posted on Jan, 19 2005 @ 01:37 AM
Lets start by saying i KNOW im gonna take a lot of flack for this one but
I too am concerned about America.
Its about darn time that you stopped taking American generosity, and generally peaceful ways for granted and realize that IF America wants to get
something done, we have the capasity to make it so.
Personally Im glad that now a days, spitting on America, its citizens and interests is something that is being thought about twice before just
thinking..."America wont really DO anything about it".
American apathy had allowed a climate to fester where it became fashionable to "attack" the USA in some way or another.
The question of how much Americans were going to tolorate this attitude and actions against us before we defended ourselves both physically and
culturally is being answered now....its no wonder that many fear this turn of events...the sleeping dragon has awakened and its not happy.
Yet should America take the blame for this soley?
How many countries is McDonalds in now?
How many American TV shows are seen worldwide and LOVED?
How many places and ways is American culture not only craved but emulated?
Why do thousands try to illegally come here to live each year?
Surely there arent this many Americans abroad to be able to spread this cultural influance as deep as it is?
In other words, if your not happy with American culture spreading to your area of the world,
STOP PAYING FOR IT...stop buying our programs, franchizes, stop trying to emulate our fashions, trends, etc.
Make your own culture something!!!
As far as foriegn policy goes...lets look to OSAMA as an example,
Prior to 9-11 he was calling for jihayd against us for "occupying muslim holy lands"
Hmm, while we certantly were doing business in muslim areas, and have powerful influence in some areas,
just look at us now....actually occupying parts of afganistan and all of Iraq....instead of Osama's rhetoric that we were there all along.
Because someone with a cause against us gave us the excuse we needed to come and REALLY occupy some muslim lands.
If we werent there before in more than spirit (a part of the world economics), we certantly are there now...happy? Was it worth it to tell all your
followers we were satan and provoke us into actually DOING something, instead of sitting back like we did for the past 30 yrs (in our little bubble)
while you blew up our and our allies stuff?
ask and ye shall recieve.
NOW before im branded some kind of flag waving neo-con out for world domination,
America has PLENTY of problems...both internally and with the world community. Being as powerful economically, millitarily and culturally as we are
is a blessing and a curse..(some are downright jealous and want what we have)..America could be far worse of a reckless giant than we actually are
now. With great powers come great responsabillity, and we're only human (our leaders too) so we're bound to make mistakes.
American leaders are there to protect USA interests FIRST, before other nations...that is their JOB!!!...This takes both diplomacy, and muscle.
Where that balance is, is certantly debatable. I dont wish that America has conflicts with any other upstanding nations of the world community,
Thinking its ok to just kick America, the nation, its citizens, our culture, our business interests, or anything else that makes America what it is;
is somehow a good thing to do, is asking for America to turn its heavy attentions to you.
Should the world be affraid? not exactly th term id use, more like concerned....America has extended the hand of friendship many times to many
peoples...we give much to charity world wide, we've shed our blood in the defence of others liberty (France, s. Korea, Kosovo, now Iraq), We have
helped former enemies like Germany and Japan become prosperous members of the world community, much like we now wish to help Russia...and China...weve
shared our knowlege and promoted diversity and respect for nations and life,
and we've had about enough of threats, lawlessness, and disreguard and disrespect for America.
Id be concerned too if that former friend was now wanting something back for its decades of world assistance. Some of those debts (literally and
figurativly) are high value stakes. Of some we will ask for support (politically) Some we will ask for assistance (millitarily/alliance), some we
will ask for accomodation (trade/honorable treaties/agreeing to peacably disagree yet continue to further relations)
But for some we will demand compliance (IRAQ/UN resolutions), and accountabillity (IRAN/N. Korea/Syria), we will expect that basic human rights are
being worked twords by certain nations.
This is a hard lesson for many Americans to yet learn, that the threat to us is NOT just bombs from another country, but active efforts to undermine
our nation ideologically, culturally, economically....more than just WMD's.
The world should no longer expect the USA to sit by and hope these things will work themselves out...
If that worries you, then i ask, what do you have to hide/fear?
Tell us WHY you look down on us, in constructive ways that we can understand, and we shall hear you...and consider how we can all better things...
But do not think we will just let you walk on us without reprocussions, or sell out to you because it is the easier thing than to stand and oppose