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New driving terms for bad behaviors

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posted on Jul, 17 2016 @ 07:05 PM
While driving around Chicago I have observed some real pains on the road making thier own rules.

Exit lane passers. Just when it's time to exit the freeway some fool comes up the exit ramp ata high speed and promptly pulls back into traffic treating the exit lane like a passing lane.

Entrance ramp creepers. They come up to merge with packed traffic and pull up past the end of the entrance ramp on the should and then pull in.

Me tooers. Simple little right hand turn at a packed four lane feeding another four lane. Instead of waiting with the rest of the traffic they pull up the left lane beside the right turn lane and just turn right like it was a turn lane which it isn't

Last second to the exit. They come up the exit in the outside lane and pull across two lanes to make the exit. Usually making the exit just before it ends.

Cutting the corner. When the traffic is backed up just pull through the gas station and enter the road on the other side. After all they don't need to wait like you do.

I'm sure their are more examples. What kind of drivers have you seen that bend and brake the rules???

posted on Jul, 17 2016 @ 07:07 PM
a reply to: datasdream

The only one that wouldn't make me ragey is this one.

Cutting the corner. When the traffic is backed up just pull through the gas station and enter the road on the other side. After all they don't need to wait like you do.
Smarter is as smarter does. Not hurting anyone.

posted on Jul, 17 2016 @ 07:12 PM

edit on 17-7-2016 by Rikku because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 17 2016 @ 07:14 PM

originally posted by: datasdream

Cutting the corner. When the traffic is backed up just pull through the gas station and enter the road on the other side. After all they don't need to wait like you do.

I do this one a lot . I am on the road a lot for work and time is money. I drive safe and sensible, but I ain't sittin' behind grandma moseying in her station wagon.

One thing that really annoys me is when traffic is backed up for one reason or another, there's always that one guy who thinks he can just ride the median or bike lane to jump ahead and cut in. Ummm...there's a reason why we're not ALL doing that you moron!

And also--yeah I'm gonna say it--don't drive while high! I don't care how much you think you can handle drive slow and stupid and shouldn't be on the road.

Star and flag. Bad drivers bug the hell out of me and deserve to be shamed constantly.

edit on 17-7-2016 by NarcolepticBuddha because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 17 2016 @ 07:38 PM
a reply to: datasdream

I am taking instruction in preparation for an attempt to acquire a driving licence. Here are some things that annoy me, about other peoples driving.

1)Speeding as compensation for lack of endowment, or PARTICULARLY lacklustre performance in the bedroom:

I travel toward a red light, with a small amount of traffic siting at it, waiting for the lights to change. Rated speed for the road is thirty miles per hour, which I am in the gradual process of slowing down from. Idiot behind me in a sporty 4x4 ROCKETS past at fifty miles an hour, then hammers on the anchors when nearly inside the passenger compartment of one of the stopped vehicles at the lights. Distance gained? The length of a Nissan Micra. Good job!

2) That one guy who just shouldn't be allowed to drive, or the "I do not even have a licence, and even I know you SUCK!"

I pull up at a set of lights, in the lane which turns right across the oncoming lane. I am behind a blue Fiat, relatively recent model. The lights cycle from red, to orange to green. I place my hand on the handbrake, ready to release it, bring up the clutch and move off. I wait only to see that the car ahead is moving. The car does not move though. Instead, we remain in place, with the blue car not shifting at all. The lights cycle again, and still nothing occurs. At this point my instructor reaches across me, and slaps the horn a few times. The lights cycle a third time. My instructor gives the horn another slap. On the fourth cycle of lights, the blue Fiat literally screeches off the line and off to the right. I let up the clutch, and follow the Fiat off to the right, in much more orderly fashion. The Fiat can be seen ahead, barrelling down hill at approximately forty to forty five miles per hour in a thirty zone, barely slows down, then takes a left turn through a red light at what must have been close to forty miles an hour, causing the tyres to bark against the Tarmac. This person has a licence. I am given to wonder just what sort of club I am training to join here!

3) This one isn't something I experienced personally, but it's a pearler, so I will share it with you good folk anyway...

My sons mother, my ex, was taking her two youngest children from point a, to point b recently, when she had cause to get her Fast and Furious on, to narrowly avoid being crushed by a lorry load of onions, which overturned due to the stupidity of the driver of the truck. Essentially, everything was normal as my ex drove her Vauxhall Zafira from one place to another last week. On one particular stretch of road, there is a winding approach to a roundabout. My ex got off the roundabout, only to be faced with a barrelling behemoth of a truck, going FAR too fast for the roads shallow twists and turns, and considering that the truck was approaching a roundabout. It's driver lost control, and the truck swerved into her lane. She strapped on a set out of absolutely no where, sawing at the wheel, and slid the car round the truck, and got clear with tenths of a second to spare, before the container on the truck hit the deck, spilling its load (loose onions) all over the road. My son could have lost his mother, and two of his siblings, all because someone thought his schedule was more important than the lives of others.

posted on Jul, 17 2016 @ 08:02 PM
a reply to: TrueBrit

Wait until you see text-and-drivers on the freeway. It'll blow your mind and dampen your drawers.

posted on Jul, 17 2016 @ 08:04 PM

originally posted by: Atsbhct
a reply to: datasdream

The only one that wouldn't make me ragey is this one.

Cutting the corner. When the traffic is backed up just pull through the gas station and enter the road on the other side. After all they don't need to wait like you do.
Smarter is as smarter does. Not hurting anyone.[/quote

This is one of the most dangerous and selfish things on the list. Why risk hitting a pedestrian just because you are impatient?

posted on Jul, 17 2016 @ 08:07 PM
a reply to: TrueBrit yikes, skimmed through your post here, just met with a younger twenty dome year old telling me about te dangers of driving.
I'd like to drive one day, too.
Except, I am a menace behind the wheel...luckily no hit and runs to speak of, lord bless those breaks...i'll re-read your your post for safety's sake.
I'm the sort that needs a put put, slow older car...I can't seem to use the foot peddles right.
So, if any one wants to cut down the truth about why I won't drive, just be happy for me.
I've heard too many bad stories about gas prices, insurance papers paper work worry about it... it does open up doors to different work experiences.
It all depends on how far one will travel,
I prefer to chit chat with the public on bus, train ect...
Okay read, the last bit... so glad your Son's mother is okay.

posted on Jul, 17 2016 @ 08:10 PM
a reply to: datasdream

I'd really like to point out....

The afforementioned "drivers" might be very well upset and frazzled over you regarding them as anything but their chosen name. If you're not omnitient, and do not know their each and every name, then you may simply refer to them as "drivers".

"Me-tooers"...."Exit Lane Passers"...."Entrance Ramp Creepers"....

These sorts of labels might trigger them...and, should be avoided.

That is all.

posted on Jul, 17 2016 @ 08:12 PM
a reply to: datasdreamdrivers, here in my state... need to get it through there minds that this is not Florida or new York, pedestrians hold the right of way, at all crossings, light. No light...I don't mind waiting for impatient drivers at the. Cross walk, as long as they except the fact that I am letting them go... not the other way around...I usually try to cross with another pedestrian walking towards the cross...and it really irks me that drivers forget about foot traffic, which is necessary for currency. Flow.

posted on Jul, 17 2016 @ 08:13 PM
Almost every day involves a white knuckle situation, it's a good thing I am a seasoned driver (motion timing) so when a driver decides they are in the wrong exit and speed up to cross my path...I just hold on tight and hope their timing is as good as mine. So far, so lucky.
edit on 17-7-2016 by InTheLight because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 17 2016 @ 08:40 PM
a reply to: ezramullins

How would you risk hitting a pedestrian by driving into the lot of a gas station?

posted on Jul, 17 2016 @ 08:49 PM
People who are so tight on my rear bumper that I can't see their grill. What is the purpose? Do they imagine that sheer air pressure will move me faster? It won't. This is especially irritating when I'm doing the speed limit and there is ample room to pass. Go for it!

If you're late for work, leave sooner. Too damn old for road rage; prefer to live, thankyouverymuch.

posted on Jul, 17 2016 @ 08:51 PM

originally posted by: argentus
People who are so tight on my rear bumper that I can't see their grill. What is the purpose? Do they imagine that sheer air pressure will move me faster? It won't. This is especially irritating when I'm doing the speed limit and there is ample room to pass. Go for it!

If you're late for work, leave sooner. Too damn old for road rage; prefer to live, thankyouverymuch.

I just ignore the tail-gaiters, if they want to go beyond the speed limit, they can go around me...I am chillin where I am.
edit on 17-7-2016 by InTheLight because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 17 2016 @ 09:01 PM
a reply to: InTheLight

Yep. I live in a small place, but there are lots of walkers, bicyclers, dogs, people stopped by the side of the road talking, etc. Wild chickens that seem to wait until the last minute to decide to go; don't want to hit them. I like some space to react behind me. Tailgaters remove all that reaction time. I don't want to wear them. If they total my car, I'll get Kelly Blue Book and that won't hardly buy 1/2 of another of them. IF they are insured.

posted on Jul, 17 2016 @ 09:08 PM

originally posted by: InTheLight

originally posted by: argentus
People who are so tight on my rear bumper that I can't see their grill. What is the purpose? Do they imagine that sheer air pressure will move me faster? It won't. This is especially irritating when I'm doing the speed limit and there is ample room to pass. Go for it!

If you're late for work, leave sooner. Too damn old for road rage; prefer to live, thankyouverymuch.

I just ignore the tail-gaiters, if they want to go beyond the speed limit, they can go around me...I am chillin where I am.

That's when you double-tap the breaks. Tell them to step off, go around, or deal.

posted on Jul, 17 2016 @ 09:12 PM
a reply to: datasdream


posted on Jul, 17 2016 @ 09:31 PM
a reply to: datasdream

Here's my few.

Sunday Driver: Technically, these people are not limited to Sunday, and it definitely will not be Sunday by the time you get to your destination if stuck behind one on a Sunday. They don't pass, don't turn off, and can usually be found in the late spring through early fall going 10-20 below the posted speed limit.

I'm a car, and yet not: This pertains to a cyclist who has decided they only need to partially play by the rules on the road, and default back to "sidewalk" rules when the roads prove to be too difficult at spots. Examples include:
-Blowing through a red light or stop sign (But, but, I'm at a crosswalk, crossing when I'm allowed to!).
-Making illegal turns and then jumping into live traffic again (usually, right in front of you).
-Driving your motorcycle on the sidewalk just to bypass rush hour (true story - a Guy on a big motorcycle decided to drive on the sidewalk for a mile; this wasn't a crotch-rocket, but more like a Harley).

Slowpoke's Keeping Me Down! : An amusing breed of human - This guy will dart into whichever lane he/she feels will move faster. If the car in the right-hand lane is moving faster, then he will jump to that lane. Easily tormented by all cars in front moving at the same speed (hehehe).

I want to pass, and yet don't: This person will ride your bumper when there is a "no passing" zone, and then back off when they are allowed to pass. I'm usually wary around this person, because the last time I felt threatened by them.

X-Wing Trench Runner: A person that is either relying too much on technology (IE: Stopping at all of the Michigan Left entrances until they find the right one), or is not paying attention to the point they think they are supposed to drive on the line, taking up both lanes. I find their usage of the Force, disturbing.

And, last but not least:

The Special Breed of Stupid: People that fall into this category are those where it takes an incredible amount of stupidity or ignorance to do what they did. Examples from my area include:
-Stopping at a green light, and proceeding on a red light.

-Merging into a lane at the last minute when there were signs saying the lane would literally end in a mile/half-mile/20ft.

-Going the wrong way in a one-way street...Repeatedly (and, to add to stupidity: Parallel parking facing the wrong way down a one-way street, when all other cars are facing the correct way).

-Crashing into a tree because you were too busy playing Pokemon to focus on driving.

-Driving in the wrong direction on a highway or entrance/exit ramp.

-Cutting off/stalling another driver so that they get stuck at the light.

-Passing when it says to not pass.


posted on Jul, 17 2016 @ 09:35 PM

originally posted by: datasdream
While driving around Chicago I have observed some real pains on the road making thier own rules.

Exit lane passers. Just when it's time to exit the freeway some fool comes up the exit ramp ata high speed and promptly pulls back into traffic treating the exit lane like a passing lane.

Entrance ramp creepers. They come up to merge with packed traffic and pull up past the end of the entrance ramp on the should and then pull in.

Me tooers. Simple little right hand turn at a packed four lane feeding another four lane. Instead of waiting with the rest of the traffic they pull up the left lane beside the right turn lane and just turn right like it was a turn lane which it isn't

Last second to the exit. They come up the exit in the outside lane and pull across two lanes to make the exit. Usually making the exit just before it ends.

Cutting the corner. When the traffic is backed up just pull through the gas station and enter the road on the other side. After all they don't need to wait like you do.

I'm sure their are more examples. What kind of drivers have you seen that bend and brake the rules???

I'm a Chicagoan and I believe we have the most aggressive and impatient drivers anywhere in the US. I've seen all those things you mention and more. To make matters worse, I also ride a motorcycle so I get to be up close and personal with these morons on the street.

My favorite Chicago driver though not on your list is the "drag racer." These fellows can't stand being behind someone at a stop light. They will drive in the bike lane or parking lane and pull up next to you on the right at a light. Usually there is a car blocking the right lane ahead. They will then proceed to creep out into the intersection so they can get the jump on you when the light turns green so they can cut back over.

What I find most annoying about this behavior is that these idiots don't get anywhere faster. I've literally driven behind someone for like 10 miles who is just driving on the right and cutting back in aggressively and they don't get anywhere faster than me who isn't doing it.

posted on Jul, 17 2016 @ 10:38 PM

originally posted by: datasdream
While driving around Chicago I have observed some real pains on the road making thier own rules.

Exit lane passers. Just when it's time to exit the freeway some fool comes up the exit ramp ata high speed and promptly pulls back into traffic treating the exit lane like a passing lane.

Entrance ramp creepers. They come up to merge with packed traffic and pull up past the end of the entrance ramp on the should and then pull in.

Me tooers. Simple little right hand turn at a packed four lane feeding another four lane. Instead of waiting with the rest of the traffic they pull up the left lane beside the right turn lane and just turn right like it was a turn lane which it isn't

Last second to the exit. They come up the exit in the outside lane and pull across two lanes to make the exit. Usually making the exit just before it ends.

Cutting the corner. When the traffic is backed up just pull through the gas station and enter the road on the other side. After all they don't need to wait like you do.

I'm sure their are more examples. What kind of drivers have you seen that bend and brake the rules???

Chicago has a few spots on the highway with left lane entrance ramps. Naturally, you get the idiots who think it is a good idea to merge into traffic doing 70mph at 45mph! Of course, this just screws up the natural flow of traffic causing a traffic jam for miles.

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