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Hau to Stop the Flu

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posted on Jan, 18 2005 @ 11:20 PM
Ever seen a cigar store Indian? They used to carve a statue from wood, usually with one hand raised in the greeting, 'hau!'. Now, how do you get the flu? From people sneezing? Yes. The Japanese are the most civilized people on Earth, and we would do well to imitate them during cold season with the face mask thing (except Tom Ridge made that illegal, no?). But there's another thing we could do as Westerners to stop passing around so many porky germs- without wearing masks- we could STOP shaking hands.

I hate the American custom of shaking hands.

Some guy trying to be polite meets you for the first time. Out comes his paw, the same one he just 'wiped' with a minute ago. That he cleaned his nose with. That his dog shaked hands with as he left the house. That grabbed the men's room door that fifteen hundred other people used that day. It would be cleaner to kiss him on the cheek, French style than to shake that filthy paw. Then you talk, he goes away, and- unthinkingly- you clean your nose. Open the bathroom door. Wipe. and shake hands with your dog...

Gloves- like in the Middle Ages- weren't such a bad idea.

The flu gets in your ocular sinus when you scratch your eyes after touching something filthy like that other guy's hands. What's this doing on Above Top Secret? We could shut down one avenue for biological attack instantly, with no duct tape or intrusive surveillance, by simply refusing to shake hands.

If you shake hands, stop. If someone else tries to shake your hand, ask 'em whose side they are on. And refuse. Nicely. Unless you like the Flu.

Any other Porky habits you hate? Let us know here.

posted on Jan, 19 2005 @ 12:14 AM
I believe it would be better to substitute another custom for this shaking of hands and spreading of germs as well. I heard just the other day I believe from a doctor that 80 percent of infectious diseases are spread through contact. Contact could be from door knobs or from shaking hands.

People can talk all about avoiding germs taking extra precautions. Then, they will go to church and shake the hands of everyone all around them even though alot of those people were coughing, sneezing, wiping their nose etc. and then they spread the germs. How about a peace sign with two fingers instead of the routine handshake? When I see all this handshaking from the sick it makes me want to go to church when I'm sick and shake everyone hands to return the favor. I heard it takes around two days to develop a cold after first getting infected. So I wonder how many people first notice signs of infection on Monday or Tuesday.

posted on Jan, 20 2005 @ 02:20 PM
That is actually a great idea -- I think I will follow -- at least during this flu season- then I will re-think it depending on how easy it is to not shake hands. With my luck people will just be offended -- but then again if they are they won't want to shake my hand


posted on Jan, 20 2005 @ 02:39 PM
Or maybe we can all wear Bio suits and never touch any living thing. Dang man, c'mon. People get sick, and sometimes we die, but that shouldnt stop us from being human. Perhaps you have never experienced the joy of human touch, be it a friendly handshake from a friend, or the sweet carress of a lover. Its a healing thing in its self. This is such a riduclous thing... whatever.

posted on Jan, 20 2005 @ 02:51 PM

Originally posted by scepticalwatcher
Or maybe we can all wear Bio suits and never touch any living thing. Dang man, c'mon. People get sick, and sometimes we die, but that shouldnt stop us from being human. Perhaps you have never experienced the joy of human touch, be it a friendly handshake from a friend, or the sweet carress of a lover. Its a healing thing in its self. This is such a riduclous thing... whatever.

I think you are taking this wrong -- in my case I am going to a trade show in Las Vegas next week -- do you have any idea how many hands I might have to shake and how many of the exhibitors may have the flu or are getting the flu...... I didn't say anything about a friend or loved one -- but I am rethinking shaking hands with every person I meet.


posted on Jan, 20 2005 @ 04:24 PM
I agree with the no shaking hands idea. I am all the time opening doors at school that the person in front of me just scratched their butt with or those who always dig for the nasal nuggets. I carry a little bottle of Curell sanitary hand cleaning stuff. It's like 100% pure alkieholol and does burn if you have cut or scratches on you hands but it works very well. You can by a 10 oz. bot. at Walmart for like $2.00 Worth the price I haven't had a cold in about 12 years because after my 4th and last back surgury my Dr. told me of a similar study that was in the works when he was in Med. school and it really does work. The Japaneese are veerry smart.

posted on Jan, 21 2005 @ 01:06 PM
Immune system good. If you shake peoples hands and interact and arent afraid of germs, youll get sick, a couple of times, I eat off the floor in public places as logn as theres no hair or gunk on it, I dont care who I eat after, etc. I am never sick, because I have an immune system, if you avoid germs, that works to, but when you cant avoid them, youll get really sick. And when the big bad germs come youll die.

posted on Jan, 21 2005 @ 01:17 PM
Building a good imune system is vital, and they only way to do that is to experience colds and flu's and other viruses. If you live in a little bubble the minute you step outside, you'll die. I've had some bad flu's but they make your immune to the that particular strain.

posted on Jan, 21 2005 @ 01:50 PM
Thank you, thank you, that was my point....I think too many people may aspire to be bubbleboy or something.

posted on Jan, 21 2005 @ 02:00 PM
I agree about the immune system. I've done my best not to get flu shots the past couple of years. I figure. If I get the flu and die, my horrible immune system will be out of the gene pool (ya, Heil Hitler and all that too-- it just sounds like our pal Adolf and his genetic cleansing). Otherwise, I'll have a better immune system, and my original is good enough to pass on to my children. Heh. That really does sound like Hitler.

But other than that, instead of no hand shakes at all (I'd prefer that, but some people love contact) we could go Middle Ages and shake above the wrist, ya? I think that was King of the Hill (I highly dislike that show but used to watch just because it was on) that said they did that because they didn't have toilet paper. It doesn't matter why they did it, we'd do it to stop our hands from getting germy! AHH! Germs!

posted on Jan, 22 2005 @ 07:51 PM

Originally posted by Chakotay
I hate the American custom of shaking hands.

Its a way of showing friendsship, by sharing a connection. You are a bit strange IMO..

posted on Jan, 23 2005 @ 10:38 PM

Originally posted by Thain Esh Kelch

Originally posted by Chakotay
I hate the American custom of shaking hands.

Its a way of showing friendsship, by sharing a connection. You are a bit strange IMO..

Thain, I am an American Indian (Native). In my Nation, to touch another Human without permission is rude and an insult, especially if that person is a stranger. This tribal custom has a sound epidemiological basis. As a former health care worker, I was trained to avoid contact with hands and to avoid touching the eyes to help prevent the spread of iatrogenic infections. I pass this along to help others stop the spread of the flu.

posted on Jan, 23 2005 @ 10:47 PM
Bit of a tangent, but didnt the practice of shaking hands start with a guesture to show you wernt holding a weapon? something like that?
I hear good old vitamin c regularly wards off colds.

posted on Jan, 24 2005 @ 12:17 AM
The 10 most common causes of the spread of colds, flu and other germs are...drum roll please......

If people would wash thier hands and use a paper towel to open the bathroom door with that would help much. And, don't put your hands into your mouth, nose and eyes before you wash. Those hand sanitizing gels are great, as well. In fact, the gels work better to break down the cell walls of germs, according to infection control at the hospital where I work.

Also, remember to wipe down telephones and keyboards in public and work areas...not to mention door knobs of all kinds...BEFORE using them. There is a sign on one of the units where I work "if you use it clean it" with pics of door knobs, telephones, etc. Also, there are now little portable hand gel and mask stations placed at the entry/exit of all elevators, exits and entries to patient wards with sign to the public to use them. They are really cool and look like space age robots, sorta.

And, well....I guess we all have to pray we don't get sick...and if we do....blame.............................................blame......................blame the!

btw, Chakotay, there was one of those indian statues in the museum where I grew up...I was afraid of it as a child. Did I mention that I am Cherokee?

[edit on 1/24/2005 by Cherish]

posted on Jan, 24 2005 @ 08:34 PM
Other ways to prevent/combat colds are to eat lots of garlic (which apart from keeping most germs away also keeps mosquitoes and other people away from you
), lots of vitamin C and Zinc. I think goldenseal or some other herbal stuff is good too, but those three are my main weapons.

posted on Jan, 25 2005 @ 04:37 AM
Hey...I have heard that garlic will not only keep the bugs form biting you but vampires, as well!

posted on Feb, 20 2005 @ 11:56 AM
Ho to stop the flu?

Hey no problem:

- Avoid all human-to-human contacts!

- Carry a disinfection fluid bottle, wash your hands and face with it (every 30minutes)

- Eat a lot of fruits

- ..or take Vitamine pills

When its too late, and you have the sniffles already..swill your nose with salt-water 5 times a day or more, if necessary!

best wishes and stay safe and sound!


posted on Feb, 20 2005 @ 12:12 PM
another thing that annoys me is people who sneeze as if they are the only person around. No attempt is made to cover the nose. They just release all their germs into the atmosphere around them.

Good idea about shaking hands.
A kiss on the check is cooler, IMHO. If you don't know the person well enough and like him well enough to kiss their cheek, you probably shouldn't be shaking his hand either.

For me, wearing eye makeup is the perfect reason not to touch my eyes.
So, my filthy hands rarely have a chance to infect my precious eyes.
For another health conscious idea, brushing your teeth with baking soda and salt kills as much or more germs in your mouth than toothpaste. And it's cheaper, too.

[edit on 20-2-2005 by DontTreadOnMe]

posted on Feb, 20 2005 @ 12:20 PM
If people would just wash their hands more often (especially after using the bathroon!!!!) we'd be better off.

posted on Feb, 20 2005 @ 01:14 PM
next time you do get a cold/flu, DONT BLOW YOUR NOSE! wipe it instead & it will be cleared up by the end of the next day. blowing it actually makes it worse & it will continue filling up each time you do. try it and see

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