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Tom Delonge is revealing a little bit more info, on the lead up to the release of his documentary!

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posted on Jul, 24 2016 @ 10:00 PM
a reply to: Wolfenz

The Vril occult society is an even more interesting read than the UFO

posted on Jul, 24 2016 @ 10:17 PM

originally posted by: zazzafrazz
a reply to: Wolfenz

The Vril occult society is an even more interesting read than the UFO

That and The AHNENERBE Occult is even More Bizarre!


Nazism and occultism

posted on Jul, 24 2016 @ 10:58 PM
a reply to: Wolfenz

Have you seen they found Himmlers Witchcraft/occult library? The 13,000-volume library was found in a depot of the National Library of Czech Republic. Wonder if they find any Nazi bell or Vrill craft blueprints folded away on a the sleeve of a book .

posted on Jul, 25 2016 @ 01:18 AM

originally posted by: olaru12
a reply to: Davg80

After this.....

I don't have much faith in anything TD says.

From DeLonge's thread:
"Now, guess what. The UFO phenomenon is TRUE. And yes, I know it is. Ive been told very important information about it, by the people who run the programs. Not every legend is true, but this one is. But be careful, there is a lot of crap out there."

That thread sounds as if it was written by an illiterate person which makes me wonder who this guy is that "people who run the programs." know him and confide in him. "there is a lot of crap out there." and in that thread also!

edit on 07/03/2016 by klassless because: To correct grammar.

posted on Jul, 25 2016 @ 02:22 AM

originally posted by: zazzafrazz
a reply to: Wolfenz

Have you seen they found Himmlers Witchcraft/occult library? The 13,000-volume library was found in a depot of the National Library of Czech Republic. Wonder if they find any Nazi bell or Vrill craft blueprints folded away on a the sleeve of a book .

Apparently Not., I haven't heard they did ... but later READ ABOUT IT

I Do know that, Himmler as with Hitler among others in the Nazi Party Followed Closely in one Particular Person named Walter Nauhaus Leader of the Thule Society .. DABBLED INTO into the Supernatural including witchcraft

So this Finding of this Library ( if TRUE ) holds Merit another Piece of evidence of the Bizarre outcomes of the Nazi Party

but I found this on a Pagan News Site
No Witchcraft Books in Prague, According to Historian
Heather Greene — March 31, 2016

but what is True ,
like digging into ancient Sites, excavating
them looking for Clues and seeking Finding Ancient artifact Relics
its claimed to be True , if you have Read the Spear Of Destiny.
about the Lance of Longinus ( which I own a copy ) that Hitler did take from Austria
and the US Military supposedly gave back the Holy Relic

the exact book i have

although I heard that ( Conspiracy Rumor ) they the Nazi Party went to INDIA
to Search for Aryan Artifacts and its History , and they also Translated the Very Ancient Sanskrit Writings
seeking time travel and the flying machines in the Scripts ( Vimāna ) which came into place the Flying Bells/ Saucers

so of all the Weird Strange and Bizarre events & happenings in Nazi Germany ..
and most comes out to the Truth of what went on, from the Dark Side..

Who the Hell Knows ..

funny wouldn't it be? ,, if those UFO's and the So called Aliens
were Actually Man made Machines and Genetic Experiments !

a Lot was Taken from German Science and Technology.. after WW2

Man would not been to the Moon as Quick if wasn't for Operation Paperclip
and former NAZI, Werner von Braun

I wouldn't be surprised if UFOS were German Technology..

as for the Axis Powers in WW2

The German and Japanese Pilots Seen Foo Fighters too

but in this Day in Age with Photoshop and CGI
its harder to view and Judge if its authentic
as the majority isnt

that is why i go for Vintage Reels and Old Newspaper/ Magazine Clippings and
Legit Old photos . that you can place in your hands..

My most convincing pieces , is the Montana 1950 and Utah 1952 UFO incident Films
and too add with it of what Professor J Allan Hynak had said in a UFO Documentary ( IT HAS BEGUN ) narrated by Ron Serling , that the Robertson Panel that examined both Films Could not Determine of what the Object were. and the Panel had to give something to satisfy the Public and they called they were Jet Flares ..

but the only time of disclosure coming about ..

is when the Presidents & Leaders of superpower Nations Speak out
about them .. on national Televised Speeches, that they exist ..

Some Presidents Got Close ..

posted on Jul, 25 2016 @ 03:54 AM
a reply to: BASSPLYR

That's right.... many people are tearing strips off him and saying these Gov officials are playing him, well if that's the case
and he has been used then we shouldn't blame him, if we were shown in and around top secret facilities by the higher ups we would be more susceptive to the lies being told, especially because someone like TD wants it to be true (i want it to be true!)
but i am personally leaning to the scenario of him being used, and hey that scenario could well involve a big reveal, but whether its the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!....... well that's never going to happen, knowledge is power and all that.

posted on Jul, 25 2016 @ 05:33 AM

on looking for the type of scope TDL has and how other big websites are relaying the TDL affair, it seems to be the same story over and again with nobody really saying what is usually said and that is, that this person is nuts.
i wonder if this is the first phase of disclosure through Tom.
on googling Tom DeLonge and Proof and searching past weeks results, the fourth link down is our very own thread, but what i found interesting was the post that was used (is it random?).... to me it sums up what should happen if he is telling the truth!
Tom Delonge is revealing a little bit more info, on the lead up to ...
11 hours ago - 1 post - ‎1 author
Now if Delonge proves all that he said here true, fact based evidence, knock it out of the park. Then all 7.5 billion human beings , at that time, should all stop ...

posted on Jul, 25 2016 @ 09:08 AM
a reply to: Davg80

Hm. I'm not seeing which post popped up on your google search for Tom Delonge and proof... Is that the one in your post from this thread? Sorry, I wasn't clear on what you are saying...


ETA: Oh - okay, I get it now! Thanks! NVM

edit on 25-7-2016 by AboveBoard because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 25 2016 @ 10:09 AM
a reply to: AboveBoard

yes it was the bit at the end, sorry....
paddyoffurniture post:
"Now if Delonge proves all that he said here true, fact based evidence, knock it out of the park. Then all 7.5 billion human beings , at that time, should all stop ..."

i just wander if some sort of disclosure is underway, with nobody really calling him out as a hoaxer or whatever and the same story being churned out, im thinking this is all deliberate, i mean the stuff he exposed in the ATS AMA is quite crazy when you think about it, but the Media outlets are going for the story that he is working with government officials on a disclosure , i feel that he is working with them and there is "big" news on the horizon!

(post by Orpheus1 removed for a serious terms and conditions violation)

posted on Jul, 25 2016 @ 11:15 AM
a reply to: Davg80

I wouldn't put too much in it, it will be whatever it is.
If they wanted to disclose without an agenda, they would open up the hanger doors and say, here it is, instead of drip feeding us like we are children unable to cope.

posted on Jul, 25 2016 @ 11:42 AM

originally posted by: zazzafrazz
a reply to: Davg80

I wouldn't put too much in it, it will be whatever it is.
If they wanted to disclose without an agenda, they would open up the hanger doors and say, here it is, instead of drip feeding us like we are children unable to cope.

Agreed !! ...

but here is a Problem ,,

I asume the TPTB Would Love too ,

A wide Spread Panic is what they are afraid of ..

from the Cause of The War of the Worlds : Mercury Theater Broadcast by Orson Wells in 1938

and a similar Broadcast of War of the Worlds back in the late 40s in Argentina had done the same thing

let alone Religious fanatics ..

Welles scares nation

Some say it wasn't much of a Panic ..

although the People says differently , that were there , that did
Interviews of the people around the Area of the caused Location of the Panic !

War of the Worlds - Interviews with Orson Welles

AT&T Operators Recall War of the Worlds Broadcast - AT&T Archives

posted on Jul, 25 2016 @ 03:14 PM
What if simply everything that Tom DeLonge says is true and his sources are doing the best they can?

After having followed the subject of UFOs and extraterrestrial life with great interest for over 40 years I think this would be the simplest explanation. But I understand that this runs against beliefs that have been very well established. So well established that one could call them fixed ideas by now:

1) Most people are convinced that humans are basically BAD. Not they themselves (of course), maybe not their children, but the rest: OF COURSE! The Abrahamic religions (Judaism, Christianity and Islam) surely spread this philosophy, but at least they promise salvation. But, interestingly enough, the strictly materialistic atheist shares the same belief: Under the hood we are just savage animals that have to be held in check by force.
Frankly, I totally disagree with this. My experience is that the vast majority of people is incredibly GOOD if you take the time to get to know them and if you learn to accept that other people may have a different taste than you do. Of course there are criminals and insane people, but they are a minority.

2) Everybody knows that people who try to make money on the Internet are frauds!
This is also completely false in my experience. I got invaluable help and information from non-mainstream resources on the internet and I do not regret a single cent that I paid for it. This whole "scam/fraud" chant is simply a way to protect established monopolies and vested interests. Obviously there ARE frauds and it is good that they are exposed. But all those people who cannot even look and never try out something new for themselves are hiding behind a wall of prefabricated opinions and may be missing out on a lot of good stuff.

With these two fixed ideas out of the way, let us assume for a moment that Tom DeLonge and the government insiders that feed him information are GOOD people and the fact that Tom DeLonge will sell us this information as works of art for money is nothing bad. Could we come up with plausible explanations for Tom DeLonge's statements?

Tom: Our Country has been doing incredible things in relation to this topic. Every decision they made, as hard as it is to comprehend now, really was in our best interest. At first, your instinct is to be angry because you feel like you were lied to, left out of something important... But once you know the facts, you'll be proud of what our country did. Very proud.
Explanation: Imagine you are a top brass military officer, brought up with Christian beliefs, a bit stiff, not well-versed in metaphysics but very good at solving problems with force. One day you find yourself confronted with a flying saucer, alien beings and the fact that these aliens use humans like we use animals. (As a reminder, here are some things that we do with animals: Bullfighting, horse races, hunting for pleasure and food, vivisection, breeding for food, etc.) The picture you had of yourself (the crown of God's creation) and of the world shatters in an instant. The strong man you are, you somehow get over it without going insane, but you swear to yourself that you will protect your family and your country from that type of shock. You also realize that the alien technology would mean military dominance and you want to secure that for your country. In your position you have access to some of the best scientists. Groups are formed, plans are made. It is decided that the best way to prepare humanity for some very unsavory facts is in gradual steps. Art in the form of movies, books, etc. is chosen as the instrument for leaking out information. In parallel, efforts are made to communicate with the aliens. This is successful and treaties are made. Some of them are in direct violation of human rights, but it is understood that the aliens are not morally inferior to mankind. They simply operate on a higher level of awareness, just like we have a higher awareness than the chicken we eat. The people charged with the tremendous responsibilty of handling these affairs have to make very difficult decisions. But they can justify them with the fact that they are gaining technological insights that help advance our civilization (computers, lasers, etc.). And, finally, through skilled politics and tactics the "human animals" come into a position where they can demand more respect from the aliens. And this had been the goal all along: The moment where disclosure becomes acceptable.

Tom: It's going to be a tough thing to swallow for people, and I think there are elements about it that people are not ready for. [4:38 in this YouTube video ]
Explanation: The leaders in the government had to accept the superiority of the aliens. They did not have much choice and probably had to sacrifice human lives. The aliens may have values that are different from ours. Maybe they created some of our major religions for no better reason than we would organize a fox hunt or put a ring on a bird. Maybe their superior know-how of the universe would be so shocking for our learned scientists that they would refuse to accept it.

This is all purely speculative, but I find taking Tom DeLonge's words as fact is not an impossible scenario. I am looking forward to more details coming out!

P.S: And yes, Tom DeLonge should choose the UFO-related pictures more carefully that he uses on social media portals.
edit on 25-7-2016 by SacredLore because: spelling

edit on 25-7-2016 by SacredLore because: spelling

posted on Jul, 25 2016 @ 03:57 PM
a reply to: SacredLore

let us assume for a moment that Tom DeLonge and the government insiders that feed him information are GOOD people and the fact that Tom DeLonge will sell us this information as works of art for money is nothing bad.

So the good people give him evidence for him to sell to us ?
If they were good people why not just give us the evidence direct , all they've got to do is say they've "found" some lost files that show ET have visited us.

As I see it there are two possibilities.
1, DeLonge is being used by persons unknown for their own agenda (Not Disclosure)
2, Steve Greer and Steve Basset have a love child.

I eagerly await the preview for his documentary , that should give us an indication of the number to pick.

edit on 25-7-2016 by gortex because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 25 2016 @ 05:14 PM
a reply to: SacredLore

One of the BEST posts I've read in a while.

posted on Jul, 25 2016 @ 06:22 PM
a reply to: SacredLore

This is all purely speculative, but I find taking Tom DeLonge's words as fact is not an impossible scenario. I am looking forward to more details coming out!

A bit more speculation....

And from my studies of the subject as well as some mind bending personal experiences. Everything is total fabrication because the human mind is to primitive to even conceive of the true reality, so we make up mythological stories to cover up our ignorance like we have done thru 0ut mans history on this planet with the various creation myths of God and Gods.

The analogy I like to use is...It's pointless to try and teach pigs how to play poker, they are incapable of understanding the rules and it annoys the pig.

However I believe there are some "initiates" that might have some idea of what is contained in the mystery.
edit on 25-7-2016 by olaru12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 26 2016 @ 12:51 AM
a reply to: gortex

@gortex: You are right, the two possibilities you have listed are of course very valid options, too!

If they were good people why not just give us the evidence direct , all they've got to do is say they've "found" some lost files that show ET have visited us.

One explanation I can see for this is "overprotectiveness" by the US leaders. Just like we do with our children, people in responsible positions may think of us as weaker than we really are. And maybe they were themselves overwhelmed. They may not have had proof of ancient aliens, they just got Roswell (or an earlier incident) where all was revealed at once. Maybe they really have no evidence of innocent ET life (like plants on Mars or friendly visitors from 5000 years ago).

posted on Jul, 26 2016 @ 02:42 AM
a reply to: Springer

Thanks for that information, in a thread with so little! I don't know much about this guy - not really a hot topic for me - but knowing he's actually in contact with people, and could know something, makes a difference. No idea what I think about what he's saying, or if he'll reveal anything truly big or not. These days, I wait, because we hear such claims too often,a nd then nothing happens. Will wait, and see, and decide then.

Meanwhile, for those who doubt it all, can you give actual reasons, not just "he posted a hoaxed pic" or whatever? Details, for those of us who aren't as familiar with all of this, and proof that something was hoaxed, and so forth? I have no strong opinion here; just looking for information.

posted on Jul, 26 2016 @ 05:47 AM
a reply to: LadyGreenEyes

here's the AMA thread that started it all off

posted on Jul, 26 2016 @ 10:45 AM
Abductees pretty much gave us all the interesting information regarding the aliens' agenda, the only thing I could find interesting is whats the goverment doing in relation with the hybrids infiltration.

In any case, something tells me nothing really relevante will come up...

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