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Television - The Most Powerful Weapon Of Them All

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posted on Feb, 2 2005 @ 09:34 AM
I moved a few months ago and decided not to get tv just to save some money for a little while. So far I've had someone come to my door twice trying to sell me a cable service and constant phone calls. When I try to explain that I don't really need tv, they look at me like I"m nuts. I get FT, listen to NPR and live off the net and frankly, I don't miss the tv one bit. I too am guilty of watching movies and things on dvd.. but overall, I'd say my anxiety levels are DOWN as a result of not hearing the junk on tv. I can see how sometimes it's really relaxing just to have on in the background for noise and whatever when you're home alone. But watching tv would many times upset me about the state of the world..there are some good shows here and there..but even those are pushing agendas.
just my two cents.

posted on Feb, 2 2005 @ 09:47 AM
Your two cents are more than welcome.

I remember back when I was in the fourth grade, my family was going to move to Costa Rica for a year. We were going to stay on a coffee plantation a family friend owned. The deal fell through and we had to rent an apartment for that year a few blocks from our home. During that year, for some reason we didn't have our tv. Maybe it was packed up or over at our house.. I can't remember the reason. What I do remember is I did not miss watching tv the slightest bit. It was an excellent experiment. I did play outside a lot, built forts, rode bikes, went down to the bay and hung out at my mom's record store downtown. In the evenings I listened to the radio, drew lots of pictures and had fun w/my family. Not once did I miss that boob toob.

When we moved back into our house, the tv was there and the watching began again. Some stuff is good, but most of it is garbage. It's a big fat waste of time, too. Especially the state approved "news." I can't even watch it anymore, save BBC, the John Stewart Show and the Lehrer News Hour.

As someone else suggested on this thread.. give up tv for awhile. See what its like. You might like it more than you think.

posted on Feb, 2 2005 @ 10:17 AM
i was very disappointed with the lack of interest in the tv experiment with only one person brave enough to take up the challenge. so many people here proclaim that they deny ignorance yet only one is prepared to deny tv for a month!

i think you are right and that it needs to be a seperate post on its own and perhaps there will be a few daring members out there that didnt read this post. here's hoping

posted on Feb, 2 2005 @ 10:33 AM
It would be a great ATS thread/experiment. You should go ahead and give it a whirl. I definitely agree w/your comment re: deny ignorance here..
That's just lip service from many of our members. Folks have been programmed to watch tv. I think they actually, deep down, fear getting off the mental tit. they might be confronted with themselves and having to be creative and intellectual.. What a concept!

If more and more people took the challenge, the powers that be wouldn't be able to shove near as much bovine excrement down our throats as they are now able to do. Bush, for example, would never have been able to get away with invading Iraq. Those who got their news from the internet knew what a load of Bu# the whole WMD thing was.


posted on Feb, 3 2005 @ 08:36 AM
Who watched the State of the Union last night? I always watch Bush, waiting to see what he mangles next. Once again, as in last year's, the guy pronounced Abu Ghraib: Aboo Grah-oob.
(Talk about an indicator of subconscious betrayal) Anyway, Bush does not sound like he's freely talking, or even just reading from a teleprompter. He sounds programmed, straining to pronounce every word just right. Is it just me, or did anyone else notice that? I doubt he even remembers what the hell he said. At least he didn't seem drugged out as he has in the past, when speaking in that forum.

posted on Feb, 3 2005 @ 01:46 PM
Anyone out there a fan of Fox's "24"? I'm losing interest in the show. I'm even starting to wonder if the producers are agents of Post 9-11 White House Propoganda. When I watch this season's episodes starring William Devane as the Sec. Defense, I get this feeling like I'm watching a glammed up Rumsfeld. I can't stand it and am about ready to pull the plug. I have better things to do than sit around watching the glorification of a monster in human flesh. I know, I know.. I might be taking this a bit more seriously than I should. But I HATE propoganda being passed off as a tv show. It's insulting and just plain stupid. ABC's propoganda flop "Threat Matrix" went down the tubes b/c it was the same poorly written and conceived jingoistic shyte. Kind of like the whole bogus war on terror.

posted on Feb, 3 2005 @ 02:14 PM

Originally posted by EastCoastKid
It would be a great ATS thread/experiment. You should go ahead and give it a whirl. I definitely agree w/your comment re: deny ignorance here..
That's just lip service from many of our members. Folks have been programmed to watch tv. I think they actually, deep down, fear getting off the mental tit. they might be confronted with themselves and having to be creative and intellectual.. What a concept!

have now made it a post on its own and finally have some volunteers

btw - ever wonder why they say 'tv programs'?

posted on Feb, 3 2005 @ 02:27 PM

Originally posted by justyc
have now made it a post on its own and finally have some volunteers

I'll havta checkit out.

btw - ever wonder why they say 'tv programs'?

Good point.

posted on Feb, 3 2005 @ 03:32 PM

Originally posted by justyc

have now made it a post on its own and finally have some volunteers

btw - ever wonder why they say 'tv programs'?

1) Computer programs...which does some type of manipulation on the computer's software or hardware or both...

2) TV programs...which does some type of manipulation on the viewer's mind, phyiscally or both...

In conclusion, the differences is...none

Any Sleepers or Manchurian Candidates out there!

[edit on 3-2-2005 by mwen]

posted on Feb, 4 2005 @ 12:28 PM

Originally posted by mwen
Any Sleepers or Manchurian Candidates out there!

They won't tell you. You will only find out when you give them their specific que.

Phone rings.. "Hello?"

Why don't you play some Solitaire..

If you're new to this thread, check out justyc's challenge thread:

I dare you!

posted on Feb, 4 2005 @ 12:44 PM

Originally posted by EastCoastKid

Originally posted by mwen
Any Sleepers or Manchurian Candidates out there!

They won't tell you. You will only find out when you give them their specific que.

Phone rings.. "Hello?"

Why don't you play some Solitaire..

or how about.. come home and switch the tv on - buy this product, vote for this party and not that one, believe what we tell you, freedom, liberty, democracy, freedom, consume, freedom, obey, do not question, freedom, do not question, freedom................

posted on Feb, 4 2005 @ 01:02 PM
The majority of Americans are raised on tv. They are thoroughly socialized through it and programmed by it to consume. A lot of people talk about the spiritual warfare taking place in this country. Television has been thoroughly instrumental in changing so many of the social views once held, its unreal. I'm not saying that's all bad, but in a lot of very important ways, it's really dragging us into the sewer. The best example I can think of off the top of my head is that when I was a kid, marriage was promoted; and pre-marital sex/ living together was not seen. Gay people were rarely if ever seen. There was absolutely NO swearing, either.

Those of you younger than say 25, would not believe what tv was like back when I was a kid! There were only three channels and they all signed off at midnight.

It's like I just mentioned on your thread, Justyc, if they say something on tv "news," it is automatically accepted to be true, without question. I don't even bother watching the "news" shows anymore. I've never seen so much lying going on in my life. It's disgusting.

posted on Feb, 4 2005 @ 01:13 PM

Originally posted by EastCoastKid
...Why don't you play some Solitaire.....

That's Odd...someone else said the same thing...

If you check the link below you will see what I mean...apparently I supposedly offended this user, who claim to be Paranoid Schizophrenics... she got offended by the reply post...

Originally posted by dotgov101
...That it does....I just have the CHOICE to CHOOSE which list I believe. If I were programmed, wouldn't I be psychologically perfect? Wouldn't I quit smoking? Wouldn't I quit dreaming? Wouldn't I quit listening to every genre of music? Wouldn't I quit loving? Wouldn't I quit hating?

How about a game of solitaire?

Does this expression means something...?

posted on Feb, 4 2005 @ 01:28 PM
how can a community of posters with a median IQ of 145 (if you believe what was in that IQ thread) and open minds be so terrified of TV ?

there is a lot of poor quality, I'll give you that
there is a lot of repetition and mindless jibber jabber

however, reponsible parents can use parental controls to weed out the nudity etc., (I saw on cable, when i was 9, the unedited version of "a clockwork orange". I'm ok except for the occasion facial tick and bouts of violence followed by vomiting)

posted on Feb, 4 2005 @ 01:28 PM

Originally posted by mwen

Originally posted by EastCoastKid
...Why don't you play some Solitaire.....

How about a game of solitaire?

Does this expression means something...?

in the original film of the manchurian candidate, a game of solitaire was his trigger

posted on Feb, 4 2005 @ 01:39 PM

Originally posted by radagast
how can a community of posters with a median IQ of 145 (if you believe what was in that IQ thread) and open minds be so terrified of TV ?

No one here's terrified of tv. We're merely pointing out the effects of it and how it used by those in power to manipulate the masses.

[edit on 19-09-2003 by EastCoastKid]

posted on Feb, 4 2005 @ 01:42 PM

Originally posted by radagast
how can a community of posters with a median IQ of 145 (if you believe what was in that IQ thread) and open minds be so terrified of TV ?

also thats it is possible to live your life WITHOUT tv (with reportedly improved effect!)

some people just don't seem willing to grasp that concept though

posted on Feb, 4 2005 @ 01:47 PM

Originally posted by justyc

Originally posted by mwen

Originally posted by EastCoastKid
...Why don't you play some Solitaire.....

How about a game of solitaire?

Does this expression means something...?

in the original film of the manchurian candidate, a game of solitaire was his trigger

I thought it was something like that...

Thanks justyc...I must have zone out when they said in the Manchurian Candidate movie...!

Then that led me to believe that this user,...dotgov101... was indeed trying to trigger somebody back in that thread...

I am not saying that you did...or did you?!

posted on Feb, 4 2005 @ 01:59 PM

Originally posted by mwen
I am not saying that you did...or did you?!

What did I did now?

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