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Apologists For Black Lives Matter

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posted on Jul, 16 2016 @ 08:36 AM

originally posted by: supremecommander

originally posted by: Hazardous1408

originally posted by: iTruthSeeker

originally posted by: supremecommander

originally posted by: onequestion

originally posted by: DJW001
a reply to: reldra

Apologists for you mean people who don't call BLM racist or evil or militant. I an SICK of this RACIST crap here. We are losing poeple in droves. People simply cannot endure the constant atacks on Muslims and Blacks.

Correct. ATS is being exploited by Neo-Nazis and Klansmen. They are posting propaganda and lies and drowning out anyone who tries to point out what is wrong in what they are saying. It's alarming, and the fate of ATS may be in the balance.


The truth is not racist however I still am not agreeing with anything in the OP I would just like to point out that a narrative is being driven that anytime someone says something that disagrees with the liberal agenda it is called racist.

The mods do not allow racism it's against TnC

When you use "truth" to slander entire groups of people it is indeed racist.

And PLEASE. Racist comments are posted on here daily and are left to stand. But let someone attack the poster making the comments only then do you see moderation. I find that odd.

Care to show us a few "racist" comments? I have seen people post statistics and such. But have not seen any racism, except coming from one side.

That's an absolute lie.

The racism against black people and the hatred of Muslims on this website is well apparent.

Just yesterday I was told I'm going to an internment camp and nobody will care if I die trying to fight it.

Stormfront have been infiltrating this website since the end of last year...

It's no surprise that many 2016 members are racists.
They followed the rallying call.

Yesterday I had a poster tell me that blacks should be grateful that their ancestors were sold into slavery because otherwise we'd all be taking a dump in some hole somewhere in Africa.

You'd best believe that this website has been overrun by stormfronters and neo nazis. it's not even a secret at this point. Wouldn't shock me to see ATS become flagged as a hate site sooner than later.

I used to spend hours on ATS back in '05. I can't spend more than 15 minutes a a time here anymore, so much hate

posted on Jul, 16 2016 @ 08:37 AM

originally posted by: onequestion
a reply to: supremecommander

Let the KKK or any Neo Nazi group have a rally,

What Neo Nazi groups and KKK members are mass killing police officers and burning down entire cities while staging massive protest across the country calling for the killing of white police officers????

Links please.

That world end in the 50's and 60's.

Burning down entire cities?

When did that happen?

posted on Jul, 16 2016 @ 08:38 AM
a reply to: Hazardous1408

Just yesterday I was told I'm going to an internment camp and nobody will care if I die trying to fight it.

Umm... Sorry to burst your bubble, but if it came to internment camps, we are ALL going to be put in them. Why are you relating internment camps to Black people? If my history is correct, mostly whites have been put in them anyway. And Japanese.
edit on 16-7-2016 by iTruthSeeker because: (no reason given)

edit on 16-7-2016 by iTruthSeeker because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 16 2016 @ 08:39 AM
a reply to: Hazardous1408

To believe the KKK stopped their dirty shenanigans in the 50s/60s is a heinous affront to the truth of their overt underworld nature. I'm betting they've killed someone this very day... You'll just never hear about it like the Mafia.

I've never heard of a KKK rally or met a KKK member in my life.

I've met a bunch of Neo Nazi dirtbags in California and they are all meth and heroin addicts who couldn't tell the difference between their head and a hole in the wall.

The Neo Nazis are a bunch of moron punks who sell drugs for the cartels and work with black gangs and latino gangs they are just total morons.

I've honestly never heard of the KKK heard of rally met anyone involved with them they like a modern myth.

posted on Jul, 16 2016 @ 08:40 AM

originally posted by: onequestion
a reply to: supremecommander

Let the KKK or any Neo Nazi group have a rally,

What Neo Nazi groups and KKK members are mass killing police officers and burning down entire cities while staging massive protest across the country calling for the killing of white police officers????

Links please.

That world end in the 50's and 60's.

Excuse me, this was about the right to free speech.

I do not condone that behavior, nor am I supporter of BLM. Nor do I say they don't have the right to free speech. But I find your averseness to their free speech ironic when you have no problem with the klan or neo nazis spewing hate and bringing about "white purity".

oh...and the Klan still kills. They also wear badges and hide behind the guise of LEOs. The FBI reported back in 2006 that white supremacist extremists have been infiltrating law enforcement in droves. LEOs have been exposed as klan members or members of neo nazi groups.

posted on Jul, 16 2016 @ 08:44 AM
a reply to: introvert

BLM has morphed from a civil rights activist group into a an extremist hate group.

They were hijacked by George Soros and infiltrated by paid agitators.

posted on Jul, 16 2016 @ 08:46 AM

originally posted by: supremecommander

originally posted by: onequestion
a reply to: supremecommander

Let the KKK or any Neo Nazi group have a rally,

What Neo Nazi groups and KKK members are mass killing police officers and burning down entire cities while staging massive protest across the country calling for the killing of white police officers????

Links please.

That world end in the 50's and 60's.

Excuse me, this was about the right to free speech.

I do not condone that behavior, nor am I supporter of BLM. Nor do I say they don't have the right to free speech. But I find your averseness to their free speech ironic when you have no problem with the klan or neo nazis spewing hate and bringing about "white purity".

oh...and the Klan still kills. They also wear badges and hide behind the guise of LEOs. The FBI reported back in 2006 that white supremacist extremists have been infiltrating law enforcement in droves. LEOs have been exposed as klan members or members of neo nazi groups.

Oh like this?

CHICAGO — Some of the city's most notorious street gangs are infiltrating the Police Department here, and officials can't do much about it.

Until gang members in blue break a law, they are protected by their union contract and the right to associate with whomever they please, officials said.

In the last three years, at least 15 police officers have been charged with crimes, forced to resign or investigated for membership in a street gang, the Chicago Sun-Times said in its Sunday editions. Seven officers in one police district are under investigation for gang ties, the newspaper reported.

posted on Jul, 16 2016 @ 08:46 AM
a reply to: supremecommander

But I find your averseness to their free speech ironic when you have no problem with the klan or neo nazis spewing hate and bringing about "white purity".

When did I say I support anything either of those groups do?

In fact I had many derogatory words chosen for Neo Nazi thugs and the KKK is practically non existent.

.and the Klan still kills.

When??? As far as I know they became irrelevant and phased out. They make a few statements that are borderline stupid like how they came out and support Hillary Clinton or Trump and that's about all I ever hear from them.

edit on 7/16/2016 by onequestion because: (no reason given)

edit on 7/16/2016 by onequestion because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 16 2016 @ 08:47 AM

originally posted by: onequestion
a reply to: Hazardous1408

To believe the KKK stopped their dirty shenanigans in the 50s/60s is a heinous affront to the truth of their overt underworld nature. I'm betting they've killed someone this very day... You'll just never hear about it like the Mafia.

I've never heard of a KKK rally or met a KKK member in my life.

I've met a bunch of Neo Nazi dirtbags in California and they are all meth and heroin addicts who couldn't tell the difference between their head and a hole in the wall.

The Neo Nazis are a bunch of moron punks who sell drugs for the cartels and work with black gangs and latino gangs they are just total morons.

I've honestly never heard of the KKK heard of rally met anyone involved with them they like a modern myth.

Just because you've never seen them doesn't prove that they don't exist and don't rally.

how ridiculous.

posted on Jul, 16 2016 @ 08:47 AM
a reply to: Hazardous1408

Anyone who asks that blacks take responsibility for the negative behavior within their community is a racist?

Anyone who asks that decent Muslims control the radicals within their ranks is prejudiced?

That's pretty lame since crime is glorified in the black community and Muslims are blowing up and otherwise trying to wipe out everyone who isn't Muslim.

When are people going to demand accountability from those who fail to act civilized?

Civilized people don't rape, rob, and pillage. Civilized people do not blow up innocents.

posted on Jul, 16 2016 @ 08:47 AM
a reply to: onequestion

Those cities were not entirely burnt down. That's just hyperbole for the sake of being a drama queen.

They were hijacked by George Soros and infiltrated by paid agitators.

Of course. No thread is complete without some reference to Soros.

posted on Jul, 16 2016 @ 08:48 AM
I TOTALLY admit it comes from both sides...never said it didn't....but I am a middle aged woman.....and before the last couple of years, things were going along fine.....and don't tell me it's just because black people were just taking it closed mouthed, (not saying you WOULD tell me this....just saying) This recent mess is ORGANIZED to bring the world into flames......period..but again, this is my opinion. reply to: supremecommander

posted on Jul, 16 2016 @ 08:50 AM
a reply to: introvert

Of course. No thread is complete without some reference to Soros.

Let me rephrase that.

Of course, No thread is complete without some reference to Facts.

posted on Jul, 16 2016 @ 08:51 AM

originally posted by: iTruthSeeker
a reply to: Hazardous1408

Just yesterday I was told I'm going to an internment camp and nobody will care if I die trying to fight it.

Umm... Sorry to burst your bubble, but if it came to internment camps, we are ALL going to be put in them. Why are you relating internment camps to Black people? If my history is correct, mostly whites have been put in them anyway. And Japanese.

I'm not black I'm a Muslim.

It was an example.

Sorry to burst your bubble but white male Christians will not be heading to internment camps if what I'm hearing is correct.

It will be people like me who follow the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and the Noble Quran.

posted on Jul, 16 2016 @ 08:52 AM

originally posted by: 123143
a reply to: Hazardous1408

Anyone who asks that blacks take responsibility for the negative behavior within their community is a racist?

How about asking that men take responsibility for the negative behavior within their "community" (like raping women)? Would that be considered sexist? If I hold all men accountable for the rapists in the world, am I not a sexist?

When are people going to demand accountability from those who fail to act civilized?

When are men going to demand accountability from those like them that rape women?

See how that works?
edit on 7/16/2016 by Benevolent Heretic because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 16 2016 @ 08:52 AM
a reply to: supremecommander
I will say I despise both groups you mentioned, they are a bunch of uneducated, inbred arseholes who don't deserve the mention and yes I don't agree with their message if there is one besides hate. All I was pointing out is everyone hides behind free speech, all Americans have it and like you I would die to protect that right. With the calling for death and all I would put BLM in the same class as the KKK or Neo Nazis. What the hell is wrong with people? As a white person in the year 2016, I have had as much to do with slavery as anyone in the BLM movement and that is absolutely nothing.

posted on Jul, 16 2016 @ 08:52 AM
a reply to: Winstonian

As providence would have it, I read this thread immediately before reading your thread:

Propaganda Analysis & Modern Media

I hope you will also read that thread, keeping an open mind, especially as regarding your perception of BLM.

Everything the public hears about BLM is intended to invoke a specific response from the public. For those who understand and support the purported mission of BLM, especially those who feel personally oppressed and abused by the system, they feel validated, vindicated and hopeful... For those who have no sympathy for the stated mission, they see the outrageousness of BLM's public words and actions, and feel quite righteous and justified in dismissing -- even attacking -- everything BLM stands for. And they thus feel vindicated and justified in further blaming the victims, and congratulating themselves for being so darn insightful and wise.

Absolutely nothing positive or practical or productive or proactive is accomplished... but it does serve the selfish agendas of the PTB... Divide-and-conquer.

So when you make a thread about "apologists" for BLM, you are fueling the fire that gives this propagandist rabble rousing group it's power... and when BLM says God awful things like "Die Pigs," they are fueling the fire that turns people against them. And in the meantime, the very legitimate issues behind it all are ignored at best, and intensified at worst. All by design.

We are being played like fiddles according to our own prejudices and confirmation biases... and our egos.

I have no doubt that if you have seen/read my recent threads, you have dismissed me as one of those "apologists," no matter how many times I have stated my negative opinions of the BLM. Others certainly have. And I'm sure the psycho-sociopaths we call the PTB cheer every time. And every time it empowers them and weakens us. Which is why I feel compelled to continue posting such threads. I cannot change anyone's heart or mind alone, nor can anyone, but we can at least present a different perspective for those with open hearts and minds. Because the bottom line is simple: As long as we're fighting and blaming and hating on each other, we are weak and they are strong.

It is in everyone's best interests to do whatever we can and is appropriate to find a happy medium -- if not because it's the compassionate and humane thing to do, but because it embiggens all of us. When the people are strong, the PTB is weak. When the people have the tools and resources to be self-sufficient and independent, the people are strong and the PTB is weak. When the people are strong, the PTB fears the people -- not vice versa.

WE are the problem and WE are the solution.

edit on 16-7-2016 by Boadicea because: replaced "this" with "your"

posted on Jul, 16 2016 @ 08:53 AM

originally posted by: iTruthSeeker

originally posted by: supremecommander

originally posted by: onequestion
a reply to: supremecommander

Let the KKK or any Neo Nazi group have a rally,

What Neo Nazi groups and KKK members are mass killing police officers and burning down entire cities while staging massive protest across the country calling for the killing of white police officers????

Links please.

That world end in the 50's and 60's.

Excuse me, this was about the right to free speech.

I do not condone that behavior, nor am I supporter of BLM. Nor do I say they don't have the right to free speech. But I find your averseness to their free speech ironic when you have no problem with the klan or neo nazis spewing hate and bringing about "white purity".

oh...and the Klan still kills. They also wear badges and hide behind the guise of LEOs. The FBI reported back in 2006 that white supremacist extremists have been infiltrating law enforcement in droves. LEOs have been exposed as klan members or members of neo nazi groups.

Oh like this?

CHICAGO — Some of the city's most notorious street gangs are infiltrating the Police Department here, and officials can't do much about it.

Until gang members in blue break a law, they are protected by their union contract and the right to associate with whomever they please, officials said.

In the last three years, at least 15 police officers have been charged with crimes, forced to resign or investigated for membership in a street gang, the Chicago Sun-Times said in its Sunday editions. Seven officers in one police district are under investigation for gang ties, the newspaper reported.

and this

2006 FBI Report on white supremacists groups infiltrating law enforcement

Texas Officers Fired for Membership in KKK

at least seven San Francisco law enforcement officers were suspended after an investigation revealed they exchanged numerous “White Power” communications laden with remarks about “lynching African-Americans and burning crosses.”

posted on Jul, 16 2016 @ 08:53 AM
I grew up in the south and NEVER saw a KKK member, meeting or even REFERENCES to them. Even WHITE people ignore them as the RACISTS that they are......WHITE FOLKS ARE NOT ALL MEMBERS OF THE KKK nor are we RACISTS. I just want to live my life and only wish for others to do the same..IN PEACE! What kind of world is being left for my 20 something year old kids? SHOW me a recent video of a KKK meeting (with more than say 15 IDIOTS attending). Show me a RECENT photo of a lynching. I am sorry..I too have had run ins with the police...because my husband has long hair. I have been punched in the mouth by a hispanic male (under age 25) because I told him to stop waving a Mexican flag in the middle of Clark street yelling "VIVO MEXICO...yes, I told him if he loved Mexico so much and didn't feel American enough to wave an AMERICAN go back to Mexico....BUT I HAVE A RIGHT to speak my mind....NOBODY has a right to be VIOLENT against me, unless they are defending an attack from ME, (and I can PROMISE you my disabled butt won't be punching folks in the mouth)! THE WORLD IS BURNING and we all seem to be gathering our torches instead of getting buckets of water to put out the flames. reply to: supremecommander

edit on 7/16/2016 by Cornczech because: dang it

posted on Jul, 16 2016 @ 08:54 AM
a reply to: supremecommander

Just because you've never seen them doesn't prove that they don't exist and don't rally.

If your comparing the actions of the BLM to the 1950's version of the KKK then I can agree with you but comparing the BLM's current actions and rhetoric to todays KKK is totally wrong.

The KKK has been made irrelevant as racism hasn't been such a serious issue in this country since the 90's.

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