posted on Jul, 22 2016 @ 07:53 AM
Safe Places Map (no..not like the campus that's set up in Cleveland)
I'm in the mood to make another map this week.. And I'm looking for safe places ..old secret war bunkers.. Not really the big ones that we all know
about, but maybe smaller, less known safe passages/bunkers that you could hang your hat at for awhile if ever a need occurred to use one.
Old train stations, safe houses, ... anyplace somebody could go if TSHTF and they ever needed to stay there a short time..
Maybe it's the state of the world, maybe it's my active imagination or maybe I just need some security in knowing that wherever I go, I'll have a safe
place to run to should the Zombie apocalypse or some other weird, never thought it was going to happen, event occur.
As in my profile pic..I have found one maybe some of you knew an example of what I am looking for..
Bridge has a secret bunker that already has survival stuff stored in it. It is fully stocked and ready to go if something crazy ever happened.
It also has a small area that used to be open to the public but is now closed. The builder of the bridge was hoping it would become an area for arcade
and shopping...but that never panned out. So, within the bridge, there are possible housing and food available for someone who is in need of
restocking and rest in a survival type setting.
I'll keep the map private..just for people who have the link.. but think it would be interesting and fun to map out these places...and to learn a bit
more about the history behind them.
Thanks for any help or suggestions. When I get the map up and running, I'll link it in here.
edit on 22-7-2016 by blend57 because: included link