So I'm going to share the short story that made me sign up here.
I'm not sure what to think of it to this day.
It's amazing but almost stupid at the same time which, I'll get to.
There's a little information to hopefully show why this is significant to me.
If you want just the experience itself, scroll down to "The Experience".
A little background:
I grew up fairly normal. I went to a baptist church for a bit until I decided I didn't care for it.
I would see things as a child, random beings/what looked like ghosts/demons.
I use the word simply to explain anything that doesn't appear human and seems to have ill intent.
They could be ET for all I know.
Once I hit 15/16 I started practicing astral projection.
There's times I left my body but I'd usually get stupidly excited about it and be sucked back.
I wholly believe there's something to it but I'm just not good enough at it yet.
Practicing astral projection led me to hallucinogens.
I like them because to me they're very similar to deep trance states. An extremely deep trance, astral projection and hallucinogens all have a very
similar vibe and seem to do the same thing to an extent. The difference for me is AP is like gently opening the door where hallucinogens are like
popping open the flood gate.
I'm sorry but this information is important to the story. Anyway, over time I've "met" various "entities" while in deep trance/trying astral
projection. Even if I don't get far from my body, it's still a massive shift in perception which most people that have had any success should
understand. I've also seen many things while on hallucinogens (DUH!).
I started to notice something very similar. It's like there is a mass of energy where everything comes from.
As far as I've been told (altered state mind you) it's this energy folding in on itself that created the particles and space we experience.
This energy and various entities have during AP and while on hallucinogens told me time and time again that it is real. Not to fight it but to accept
Naturally one that isn't easily swayed would question that and think "whoa wtf?" and that's pretty much my mindset. I still to this day cannot decide
if all of these experiences are simply hallucinations or real. Mind you some things I've experienced/seen were completely sober and before I've ever
used a plant/fungi as an aid.
My Theory:
After many incidents I started to believe in something essentially
like the hindus or old gnostics do. That essentially "god"/whatever is this
massive energy and what we call "gods" or sometimes aliens are energetic beings self-created so the could create and experience. Kind of like a big
game to avoid boredom. That might make some depressed because it means we're essentially pointless but hey, we are no matter what, I think.
I believe that if man is ever to truly travel great distances or time it'll be via interacting with this energy and through the other dimensions of
this reality that most of us don't experience.
The Experience:
One night like many others I was out camping with my girlfriend before we had our first child.
We'd go out and drink, smoke, cook and just relax in the deep woods. This night there was no smoke however, just alcohol.
We started talking about trees and whether or not it's possible they have a conscious energy attached to them.
That turned into us talking about the experiments showing that plants communicate with chemicals via the root system and alike.
Then it proceeded to go onto slightly crazier things like, everything appears separate but is really just the same one thing emanating reality.
Suddenly I notice this old man kind of hiding behind a tree looking at me. Once I locked eyes with him he walked up very slowly.
I thought maybe we had gone too far and accidentally trespassed so I started apologizing "hey I'm sorry we were told we're allowed to camp back here"
and he replies "It's okay, that's not why I'm here."
He was carrying some sort of black staff looking thing ... Not sure how to word it. If anyone here has ever used a landscaping rake then you know how
it has the fat teeth. This staff was black as mentioned, about 4 feet long and almost T shaped except one half of the top of the "T" was shorter than
the other. The "top of the T" had a bunch of little things coming out of it that reminded me of a landscaping rake. That's really a horrible thing to
compare it to but of anything I can think of, it's the best.
I noticed something very odd while he was there. It seemed very bright. I noticed that while he was there, none of the torches were flickering. They
were stuck in place/the flame wasn't moving. My girlfriend wasn't moving. The old man walked up to a stream beside me and was staring in it as he
spoke. The water wasn't moving.
He went on to tell me "it's all true"... There were words said before that but it's been over 2 years. The prior words were essentially that he was
talking about the mass of energy/etc. One thing he said seemed rather important but also quite confusing which is what to me made this experience
stupid. It was "You have to help her". He said that right at the very end of the conversation before he disappeared. Most of the rest of the
conversation was about me taking time to meditate more, experiment OOBE more, etc. The "help her" at first I thought maybe he meant my girl...? I also
wondered if he meant the energy which out visible universe is emanating from... Like, things aren't right and she/it/everything needs a little
help/tweaking to get back on track.
I wanted to ask him what he meant but, he was gone just like that.
I turned to my girlfriend and asked "Where did the old guy go?"
She says: "What old guy"...
Me: "The one I was just talking to for 5 minutes!"
Her: "Babe, you just stopped in the middle of a sentence and asked where the old guy went".....
From her perspective she never saw the old man.
I was in the middle of answering a question when I first saw him.
Apparently everything that happened involving him, she did not experience.
So .. I thought maybe I'd finally lost it or somehow my beer was tainted.
I sat there in disbelief but we continued our night as normal.
When I woke up I was really bothered by the event because it seemed SO REAL.
So I took a walk from our fire pit to where I saw the man first...
Mind you, we're surrounded by a bunch of weeds except for where it's cleared for the fire and tent.
There were footprints in the weeds leading from where I first saw him by the tree up to our campfire.
A few feet back, there was a perfect circle about 3 feet wide.
It was laid down like a crop circle.
From the circle were the foot prints of the old man.
There was no other prints leading to it and no way it was just some hoax.
Time stood still and the old man was very real.
I don't share this much because it makes me feel like I sound crazy but, I would never lie about something like this.
It's boggled my mind for years now.
I had to get clean to an extent (ya bad stuff) and get my life stable but now that it is, I intend on following his directions.
At least the ones that weren't kung-fu master vague.
Maybe an alien, maybe an energy or hyperdimensional being I'm not sure but it was definitely real.
Many things I've seen have been backed up/seen by others.
I wish my gf would have been able to see or I'd taken pictures.
edit on 24-7-2016 by OfTheVoid46 because: Typos