37 PM
link all makes sense now, aero, atmo, duh!

I dunno, I know a couple of people who profess to be able to do that, and I think that they're a little dissalusioned...It's a little too easy to think that an atmospheric current sent to you by evaporating water off of the equator was something that you caused...examples of what the power of self-suggestion can do.

posted on Jan, 22 2005 @ 12:02 AM
Remember that nearly anything is possible. I think that some people are frauds which say they can do this, but there are the others who can really do this.

[edit on 22-1-2005 by mysticshadow]

posted on Jan, 22 2005 @ 12:25 AM
I'd like to see someone actually do something like that. It would be amazing. However, they would have to literally change the weather extremely rapidly for anyone to believe they were doing something other than a few conspiracy folks.

Almost anyone could claim they changed the weather and start believing it but it wouldn't be true. For instance as I was flying over some of the northern states the other day, I thought to myself, "looks like the snow cover isn't very deep, they need some more to make everything look more white from the air". Now a big snowstorm is about to hit those states again. I didn't have anything to do with it though. I think it's just a normal winter blizzard that happens every once in a while up there in the frozen tundra of the northern states of the US.

posted on Jan, 22 2005 @ 02:29 AM
link is a good site to research psionics abnd psionic abilities, you can ask one of the people who run the site if they kno of any good sites discussing Aero or Atmo.

posted on Jan, 22 2005 @ 02:46 AM
PsiPog will probably tell you there is no "Aerokinesis ". It's all just clumped together as PK. Find the handbook there.

Don't skip the bent fork pics some of them are really good

posted on Jan, 22 2005 @ 04:35 AM
I have looked at psipog recently and they had nothing about atmokinesis, and I think barely anything about aerokinesis.

Hey the pics there... well I have seen some and I was a little skeptical in a way, like where he was levitating an object. Who knows, he could of thrown it?

I might ask one of the people running it. Good idea, thanx.

posted on Jan, 22 2005 @ 11:21 AM
maybe its just predicting the wind instead of "controlling". if you have the ability to predict the weather without being aware of it conciously, then how easy is it to believe you are controlling it without first thinking it might be predicting??

but ofcourse it should be possible to control the wind, if you are able to predict it. Simply because you are able to feel the movement of the wind, why should the wind not be able to feel the movement of your thoughts?'

posted on Jan, 22 2005 @ 01:02 PM

Originally posted by mysticshadow
Remember that nearly anything is possible. I think that some people are frauds which say they can do this, but there are the others who can really do this.

[edit on 22-1-2005 by mysticshadow]

I agree that anything is possible. I guess what I meant was that it is very easy for someone to think that they have just caused a thunderstorm when in reality the weatherman had been predicting one (and was right for once
). It would have to be something noticeable, like, in the example that was posted earlier, that there would have to be a rapid change in the weather for it to be believable.

[edit on 22-1-2005 by toechopper]

posted on Jan, 25 2005 @ 06:07 AM

Originally posted by Vault
maybe its just predicting the wind instead of "controlling".

I guess this is a possibility.

I think it would make sense to learn how to consciously predict or sense the wind or changes in the weather before saying you can manipulate it.

posted on Jan, 26 2005 @ 02:00 AM
I found a feww sites that said things about how to do it i.e. meditate how to position yourself what to think about etc...

theres not alot about it because so few have the abilitie or practice it.

posted on Jan, 26 2005 @ 05:51 AM

Originally posted by mysticshadow

Originally posted by Vault
maybe its just predicting the wind instead of "controlling".

I guess this is a possibility.

I think it would make sense to learn how to consciously predict or sense the wind or changes in the weather before saying you can manipulate it.

Indeed, and maybe that once you learn how to predict it, you might be able to learn how to control it.

posted on Feb, 20 2007 @ 10:48 PM
Hello, this is my first post so - Kinesises have been a perpetual interest for me for many years. I don't have anything that's repeatable I'm afraid (I'm not that skilled - never been big on training consistently) and all but one my experiences are still in the range of questionable in my mind - even so seredipity seems more credible than kinesis lol. From my limited experience, and puny/ unimpressive results here are some things to consider. One is you have to enter a pretty much one-pointed focus on what you want to happen, there is a reason for this. When I began training in kinesis, or return to it after a long period of time of not practicing. When I try to affect something my mind gets stuck on the way it is, kind of like "...but it is doing this/ is this..." or doubts arise "...but how ~science~..." etc... : in a dream if you try to affect the environment (as in lucid dreaming) if you cling/ get stuck on the object you wish to affect/change it will remain unaffected because your clinging to it makes it seemingly concrete, however if you "forget" about the dream object and "imagine" what you want to appear it does because your mind has "made room" for the "new" object by letting go of the old. I think in this level of reality something similar happens. If your mind gets stuck on the "way it is" it interrupts the "energy flow" which has the potential to "mannifest" the desired affect/change. Doubt also interrupts this, it draws your mind away from focusing on "creating" the kinesis. It also keeps your focus "locked" into the way things seem and prevents it from reaching into higher/subtler potentialities which are what make the kinesis possible. So, one-pointed focus, no doubt (realize the non-seperatness of "you" and the "phenomenon", that "you" have the potential to affect it), only focus intensely on the affect which is occuring (completely forget/ block out in your mind "the way it is"). This is all theory mind you, based on my limited experience, and some research. Be VERY careful with aerokinesis and atmokinesis (if a butterfly flaps its wings and China it could create a hurricane and all that). My advice concerning aerokinesis/atmokinesis is - if you desire a specific weather affect, create a prayer asking for it only if it fits into the "natural weather schedule" without causing anyone harm. If you affect the weather on your own, there very truly could be a disasterous chain effect and you could be karmically responsible - so leave it up to the powers that be, simply pray for it respectfully
since misusing Psychic gifts has heavy consequences. Also, ego-pride pretty much ensures failure in any psychic activity (the universe is protecting you - if your ego-pride was rewarded by "sucess" with kinesis your ego-pride would grow and cause suffering for you and others. So if ego-pride is the motivation, it will not be "rewarded" with success - at least this has been what I've been found to be true for myself) Wishing you the best.

posted on Feb, 21 2007 @ 08:24 AM

Originally posted by mysticshadow
I have looked at psipog recently and they had nothing about atmokinesis, and I think barely anything about aerokinesis.

Well of course not!
Because Aerokinesis and Atmokinesis are not accepted terms. If you are going to get anywhere with what you want, you're going to have to look for methods that allow for the movement of air, or the manipulation of weather via Psychokinesis or Telekinesis. I prefer Telekinesis myself, but both of them are accepted terms in the Psionic world.

Besides, using Aerokinesis and other such terms make you sound stupid.
While you probably aren't, they make people think that you are.

Anyway, the best thing you could to in order to figure out a method would be to make one up. You see, the only reason there are methods is to alert your Subconscious to what you want it to do.
Thats what all the visualization is for, to let your Subcon. know that you want this object to move. Your Subconscious really does all the muscle work, you just have to get it to understand what to do.

So, with that in mind, make up your own method. Figure out your own way of getting your Subcon. to do what you want it to do.

posted on Feb, 21 2007 @ 10:35 AM
I wasn't aware there was a name/term for it, but I've been doing it on a very small scale, with surprising success.

We have a small, fenced yard containing several trees, in-ground and in pots, all of which drop leaves fairly constantly. The yard is windy most days. We sweep up the leaves several times a week. Just as I get the leaves into a neat pile, the breeze scatters them again or blows them to the other end of the path. It's time wasting and annoying.

One day a few years ago, I remembered reading somewhere that the breeze is actually spirits (this may have been folk-lore or myth, I can't remember). In any case, after having several piles of leaves scattered every time I'd got them into a heap, it did seem as if an invisible mischief-maker was deliberately making my task difficult.

I swept the leaves into a pile once more and again a breeze swooped in from nowhere. It seemed a long shot, but with nothing to lose, I mentally said: " No. No. Stop it. Leave them alone please. "

The breeze immediately died. Just coincidence I thought and quickly put the small pile of leaves into a bag.

I moved down the path and began sweeping there. But as fast as I swept, the breeze swirled the leaves in the opposite direction. So again I instructed the breeze to leave things alone. And again, the breeze dropped as swiftly as it had started. It had to be a coincidence, I thought. But it gave me confidence.

A few days later I was going through the same frustrations when I remembered the 'coincidences'. So -- not knowing if it would work again(because there was no reason it should) but nevertheless hopeful, I mentally spoke to the breeze as if it were a person or group of persons and said: " Stop it! Stop until I'm finished sweeping please." And everything became still. I told myself I was just having a lucky day.

I pushed a pile of leaves into the bag and moved along the path, sweeping as I went. The breeze began playing it's tricks again, so -- with a feeling of 'something's going on here' at the back of my mind -- I again mentally spoke to the breeze as you would a child, saying: " Just give me a couple of minutes please. I just need a few minutes more. I just want to get these swept and into the bag ".

Incredibly, the breeze seemed to be consciously co-operating. Doubt about the whole thing tried to break my concentration, but I pushed it aside. Instinctively, I felt that doubt would break the connection I seemed to have with the breeze.

Every now and then, the breeze would have a little flutter, threatening to wreck my progress and at those times, I'd mentally speak to it -- sometimes quite firmly, at other times cajolingly, at which point the breeze would stop, allowing me to finish the task. I thought it was amazing. Still do. It's become habit now for me to mentally speak to the breeze and seek (or demand) its co-operation.

It's easier sometimes than at others. Occasionally the breeze is quite wilfull, at which times I speak to it the way you would to a fractious horse, more with 'sounds' than with words (silently, mentally, of course).

Another thing I've tried a few times lately is making clouds disappear. I read about it briefly in a book. The first time I tried it, it worked. I was stunned. It was so easy ! How could it happen? Must be a coincidence. So I did it again. I was so excited I looked around, desperate to share it with someone. No-one around that I knew. And when I told my family later, they seemed disinterested (or maybe disbelieving).

Then, a few months ago, I was outdoors with several members of the family, when I remembered the cloud-experiment. I told the family what I planned to attempt and asked them to chose a cloud. A nice solid looking one in the middle of a pack, all moving at the same pace and level, was chosen. It was a small cloud, about half the size of the one next to it.

I pointed to it throughout, while 'beaming' energy at it. My intention was to make it disappear.

It took only a few minutes. I didn't take my eye or concentration off it and kept up a running-commentary all the way through, saying, e.g., "Look, it's half gone " - " Now there's only a quarter left " - " Now the last little bit's fading. Watch it. Watch -- there, that's it. It's gone now". And it was. All the other clouds around it were still there and their shape wasn't much altered from when I'd commenced the experiment. But where 'my' cloud had been was now just an empty space.

The rest of the family were far less enthusiastic about it than I expected. I mean, I think it's amazing. I don't know how or why it works and I'm astonished that I'm able to do it. I expected the others would be equally interested and intrigued and would want to try it for themselves, but they adopted a 'kewl' attitude. When I said: " Why don't you try it out for yourselves? You could do it too? " the only response was: " Yeah. I know. " as if it were no more noteworthy than turning on a bathroom tap to get water to flow.

Maybe I'm easily impressed. Maybe it's nothing. Maybe people everywhere have been making clouds vanish all their lives and I just didn't find out about it until recently? Whatever the case, I still consider it to be an unexpected and amazing proof of mind over matter. It always astonishes me when it works.

Although, each time I do it, I feel an element of guilt, as maybe it's wrong to burn clouds out of the sky.

Anyone else do it and if so, do you feel a bit guilty too ?

posted on May, 21 2008 @ 07:02 AM
reply to post by mysticshadow

posted on Jun, 22 2008 @ 08:29 AM
I beleive that our star signs are something to do with aerokinesis, I say so myself because I'm aerokinetic and I'm a Gemini.

I'm creative and imaginative, I could "imagine" an air wave and could happen.
other star signs libra, aquarius are air signs. Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius are fire signs. cancer, Scorpio and pisces are water signs.

So use your element wisely!!!

posted on Jun, 22 2008 @ 10:07 AM
reply to post by Anonymous ATS

I can also do aerokenisis, and I'm also a Gemini. But when I do it its accidental. I'll be making a psiball, or practicing TK and I'll feel air moving in my hands or around them. I dont really list it as one of the things I can do because I dont really practice it though.

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