a reply to:
I openly admit and am not ashamed to say that in general, my default setting is to defend the police.
The whole "Hands Up; Don't Shoot" was proven to be a lie and although it was a shame that the individual in that case was killed, he was far from an
innocent person.
The guy in Staten Island that got killed had a sizeable record and children (I believe 5) and instead of doing an honest days work for an honest days
pay, he was selling "loosies" on the street and resisted arrest. Again, I can't say he deserved the death penalty but he was far from an innocent
This case though.... jeez. Of course I only know what we all know so far but my HOPE is that it was an accident... an AVOIDABLE accident (meaning
that the cop just basically sucked at this part of his job and shouldn't have been issued a badge to begin with... but somehow slipped through the
cracks). I can't fathom (nor do I believe) that someone would, in that scenario, take a shot at someone lying down like that just for fun or for
Two quick points though....
1) Some people are saying that CLEARLY the autistic guy was autistic. That is not a fair assumption. Every night of the week my wife sees them come
into the ER. People that are wacked out on this drug or that one and from what I saw in the video and what she describes, for someone arriving on the
scene it would NOT have been obvious that the person was autistic instead of being high on Lord knows what. I'm not justifying shots being fired.
I'm just trying to clarify that one item that is being kicked around.
2) Before people start going crazy with the institutional racism nonsense (nonsense being my understanding and belief), I think we should wait a day
or two to see how this is handled. If this is as bad as it looks, and the officer is kicked off the force and stands trial, then there is no huge
issue there in the sense that nobody would be above the law. We'll see how it plays out.
2A) If this turns out to be as bad as it kinda/sorta looks at the moment, my suggestion to the prosecutor would be to NOT try to OVERCHARGE the
officer. Look what happened with the Freddy Gray case. I'll say that I personally don't think the officers did anything wrong, but if the
overzealous prosecutor didn't overcharge the officers, she would of had a shot of getting a conviction. Just like with Trayvon Martin. Although the
person that shot/killed him wasn't a police officer, had the prosecutor not gone over-the-top with the charges, Zimmerman would likely be behind bars
as I type these words.
Back to this case. I'm glad the victim survived and I'm hopeful that (somehow) this turns out to be not as bad as it might be.
edit on 20-7-2016 by eluryh22 because: minor detail added