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ATS Dream Journal

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posted on Jul, 22 2016 @ 08:40 PM
Have you ever had a dream that was soooo cool, but you woke up, thought about it for a while then fell back asleep only to wake up and not remember a damn thing about it? It happens to all of us, ok MOST of us.

The best plan of action in this case is to grab a pen and paper (kept close to your bed) and write it down! This can be hard to do, but people do it. Often, our dreams make no sense and sometimes others can chime in and give good input. I personally think dreams are just a jumble of thoughts that come together, normally relating to something we saw, or experienced in life, and often they can be thoughts that have existed in our minds for a long time, things we didn't even realize were there.

But sometimes, there is that dream that truly catches us off guard and we think "Wtf? Where did my mind dig this up!". Perhaps sometimes, our dreams mean something more.

I have some really crazy dreams. Some can be super detailed, and I often find myself scratching my head.

I created this thread with a selfish reason in mind. To collaborate my dreams in a place they cannot be lost. I have written down many dreams, but most are lost because I lose things....a lot. :p

I will start it out with the last dream I recorded. Please add YOUR dream, even if the dream is mundane or seemingly has no meaning. Dreams are interesting. No doubt about it. Let's keep a record of them here!

July 18th 2016

I had control of certain AI units for what appeared to be some type of party, or event, or a game. It was like I was a contestant or something. I knew the purpose for each unit, it's strenghts and weaknesses. I had the feeling that I knew some of the AI well, like from childhood, and I hadn't always even known they were AI. I was forced to exploit some AI units to avoid bad, real life situations, as I had learned the plot of something sinister by some real crooked people.

Three AI units knew I had to exploit them, 2 were loyal but I was unsure of one unit named Maryanne. She was just about in pieces, but could leave behind evidence of foul play if any of her parts remained. When I asked my most trusted AI compainion of how long we could keep the secret these three AI giving me vital info (best case scenario) she said 1 month. I then asked her what the worst possible outcome would be, she answered 3.14. I said "PI?". Then I woke up, unfortunately.

Notes - Music was playing. It was like Synchronized techno with alarm bell sounds/siren type of stuff, all in good rythm. Similar to "Big Trouble in Little China" at the end of the movie, but more techno.

Also - Chanting was going on in time with the music. Similar to "Indiana Jones, Temple of Doom". Something like "molaran". Three sylablle name, same style of content.

edit on 22-7-2016 by Wookiep because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 22 2016 @ 09:25 PM
Im trying to lucid dream these keeping a journal is a must for me.

The most important thing Ive realized I have to do to remember my dreams is go to bed on an empty stomach. No eating for at least 4 hours prior to hitting the sack..If I follow this rule I always rememebr several chunks of my dreams..

If I eat anything right before bed...I dont remember squat..

posted on Jul, 22 2016 @ 11:35 PM
a reply to: Wookiep

Intense Dream Wookie. Thanks for sharing.

I have dreams like that almost every night, some binary coding dreams, strange tall white haired beings talking to me, cities of light it never seems to end. In my last dream i was in China, and it felt almost real.

I rarely write my dreams down as i usually never forget them. But it's always a good idea.

I analyze everything within them, details colours surroundings etc.

What did you make of your dream?

I'm surprised actually that Dream Threads here don't seem to take off at all, i dont get it. I find them incredibly interesting.

posted on Jul, 23 2016 @ 01:14 AM
a reply to: awareness10

Haha yeah, I'm not really sure why dream threads always go down the crapper. But oh well, I'll be recording my dreams here with the hopes others do the same.

I'm not really sure what to make of that dream to be honest. It was weird and beyond what my brain normally thinks about these days. I woke up and was like wtf! Lol, but it was cool, so I wrote it down.

I need to write my dreams down more often...yet it is important to be careful about what I share. Who knows, I could have several blockbuster movies inside this nogan.

posted on Jul, 23 2016 @ 04:29 AM

originally posted by: Wookiep
a reply to: awareness10

Haha yeah, I'm not really sure why dream threads always go down the crapper. But oh well, I'll be recording my dreams here with the hopes others do the same.

I'm not really sure what to make of that dream to be honest. It was weird and beyond what my brain normally thinks about these days. I woke up and was like wtf! Lol, but it was cool, so I wrote it down.

I need to write my dreams down more often...yet it is important to be careful about what I share. Who knows, I could have several blockbuster movies inside this nogan.

awesome post them here i'd like to hear more. I may post a few of my own, we can compare notes.

posted on Jul, 23 2016 @ 03:48 PM
I build websites and I had an idea for a dream journaling site. It would function like a private version of LiveJournal, where you log in the time you went to bed time to wake up and any and all dreams, locations, people, entities, etc.. Here's the kicker to the idea:

Have you ever felt like the other people in your dreams were definitely real? What the site would do is at the end of the day compare all of the dreams everyone logged in looking for similarities in individual dream descriptions (or even just similarities in the dreams location). Then if two people had nearly the exact same dream, you would be prompted to connect with the other dreamer via IM.

Obviously there are privacy issues with this set up but I was thinking it would be kind of cool. Just like an image avatar and a 'hey this person might have had that dream with you!' We could also pinpoint dream 'locations' and have sharing features so it's not all private. This is my first time posting about this idea online... anyone interested?

posted on Jul, 23 2016 @ 11:55 PM
a reply to: Attentionwandered

That would be a great idea. You should consider setting something like that up for sure.

posted on Aug, 29 2016 @ 01:40 PM
Last night I had a dream within a dream and the first part of it was me hanging out with my step brother and we had gotten to a McDonald's and then all of a sudden I believe that I got tired so I went home to go to bed and as I fell asleep within my occurring one I had another dream which I don't remember. I shook myself awake from that dream; mind you I have very Vivid senses, like all six senses are in tune while I'm Dreaming, so before I was falling into the second level of dream state I had this very odd sense of tingling all over my body like a dark energy was taking over and that's when I new something was wrong but it was too late so I had to wake myself up, went to cuddle my mother (still in dream) and then I had that same sense come upon me but this time I only woke to find myself in sleep paralysis and trying to tell some demon or dark energy (or so I think its that) to leave me but I can't get myself to move as I'm still dreaming.

So finally I wake up from all of the dreams and I'm instantly put back to sleep to find this alien, myself, and my step brother I believe to be sitting on my floor and we werw actually going to smoke some weed lmao but i had this odd feeling about this alien like he knew something i didnt and then i accidentally gave the dog that was there too thus weed and i fwlt that that wasnt supposed to hapoen and that rhe alien was going to get mad so i woke myself up again.

LIKE WHAT THE F***, guys am i being haunted, are spiritual beings telling me something that i cant pick out? Like i have had these dreams since i was very young but nothing like, to this extent. What do i do, im very worried that there is something not right here.

posted on Aug, 29 2016 @ 02:00 PM
Your thread just prompted my own dream memory from around 3 am this morning. I had sleep paralysis for the first time in a long long time. I've suffered from this ever since I can remember, there was a time that it was very frequent for me. It was just an off night sleep wise for me, which is when paralysis usually occurs. It was too disconcerting for me to try and become lucid in it, too much fear involved. It is difficult to explain, but I was lying in my bed and I saw a very dark shadow hovering over me, but flapping like large wings. The sound was very frightening and the presence even more so. I forced myself to move a finger or a toe, the only way I know how to get out of SP and I felt awake. However it was just another layer to the dream because certain family members were there that live in a different country. Also I went to turn on my phone to put some music on and the screen did not light up upon being touched which was a trigger for me to realize I was still in dream land. Once I realized this I was able to force my awareness through that layer and woke up with a jolt. I really dislike those sorts of episodes. I was sweating and breathing heavily. I had to force myself to stay awake for about 15 minutes so as not to fall immediately under the spell of sleep paralysis again.

posted on Jan, 19 2017 @ 12:23 AM
Last night, I dreamed that there were shadows in the street, these shadows were being recorded. I was watching recordings of normal shadows passing by the street and when I looked in "reality" they were there also. They were seemingly totally normal, and nothing at all to worry about. However, one shadow was moving very slowly on the video recording, and when I looked in "reality" it wasn't there.

I watched as it came closer and closer on the video recording, but still didn't see it in reality. Then it vanished on the video recording. Then I saw it in reality, it completely took me out of complete surprise. When I saw it was real, I let out a deafening scream. I heard myself screaming, and woke myself out of the dream. (my own screaming woke me up)

What a weird one...
edit on 19-1-2017 by Wookiep because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 19 2017 @ 01:38 AM
Dreams are often splits in a persons life path. That is why some dreams come true and others have no comparison in real life.

Its a bit like reaching a fork in the life path. 2 dreams occur prior to the choice, giving a rough idea as to what each path will give you.

Dreams that are easily remembered are important ones to ponder on. Dreams that are forgotten are mainly irrelevant.

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