We obviously have a sprouting civil war already running HOT right now. The "solutions" to the failed status quo that has been being pushed for several
years are entirely failing, and they're both lock step in destroying "America" by their death throes. With both running full tilt I guarantee there's
only a handful of inevitable outcomes none of them good: totalitarianism, a failed state, invasion & occupation by a foreign power or even extinction
of the species.
So here are the solutions to the current unfolding chaos that unfortunately we pretty much now need all of them at this point:
*End the Two Party System: The Democrat's & Republicans can still exist, but their total "biopoly" stranglehold over the US political apparatus
*Re-Regulation of the Big Media racket (that is entirely intertwined with said Two Party System Stranglehold),
and the Bankster Cartel
(ending the Federal Reserve system as it is for starters).
*End the War On Drugs (it combined with the Bankster Cartel: the TRUE "Patriarchy"): see
my 109,000+ character 100+ image BOOK I published on ATS last night for that story,
of how it's the true cause of the subjugation of the blacks, and millions more.
-Evolve beyond both Liberalism & Conservatism: they've both run their course now, as is abundantly clear with everything that's going on. The
progressive movement was needed at one time, and should stay on peoples minds, while a healthy dose of conservatism (like skepticism) should linger in
peoples minds as well. But those 2 ideologies held in extremes, especially while representing left/right us/them divide/conquer, to stick to that
model beyond this point is now all backwardsness.
*Unthink all this entirely divisive Critical Race Theory + Political Stack stuff.
*Libertarian social concepts (at least) go Mainstream: Follow Martin Luther King's "Judge a person by the content of their character not the
color of their skin" kind of logic, along with if people aren't harming others or other peoples property leave them alone (the government in
*Challenge Authoritarianism at every turn (somehow without being authoritarian).
-Another one not necessarily needed but might be just the same is my solution to politicians:
Consensual Taxation. I haven't bumped that thread in many years. It's the
ultimate in individual empowerment that eliminates disenfranchisement in what the government spends money on, surely slashes out of control government
spending and marginalizes the power of the politicians. Ben Affleck wants to be a social justice activist fine by me, and he can pump full all the SJ
tax funding proposal boxes (on his "personal taxation approval form") and get to stoke himself by showing it off on tumblr afterwards.
Whether or not you don't see the importance of or even disagree with any of these specific action items,
most of them are needed sooner than
later. If you disagree I'd love to hear it, but my position long before the Occupy or even Tea Party movements was we already needed most of that long
before then.
While the one thing you can count on is is everybody is hell bent on increasingly violent payback against cops & straight white males. If all of this
bickering and warring is all everybody is going to do then
none of those things will be dealt with in any time frame that matters.
on 18-7-2016 by IgnoranceIsntBlisss because: (no reason given)