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I'm a Physicist at CERN We've Done Something We Shouldn't Have Done

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posted on Jul, 11 2016 @ 09:44 PM
a reply to: Elementalist

BTW, in addition to being puzzled about the honesty thing . . . given my earnest efforts to be exceedingly so . . . by all means tell me when y'all think I'm not . . . if it seems fair, accurate, reasonable, I'll do what I can to correct it.

But I really was NOT aware that I had ANY credibility OR respect with you that could be lost!?!

posted on Jul, 11 2016 @ 09:46 PM
Maybe I'm just not adept enough to get my computer to do what I want, but I've spent the last hour or so trying to upload the pic of the statue at the front of the CERN headquarters. LIN K

Hopefully, that link will work and show you the statue of the Lord Shiva Nataraj. Some define this diety as one of destruction, but I believe it's more complicated. Here is one take on it:

Saptarshi Soham Mohanta, Worked on multiple Quantum and Relativity Thesis.
The dance has a Great Significance:
First, it is seen as the image of his rhythmic play which is the source of all movement within the universe. This is represented by the circular or elliptical frame surrounding the Lord.
Secondly, the purpose of his dance is to release the souls of all men from the snare of illusion.
Lastly, the place of the dance is portrayed as the center of the universe, is actually within the heart.
CERN Wishes to bring forth the rhythm of the Universe through modern Technology, release all men from the snare of illusion, and try to explain the mysteries of the Universe

But, mostly the reason I refer to this statue of an ancient Indian diety, is to say that quite obviously, the purposes, actions, and motivations behind the Large Hedron Collider are neither simple, obvious or transparent to the public in any way. Some sciency guys on this website are quite adept at showing up on certain threads and assuring us that there are no underlying motivations driving things, that science, math and physics are forthright (if you're intellectual enough, that is) and spell everything going on out quite nicely. It's only the "henney pennies and loosey goosies" amongst us, going around warning that the sky is falling, and there is no scientific precedence to say that is so.

When they put that statue up at the front of CERN headquarters, anyone with even half a working intellect, imho, should have known it was a warning, a tipping of the hat, to motives and actions undescribed and not admitted to. Colliding particles at high speeds not being sure what the outcome will be on our physical reality, isn't exactly wise.

As to the OP, directly, who knows if that's true. It very well could be. Read the Montauk stuff? It was all about ripping a membraneous space time relativity to a different multiverse, and something evil invading all those verses.......
I have come to the conclusion that all we can do is attempt to hold onto ourselves, our core, our soul, if you will, and hope for the best....
edit on 11-7-2016 by tetra50 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 11 2016 @ 10:18 PM
a reply to: tetra50


Absolutely indeed.

However, my observation has been that the rabid naysayers are not great at nuance and other factors which those with high intuition tend to pick up on routinely. . . . unless they are trying to pick something to death like chickens that gang up on one of their number that's wounded and peck it to death. Then they don't leave any little thing unattacked. LOL.

Your point about discerning from the placing of the statue at CERN is merely common horse sense. It's neither rocket science nor particle physics to be able to come to that obvious and wise conclusion.

But folks addicted to worshiping risking a false negative error will not pay attention, if they even have a capacity to detect such--will not pay attention to subtle messages like that.

They try and force all of reality into binary yes/no alternatives.

They somehow have missed the fact that life is simply far too often NOT LIKE THAT! LOL.

Anyway--thanks much for your kind and thoughtful, perceptive comment.

posted on Jul, 11 2016 @ 11:19 PM

originally posted by: GodEmperor
a reply to: StargateSG7

Oh snap!

I put on my hyper-visor and coded the alternate universe into Barnstain Bears!!!!

Great post, I'll have to check out Wolfram.


Wolfram is one of the greatest mathematicians ever!

He designed the program Mathematica
which I used in my old work DAILY!

See links

he also help startup the AI-based computational
search engine called WolframAlpha:

See link:

He is one of the FEW high-level scientists
with enough training in enough disciplines
to actually make a dent in determining the
universal rules that are part and parcel of
our existence!

If ANYONE could find the "Source Code"
for this universe today, it would be him!

AND HE probably would be able to discern
HOW to change the universal array indexing
values so that we humans could jump around
anywhere within 3D-XYZ geographic space
and in the 4th temporal space and 5th and
upper-level multi-verse organizational
dimensional spaces within the blink of an eye!

edit on 2016/7/11 by StargateSG7 because: sp

posted on Jul, 11 2016 @ 11:31 PM
a reply to: StargateSG7

Not unmonitored, he couldn't.


has LOTS of options we have no clue about.

Even your great lofty and very talented one.

posted on Jul, 12 2016 @ 12:38 AM

It's neither rocket science nor particle physics to be able to come to that obvious and wise conclusion.

But folks addicted to worshiping risking a false negative error will not pay attention, if they even have a capacity to detect such--will not pay attention to subtle messages like that.

They try and force all of reality into binary yes/no alternatives.

a reply to: BO XIAN

Exactly, and that's why I referenced it. Much is happening right under our very noses, daily. It's slipped into the "mainstream" consciousness in the form of commercials on television, movies, radio, all ways of sculpting, overtly and covertly. It's not even that subtle. It's there for everyone to see. There is no binary absolute, black/white answer to anything we deal with today, imho. Some things are true, and some are not. Some things are planted to bait you and make you look like an idiot so no one will pay attention when you get round to pointing it out. That's the game that's being played.

However, when the "sciency" guys show up and say oh you're making a big deal out of nothing just cause you don't understand physics and math, blah,blah,blah....... there are very obvious things you can point them towards that obviously show things are not what they seem.

Take care.

posted on Jul, 12 2016 @ 12:45 AM

originally posted by: tetra50

Exactly, and that's why I referenced it. Much is happening right under our very noses, daily. It's slipped into the "mainstream" consciousness in the form of commercials on television, movies, radio, all ways of sculpting, overtly and covertly. It's not even that subtle. It's there for everyone to see. There is no binary absolute, black/white answer to anything we deal with today, imho. Some things are true, and some are not. Some things are planted to bait you and make you look like an idiot so no one will pay attention when you get round to pointing it out. That's the game that's being played.

However, when the "sciency" guys show up and say oh you're making a big deal out of nothing just cause you don't understand physics and math, blah,blah,blah....... there are very obvious things you can point them towards that obviously show things are not what they seem.

Take care.

I thoroughly agree.

Though I'm not sure that "I" can point them towards such things that well any more. I have a hard time keeping up with the current cutting edge of such crap . . . and I've gotten more weary of the clueless ignorance of the chronic contrarian naysayers.

I think I may need to increasingly leave it to my betters, such as you.

Certainly a long list of things are NOT as they seem. But those who are addicted to a narrowly defined "proof" mentality will never see such truths--well, not in the short term.

Yes, some basic things are black and white. But pretending there's a binary simplicity when the truth is ultra intense COMPLEXITY is foolishness.

In the end, their god of the Religion of Scientism will let them down BIG TIME. And where will they be--left holding a very stinky bag with nothing to show for it; no one to appeal to; nothing to replace their crashed and burned ashes of constructions on 'reality.'

Thanks for your wisdom and insightfulness.


posted on Jul, 12 2016 @ 01:51 AM
For all who may have forgotten, here is a link to the fictional story the OP was attempting to pass off as fact (or at least as plausible) in his original post.

It's good reading. It's also fake.

posted on Jul, 12 2016 @ 01:54 AM
a reply to: Greggers

He fell for it hook line and sinker but isn't man enough to admit it.
This thread should be sticked to show how not to make a thread.

posted on Jul, 12 2016 @ 02:21 AM
a reply to: Greggers

What a sweety.

Yes, I thought and still think it is plausible that such things are going on at CERN.

And, I still think that a fictional short story might be a preferred way to 'out' such goings on for a list of reasons.

How stupendously magnanimous of you to note that I thought of it plausible . . .

I didn't know if the story was "real" by a "real" CERN scientist, or not. And I said so in my OP.

Y'all CHOSE to ignore that and screech and scream assaults for page after page, regardless . . . as though such 2 year old mentality fits were supposed to be impressive.

To me, they weren't.

The fictional short story was more interesting and more impressive than y'all's wailing and caterwalling.

posted on Jul, 12 2016 @ 02:23 AM
a reply to: TheKnightofDoom

Are you trying to make a professional career out of being personally blood-lust assaultive?

Looks to me like you are well on your way.

I wonder how many black stars it takes to get certified as Master Assaulter?

You must be exceedingly proud of yourself.

posted on Jul, 12 2016 @ 02:28 AM
a reply to: BO XIAN

Funny coming from you.
You fall for BS then attack anyone who says it is BS then cries like a baby when called out and then start threatening us with "You will be sorry when jesus turns up".
Any decent member would have held his hands up said "I was wrong" but you? nah your ego would never allow that.

posted on Jul, 12 2016 @ 02:35 AM
a reply to: TheKnightofDoom

I cant say Ive ever met Jesus but I have met Goetic demons Egyptian Gods and Archons i had test to tolerence for 13 years and test to destruction 8 times as a Buddhist I discovered THE HARD WAY the power and authority of the name Yeshua it has saved my ass on several occasions yet for this admission I will now be labelled a kook and a nutcase but be assured there are things that go bump in the night and the last thing you want are the gates to hell opened.

posted on Jul, 12 2016 @ 02:42 AM
a reply to: TheKnightofDoom

Evidently my writing is not tailored to your understanding.

Where was I wrong?

I noted it could be a hoax or a number of other things besides true as stated.

I also noted I thought it was a plausible scenario.

In my construction on reality, both things could be true, depending.

YOU do NOT have a sufficiently complete data set from which to judge the plausibility any more than I do.

You just have a ragingly fierce bias and faith in YOUR particular sub-cult of the Religion of Scientism.

I don't find that the least bit impressive.

And your name calling is worse than low class.

posted on Jul, 12 2016 @ 02:43 AM
a reply to: khnum

What does any of that have to do with the fact that the story that the OP is based on is from a sci-fi forum?

posted on Jul, 12 2016 @ 02:45 AM
a reply to: khnum

I'm skeptical you'll find my boat very comfortable but you are welcome aboard!

You are certainly accurate about Yeshua--that priceless Name and Blood and the efficacy of both earnestly applied by serious folks in need.

BTW, Please feel free to tell me if and where you think I've been dishonest on this thread. I try to be way above average honest 100% of the time.

I realize that some wouldn't have a capacity to detect honesty if it whacked them upside the head with a 2 X 4 but that's another issue and largely their problem.

I just want to do my part to be clean and right on the honesty thing myself.

posted on Jul, 12 2016 @ 02:47 AM
a reply to: daskakik

Which part of

more than a few scientists have outed true things via fiction stories and novels

do you not understand?

Refusing to believe it happened in this case is one thing.

But most folks bright enough to read at least admit it has happened and is plausible to have happened in this case.

Your DENIAL of those factoids is far from impressive . . . and now that I think of it . . . not the greatest example of intellectual honesty I could think of.

posted on Jul, 12 2016 @ 02:55 AM
a reply to: BO XIAN

It is fiction....I posted the link showing the fact it is.
So it has no real life meaning concerning cern. How can you say they are opening portals when you do not understand the science they are doing.
Oh and enough with the religion of scientism we get it you are a christian who is attempting to diss science and it's findings because it doesn't fit your world know what is destroying your religion? Education and logic, people don't need what you want to peddle.
Keep grasping at the crazy straws all we need to do is show people this thread and they will be turned off from all your threats and gloating.
I suggest again you get it all in the open and make a thread about we will all die and you will laugh about it...

posted on Jul, 12 2016 @ 02:55 AM
a reply to: khnum

Even as a psychologist . . . I have to think more than a few obvious layers deep to wrap my mind around

WHY would folks be soooooo full of frothing fingers with their panties in suuuuuuuuuuch a wad

over something they thought was bonkers??????????

You'd almost think I'd raped their pet chihuahua or something equally absurd.

Why invest sooooooooo much screeching with such a horrifically mean-spirited attitude over soooo many pages??

Is it a case of a chronic corn cob in a dark place?
Did their mummy not kiss them on the forehead each of these days?

Did they get rejected for advancement to High Priest in the Religion of Scientism?
Did their subscription to THE ANGRY ATHEIST run out?

Sooooooo, they have an intense level of RAD--Attachment Disorder. Big deal. Most folks do.

That doesn't mean they are DUTY BOUND to loudly screech and scream brazenly stark evidence of it day in and day out in the most obnoxious ways they could dream up. It's as though they were bumbling around from pew to pew in a cathedral service with a big red RAD on their foreheads trying to be as angrily disruptive as possible . . . and then acting incredulous when folks kind of said something like

oh, yeah, that's those blokes with a horrific level of Attachment Disorder. Ignore them as best you can. If they destroy the whole service, at least it keeps them off the streets. We can have our Bible study at home. That may be their goal but no biggy.

posted on Jul, 12 2016 @ 02:56 AM
a reply to: BO XIAN

And still 2 years later and the world hasn't come to an end. Hey, maybe 2012 might still happen as well. Let's do some gematria and produce more doom porn.

Or maybe, it was just fiction.
edit on 12-7-2016 by daskakik because: (no reason given)

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