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US-Backed ‘Moderate Rebels’ Behead Palestinian Kid For Being ‘Pro-Assad’

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posted on Jul, 19 2016 @ 01:10 PM

The video is in the link, i suggest you not see it. Almost had tears in my eyes looking at that boy, he looked barely 8-9 years old. The same barbarism the west is supporting in other Middle eastern countries is the same barbarism Europe is facing today. That's Karma for you....

edit on 7/19/2016 by semperfortis because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 19 2016 @ 01:19 PM
Sad, but lets be realistic.

US-backed does not mean anyone on the US had foreknowledge of this and approved it before it was done.

People are crazy, in the examples you've cited violence in Europe and this have everything to do with Islam and the reactions to it by the people at ground zero.

posted on Jul, 19 2016 @ 01:19 PM
a reply to: maddy21
And these animals are who the Hillary regime has been supporting.

Along with the other regime insiders like McCain and friends.

Such a fine job on ME affairs......

posted on Jul, 19 2016 @ 01:22 PM
A kid that age does not know enough or have the maturity to really know what he is doing as far as being pro whoever. Sick idiots.

posted on Jul, 19 2016 @ 01:28 PM
a reply to: stosh64

Yup - Reagan & US helped make Osama Bin Laden a "terrorist Kingpin" and helped Taliban gain power.

Our leaders also helped Al-Qaeda. Our leaders also helped ISIS become what it is today. It's sickening really, even once they start killing our own they don't care. In fact, it gets politicized and they use it to their advantage.

posted on Jul, 19 2016 @ 01:46 PM
a reply to: maddy21

This is what I imagine the KKK becoming if they had support from a superpower in the 19th and 20th centuries. We can't downplay our roles in this.

Without support, these desert versions of "good ole' boys" would be an alienated subculture, dwindling away against modernity. Instead, these groups are thriving. We know better than to arm people like this in the states but we'll happily arm racist religious zealots across the ocean for some reason.

I think it's why I support most military coups. They often tend to secularize a government for a while until the western nations begin pumping money into their hillbillies again. It's nuts.

posted on Jul, 19 2016 @ 01:56 PM
a reply to: maddy21

Nice try rubbing some evil on US
The only evil here is the Islamic state and its bloodthirsty religion

posted on Jul, 19 2016 @ 02:00 PM
There are no moderate rebels. The only moderates in Syria are the Government.
edit on -050002pm7kpm by Ohanka because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 19 2016 @ 02:03 PM
I say nuke that cesspool and get it over with. As a parent, I can't even watch that video. You can't defeat these types of savages with kid gloves and diplomacy. It will take a certain amount of righteous brutality to end this nonsense kind of how our bombs on Nagasakie and Hiroshima ended WWII with Japan.


posted on Jul, 19 2016 @ 02:04 PM
Those animals harvested blood out of him before beheading. You can see the little pack and the tube attached to his side, that's why he looked so pale.

posted on Jul, 19 2016 @ 02:06 PM
There is only one islam.

There are only muslims and non-muslims.



posted on Jul, 19 2016 @ 02:07 PM
An 8 year old pro Assad Palestinian kid, how fantastic.

Seems he had a full education, Islamic style.

Palestine is a literal breeding ground of terror, just how the defeated Arab nations wanted the area to be left as to produce its fruits, and by the way the UN enabled. The same UN that is paying the bill for carting Syrian refugees around the Western nations, planting the seeds of terror.

posted on Jul, 19 2016 @ 02:17 PM
a reply to: Abysha

Read up on history.

The kkk had the full support of a superpower called the democrat party.

At their peak st least 15% of the US population were kkk democrats but to be fair, muslim savages murder way more people ievery year than the democrat kkk's did in their entire history.

At its peak of political power in the early 1920s, the new Klan included almost 15 percent of the nation's eligible population, approximately 4 to 5 million men. In 1924 at the Democratic National Convention in New York City it fully flexed its political clout with presidential hopeful William G. McAdoo against Alfred E. Smith.

edit on 19-7-2016 by Deny Arrogance because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 19 2016 @ 02:31 PM
a reply to: maddy21


My God ...oh there one? I don't think I've EVER been made to feel so sickened and violently disgusted as I just was watching this disgrace to humanity. These DAMNED people aren't human. I can't think of ANYTHING to compare the horror of this video to. Nor can I express the depth of depravity I saw in these, I hesitate to use the word, "men" as they watched, extolling their so-called "god", as the one so calmly decapitated this INNOCENT CHILD! If EVER I've been so inflamed with such PURE HATRED for a people, an idealogy that I feel it literally coursing through my body, it is NOW. Yes, I condemn them ALL! ALL for not standing up to the sheer lunacy that brands their foul, disgusting entire existence as the WORTHLESS pieces of #e they are to claim allegiance to anything remotely touting these actions as examples of their "religion". Or that one deified as a "god" would call for, endorse and condone what I just made the terrible mistake of watching. Where, what kind of special hell did this waste of life crawl out of, let alone flourish? In what warped mind were they even conceived? They ARE insanity personified and rightly deserve whatever hideous death, slow and agonizing, that comes their way.

God almighty...I just had to go vomit I'm so sickened. Whatever, whomever is behind atrocities like this are the darkest of modern day darkness. God absolutely HATES us, of this I am now convinced. The world needs purging of this brutal, bastardization of whatever in hell it is that's being called a "religion" and those who seek to implement and spread it.

I can only conclude with one observation...the child looked as if he was mercifuly drugged...where were his parents?
edit on 19-7-2016 by Rubicon3 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 19 2016 @ 02:36 PM

originally posted by: Spacespider
a reply to: maddy21

Nice try rubbing some evil on US
The only evil here is the Islamic state and its bloodthirsty religion

So you are totally clueless about everything you posted. Everything the other posters said about America helping these terrorist groups is true try doing a little research. And as far as the religion being bloodthirsty there are well over a billion Muslims who are not hurting anyone that proves you wrong.

posted on Jul, 19 2016 @ 02:41 PM

originally posted by: Deny Arrogance
a reply to: Abysha

Read up on history.

The kkk had the full support of a superpower called the democrat party.

At their peak st least 15% of the US population were kkk democrats but to be fair, muslim savages murder way more people ievery year than the democrat kkk's did in their entire history.

At its peak of political power in the early 1920s, the new Klan included almost 15 percent of the nation's eligible population, approximately 4 to 5 million men. In 1924 at the Democratic National Convention in New York City it fully flexed its political clout with presidential hopeful William G. McAdoo against Alfred E. Smith.

How's that hyperbole working out for you? No, they did not have the "full support" of a superpower. The dixiecrats supported racism and promptly left to join the republicans during the black freedom movement. Many of the southern racist dixiecrats probably supported the KKK, sure... but again, that's not a superpower.

"Read up on history". I think you meant conservative blogs who repackage history but tomatoh, tomahto.

posted on Jul, 19 2016 @ 02:47 PM
a reply to: Abysha

They nominated a damn KKK SUPPORTER FOR PRESIDENT!


I posted facts. You posted hyperbole and opinion.

posted on Jul, 19 2016 @ 02:48 PM
a reply to: Deny Arrogance

The kkk had the full support of a superpower called the democrat party.

Which later became the Republican party if you knew your history.

At their peak st least 15% of the US population were kkk democrats but to be fair, muslim savages murder way more people ievery year than the democrat kkk's did in their entire history.

There is no way of telling how many people the Klan has killed over the years. Also if you put the Klan together with other racist groups they have killed more than the Muslims here in the states.

posted on Jul, 19 2016 @ 02:51 PM
A truly barbaric act. What else to say? All those choosing to argue about it should reflect a moment. The act is barbaric, end of story.

That's Karma for you.

Think about that for a moment OP.

posted on Jul, 19 2016 @ 02:51 PM
a reply to: buster2010

No. The republican part has never switched since Lincoln and the other republicans formed it.

That is a load of crap.

Why am I not suprised ilsamists and their apologists are so willfully ignorant and spread disinfo regarding other aspects of history?

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