Have you ever had a dream that was soooo cool, but you woke up, thought about it for a while then fell back asleep only to wake up and not remember a
damn thing about it? It happens to all of us, ok MOST of us.
The best plan of action in this case is to grab a pen and paper (kept close to your bed) and write it down! This can be hard to do, but people do it.
Often, our dreams make no sense and sometimes others can chime in and give good input. I personally think dreams are just a jumble of thoughts that
come together, normally relating to something we saw, or experienced in life, and often they can be thoughts that have existed in our minds for a long
time, things we didn't even realize were there.
But sometimes, there is that dream that truly catches us off guard and we think "Wtf? Where did my mind dig this up!". Perhaps sometimes, our dreams
mean something more.
I have some really crazy dreams. Some can be super detailed, and I often find myself scratching my head.
I created this thread with a selfish reason in mind. To collaborate my dreams in a place they cannot be lost. I have written down many dreams, but
most are lost because I lose things....a lot. :p
I will start it out with the last dream I recorded. Please add YOUR dream, even if the dream is mundane or seemingly has no meaning. Dreams are
interesting. No doubt about it. Let's keep a record of them here!
July 18th 2016
I had control of certain AI units for what appeared to be some type of party, or event, or a game. It was like I was a contestant or something. I knew
the purpose for each unit, it's strenghts and weaknesses. I had the feeling that I knew some of the AI well, like from childhood, and I hadn't always
even known they were AI. I was forced to exploit some AI units to avoid bad, real life situations, as I had learned the plot of something sinister by
some real crooked people.
Three AI units knew I had to exploit them, 2 were loyal but I was unsure of one unit named Maryanne. She was just about in pieces, but could leave
behind evidence of foul play if any of her parts remained. When I asked my most trusted AI compainion of how long we could keep the secret these three
AI giving me vital info (best case scenario) she said 1 month. I then asked her what the worst possible outcome would be, she answered 3.14. I said
"PI?". Then I woke up, unfortunately.
Notes - Music was playing. It was like Synchronized techno with alarm bell sounds/siren type of stuff, all in good rythm. Similar to "Big Trouble in
Little China" at the end of the movie, but more techno.
Also - Chanting was going on in time with the music. Similar to "Indiana Jones, Temple of Doom". Something like "molaran". Three sylablle name, same
style of content.
edit on 22-7-2016 by Wookiep because: (no reason given)