posted on Jul, 20 2016 @ 11:42 PM
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Negative. Being poor does not qualify anyone for benefits in Texas. And neither does having an ID. A single person under the age of 55, with no
disability and no children under the age of 12 living at home, might qualify for emergency food assistance for ninety days if they a) have a job
working a minimum of 15 hours per week and b) have a permanent physical address that can be verified, either by a lease agreement or a utility bill in
their name for that address. Homeless people, for instance, do not qualify for benefits unless they reside at a shelter and can prove it in
I can only imagine that they are trying to make it as easy to vote as possible for people. It's a shame that they don't put the same care and concern
out there for the people who are in dire need of assistance, yet unable to get it because of their living or job situation.
Priorities, I suppose. It's so much more important to get people in to vote than to make sure they've got food in their bellies and a roof over their
head. Maybe they'll be thoughtful enough to provide refreshments.