posted on Feb, 14 2005 @ 05:07 PM
Kind of slighty off, yet still on topic here, but I HAD to post these feelings, sorry ~c(o; `,0
I definatly support the words of "it's in your heart", I have many different "blood lines" in my human body. Three that are supposed to be
American Indian, but my spirit/soul/heart are all mixtures of "aborigional tribes". My life consists of technology being all around me, and there's
plenty of "American"-ized things about me. However, my religion is a now alternative non-biblical Christian religion that origionated from a nomadic
tribe in Africa, I as well practice/live Capoeira (Google it "What is Capoeira?"), I also feel pain when mother earth is mistreated. I believe in
balance on this earth and that Mother Earth doesn't care if you take, as long as you share and give back. The only time I feel truely at home is when
I'm in nature, reveling in it's beauty and wonder, feeling the beautiful vibes it gives. There are very few other times I do feel at home, but they
all involve "primitive" things.
One of my most favorite experiences in life was a time when I went hiking with two of my best friends in a nearby park, we climbed a small rock face
above a river and hiked throughout the woods. When we were deep within the woods, we saw a small group of does, walking through the woods with one
young deer with them. My heart raced and all I could do was smile, that's absoulute beauty right there.
My point of rambling on about all of this is that I believe (and my religion even speaks of it as well) and always will believe, that the human race
was origionaly supposed to be united in all races/cultures/religions/technologies/languages to make this world whole. Look at all of these things:
Spirituality, morality, wisdom, warriorism, that comes from Native North America, Native Africa, Native South America; awesome martial arts, wisdom,
warriorism, and philosophy, that comes from Asia; the technology that comes from europe.
Imagine all races/ideals/religions/belifes/moralities/technologies coming together to co-exist in this world with harmony. Humanity would be THE race,
instead of being a bunch of races. Humans being divided by their differences and blood instead of coming together BECAUSE OF them, completely ties
into our theories of conspiracy. The greatest way to conquer is to divide, and that's a fact. I mean what would be more convient, defeating 50
countries of a million one-by-one while they're not in co-existance, or fighting a world of 50 million people united together? (I know the correct
number for humans is past billions but this is just an example)
The government can't tell you who you are, remember the rule of HONESTY that was posted in these lists of values in the religious aspect. Be honest
to yourself, find out who you are without anyone lying to you and telling you who you are. No card or certificate can declare who/what you are,
you're a human being, a creation of divinity just as everything else nature makes is.
The American Indians's aren't any less free than the people of the United States, and the people of the US aren't that free to begin with. Just
remember that natives ARE mostly more free than most "civilized" countries, the origional form of denying ignorance comes from "aborigional"
people. They didn't know any other races 'cept the "red skinned" people existed, and even when the white man came over the natives treated them
friendly. They were open-minded and wanted to learn of their white brothers, and wanted to see how they may be able to benefit from them and vice
versa. Same thing happened to the slaves they took from Africa, and just as the American Natives they were betrayed. They fought against/refused
Europe's "civilization" after learning what they were really about, and denied the ignorant bull the Europeans were trying to feed them and force
them into.
Freedom is about living your life without restricting yourself because of consequences you might be afraid of, it's all about having no absoulute
attachment to something that could hold you back in life. The only things you should be afraid of doing is harming yourself, other "innocent"
beings, and nature. Life with wisdom and morality, without being chained down. I'd say they are far more free than most people in the US sometimes
(Sorry if this post just seemingly rambled on without a point, I hope I made one within this long post (o; `, )