originally posted by: noonebutme
originally posted by: BO XIAN
Not that real facts would bother the frothing fingers folks.
But what 'real facts'? None of your posts ever -- EVER, offer real facts. Only what someone claims to have heard or seen. Or a robotic voice spewing
out a load of nonsense. Incidentally, if you want your post to be taken as a complete joke, keep doing that - a link to a cheesy robotic voice
claiming to be the words of someone genuine.
7. OF COURSE, it could be a hoax; a delusion of grandeur; a game by a bright young adult etc. etc. etc.
. . .
9. So, let us PRETEND that it IS exactly as stated.
Welllllllllllllllll, Omniscient one,
Was I WRONG when I said
--It could be a hoax?
--A delusion of grandeur?
--A game by a bright young adult?
--etc. etc. etc.?
Given that it was sounding so much like y'all had read someone else's OP, I decided to go back and read my own OP.
The lines above neutralize all your blather.
Y'all got your panties in a wad when I stated in the BEGINNING that it could be a hoax etc.
I confess that, except for the very personal personhood mean-spirited vicious ASSAULTS, I get some perverse kick out of watching y'all's frothing at
the fingers out of such extreme arrogance, ignorance, mis-guided assumptions, banty-rooster strutting . . . and the like.
And, I confess that often enough, SOME of my assumptions AND SPECULATIONS about things are out-right WRONG.
I probably am ALSO consigned--
RIGHTLY or WRONGLY--to the ATS WRONG PENALTY BOX by the pack of wild wolf naysayers virtually
24/7/365. So being WRONG . . . &/or . . . being wrongly SEEN AS WRONG is a
VERY ROUTINE experience of mine in these parts.
Though I rarely lose any sleep over it.
ONE of my several goals is undoubtedly to provide enough emotionally laden assertions that lodge in folks' noggins sufficiently that
a lot of this starts falling off the shelves into the laps of the general populace and on the nightly news . . .
folks WILL RECALL my blathering
and have YET ANOTHER CHANCE to adjust their sensibilities and understandings toward life and eternal life and away from death and eternal isolation
from God.
It is virtually certain that I could write an OP about the likelihood of the sun coming up tomorrow, water running down hill, the tides coming in and
out, the weather changing . . . and at least some of the wolves would find some major part of my OP to screech, whine and wail about. That's just a
So, y'all's screaming about how right y'all are and how wrong I am just doesn't move me much. I've been screamed at for my typically very unique
views on reality most of my near 70 years. Nevertheless, one of the more annoying aspects of that over all those years . . . has been how my
hypotheses have been rather routinely confirmed so repeatedly.
Or, in George Kelly Role Construct Theory terms . . .
My grids have persistently come out solidly functional in terms of predicting life around me. My constructs and their connections have persistently
come out quite accurately useful in anticipating events and relationships around me and in the life I observe. So, I doubt I'll be changing much THAT
significantly going forward.
Of course, the grid is sensitive enough that any significant life experience will be reflected in it. Yet, it's validity and reliability are tops of
all the paper/pencil instruments.
Now, certainly, a lot of my threads--at least the ones I tend to enjoy being tweaky about--are on topics that currently appear to be very much on the
fringe or well over the line into deep fringe stuff. That's normal, for me. Some of that relates to my notions regarding Bible prophecy, END TIMES,
globalism etc. And some of it is just curiosity stuff, off-the-wall-fun stuff.
The Bible prophecy, END TIMES, globalism stuff is the stuff I play for keeps with. And, THAT is the stuff that riles up the inner and
outer demonic forces so much that the naysayers seem to bounce off of and reverberate with so much. That's predictable. OF COURSE it would--because it
deals with ULTIMATE--ETERNAL ISSUES, WORLD VIEWS. And WORLD VIEWS influence everything--particularly behavior, comfort zones, sleeping at night, etc.
All this is not very new to me. I've occasionally had counseling clients and close friends get real upset with me over one or more issues. Some have
even broken the relationship because they were sooooo upset at what I had to say to them.
I've lost track of how many of those have connected with me again 5-20 years later and voluntarily noted to me how angry and really upset they
were--but how what I'd said to them kept coming true in their lives even though they did NOT want to believe it. But that as they faced the truths I'd
shared with them, it brought them life, growth and a much more fulfilling, meaningful, peaceful and joy-filled life.
That's very gratifying and worth tons of rage-a-holism ranting and screaming at what a horribly wrong idiot I am.
IN TERMS OF THE PRESENT OP . . . yeah, by the time I got to the end of it . . . I realized it would all be some variation of a farcical pile of
assertions . . . or maybe not . . . even if it were written as fiction or a hoax.
As my extremely brilliant Dissertation Chairman noted . . . "LIFE is soooooooooo COMPLEX, just about any cock-a-may-mee explanation will do." I
disagreed with him in terms of theology but I still think he made a good point.
Probably every single screeching naysayer that rages at me DEMONSTRATES horrendous levels of RAD--Attachment Disorder. Without it, they would simply
share their views MUCH differently with a MUCH DIFFERENT ATTITUDE. That much is OBVIOUS.
I could write extensively about that and the implications, factors, origins of that but not for this thread.
Over against the raging of the RAD afflicted naysayers, I have a 100% conviction that our era is going to get MUCH MORE CONVOLUTED, CHAOTIC, UTTERLY
People WILL be falling over dead routinely from sheer fear of what is falling in the laps of the general populace day in and day out with INCREASING
absurdities and insanities.
OF COURSE, the world and universe are not going to end any time soon and certainly not for at least a thousand years and likely many hundreds of
thousands of years. At some point, yes, God will wrap this all up and start over--He said so. But that's no concern of ours, presently.
WHEN the fabric of our social life; infrastructure AND of REALITY ITSELF literally is fracturing right and left in a list of ways . . . my crazy
threads and statements will come to mind annoyingly often--if and when there are some quiet moments to reflect. And THEN at least a few folks will go
. . .
Hmmmm IF the crazy Bo was this right about this much, maybe he was right about God. Maybe I'd better reconsider before it's REALLLLY TOOOO LATE.
And all the even rank mean-spirited assaults will have been worth it to the max.
Of course, there are some screeching naysayers who are soooo mean-spirited and disagreeable that I'm increasingly inclined to ignore them totally. I
may occasionally respond to content worth some discussing with others but I don't have a compulsive need to joust with folks who have a jousting lance
only 4 microns long and an ego a thousand ...