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Is the Human Soul actually Neural Activity Interaction with Dark Matter?

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posted on Jul, 10 2016 @ 08:01 AM
a reply to: swanne


posted on Jul, 10 2016 @ 11:04 AM


posted on Jul, 10 2016 @ 11:28 AM

originally posted by: Rapha

It is humans as a species... Are under spiritual attack. And the very moment that humans begin to attack themselves in mass. ID? in the spiritual - meta realms gains access as human bloodshed formula maximizes Paranormal Soul gates. Allowing ID? access here...
ALL* the LOVE & LIGHT Energy is to prevent access with LOVE pulling species of man TOGETHER w/others? Yet? Washed off as pseudo dialect from hyppies of modern. LOVE MESSAGES IGNORED... Therefore allowing the non love energy to permeates into actions of hate generating sadness and more hate activation OROS BOROS on species, potentially signaling species self destruction? SPECIES SELF HATRED assist then in massive Paranormal movements of SOULS THROUGH DOORS-PORTALS not CERN... Failing societies designed energy gates.
Be well ALL*
edit on Tue Jul 12 2016 by DontTreadOnMe because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 11 2016 @ 02:40 AM

originally posted by: Ophiuchus 13
It is humans as a species... Are under spiritual attack. And the very moment that humans begin to attack themselves in mass. ID? in the spiritual - meta realms gains access as human bloodshed formula maximizes Paranormal Soul gates.

OROS BOROS on species.

Took a day for me to get my head around your statements. Lol.

If the new devours the old, would that equate to everyone simply spiritually evolving upwards with no loss of life ?

Do you think there will be a massive loss of life as people's Id's manifest into anger and revenge ?

If the black & white sci-fi film 'Forbidden Planet' is anything to go by concerning a persons Id, then this planet is totally screwed now.

Maybe only the humans with Dark Matter in their host bodies can get through this turmoil now.

posted on Jul, 11 2016 @ 02:44 AM
a reply to: swanne

There is one major issue with you hypothesis.

Dark matter doesn't "stick" to things. There are billions of dark matter particles passing through your body every second at a speed of a few hundred km/s and with pretty much no interaction whatsoever. The interaction rate unit is events/kg/year.

Terrestrial and cosmic radiataion would have a multiple magnitudes higher effect on your neurons than dark matter ever could.

posted on Jul, 11 2016 @ 03:10 AM
a reply to: Rapha

@If the new devours the old, would that equate to everyone simply spiritually evolving upwards with no loss of life ?

The new and old are same, as far as both primarily being of spiritual-soul make up.
Worst case the perceived old will become new controlled IS BEs under another Overseer of their soul matrix...

@Do you think there will be a massive loss of life as people's Id's manifest into anger and revenge ?

ID=InterDimensional being(s) do not seem bound or driven by anger as much so as survival and preservation of their kind and interest...

@Maybe only the humans with Dark Matter in their host bodies can get through this turmoil now.

It appears many located here may experience what may come if this soul-group finds itself destabilizing, as it may be a way of cycling energy generating the habitats for the souls...

posted on Jul, 11 2016 @ 12:05 PM
a reply to: swanne

Dark matter is still physical mass for gravity to pull on. The "missing matter" may just be underestimates of the mass of stars, inner stellar and intergalactic dust, stellar black holes, galactic black holes and even the under sized estimates of the Universe. We can't see forever from here.

There may be whole galaxies of stars sequestered inside super massive black holes drifting between the Galaxies; quietly, enormously, invisible to our instruments.

If we can't detect spirits or spirit realms on a local level it hardly seems likely we can detect the 'mass' of the whole spirit 'world' either.

Anyway, it goes like this: I have reasons to believe that cerebral activity may interact with surrounding dark matter, and that therefore the information in the human mind survives death in the form of a dark matter footprint - which we would call a soul.

If we are trapped inside this shell or husk then it becomes obvious theres a link to the spirit world, a chain, rope, fiber, whatever. Theres threads here...

I for one believe our brains are so large to provide for mass storage of our whole lives which is then transferred to that great server in the sky for 'posterity'.

Like a CCD camera on the wall, everything you think said or did to everyone is recored by you and them in the brain pan.

One day those 'books' will be opened and the truth known. No more lies, everything will be revealed.

To sit with elders of the gentle race, this world has seldom seen
They talk of days for which they sit and wait and all will be revealed. -- Led Zeppelin, Kashmir

posted on Jul, 11 2016 @ 12:07 PM
Can you link me to proof of tangible evidence regarding souls or dark matter

posted on Jul, 11 2016 @ 01:31 PM
Love this thread and the idea which its based on. I need to rover and come to my own conclusion later, but one question:

What logic is there to derive that dark matter interacts with K+?

posted on Jul, 12 2016 @ 07:08 AM
a reply to: DeadCat

K+ decays by emitting an neutrino. Neutrinos, in turn, interact with dark Matter.

posted on Jul, 12 2016 @ 07:33 AM

originally posted by: moebius
Dark matter doesn't "stick" to things.

I know. Already accounted for, check my replies on Page 1.

There are billions of dark matter particles passing through your body every second at a speed of a few hundred km/s and with pretty much no interaction whatsoever.

How would you know?

Oh, sure, we all know that normal matter isn't affected by DM. But nothing says DM isn't affected by neutrinos.

We cannot observe dark matter, and we're having a heck of a trouble observing neutrinos. If neutrinos from the human mind do interact with dark matter, the interaction would result in a change of state of the neutrino and a change of state of the DM particle - both of which you couldn't observe with current technology.

However since the interaction is communicated by the neutrino, the neutrino would be the only normal matter particle which would be affected by the interaction - a particle whose mass or charge have negligible effect on observable matter.

The hypothesis is actually fully consistent with the fact that DM has not been observed to change the state of normal, observable matter.

edit on 12-7-2016 by swanne because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 12 2016 @ 08:32 AM

originally posted by: swanne

originally posted by: moebius
Dark matter doesn't "stick" to things.

I know. Already accounted for, check my replies on Page 1.

There are billions of dark matter particles passing through your body every second at a speed of a few hundred km/s and with pretty much no interaction whatsoever.

How would you know?

Oh, sure, we all know that normal matter isn't affected by DM. But nothing says DM isn't affected by neutrinos.

We cannot observe dark matter, and we're having a heck of a trouble observing neutrinos. If neutrinos from the human mind do interact with dark matter, the interaction would result in a change of state of the neutrino and a change of state of the DM particle - both of which you couldn't observe with current technology.

However since the interaction is communicated by the neutrino, the neutrino would be the only normal matter particle which would be affected by the interaction - a particle whose mass or charge have negligible effect on observable matter.

The hypothesis is actually fully consistent with the fact that DM has not been observed to change the state of normal, observable matter.

Very interesting theory.

However, let's define "soul"?

Are you saying your soul is a entity that is capable of storing and processing data, which was only produced by our senses?

Take away all our senses... What are we left with?


You may be right in saying that dark matter interacts with your "soul", but saying we imprint our soul into dark matter is a long stretch. We can't see it let alone determine it's capacity to store information in an organised and interpretable manner.

Then what, we live as dark matter for another 13 billion years until something else phenomenal happens?

No wonder people turn to Religions on their deathbed.

posted on Jul, 12 2016 @ 01:25 PM


posted on Jul, 14 2016 @ 04:32 AM
a reply to: TrillaGold

Then what, we live as dark matter for another 13 billion years until something else phenomenal happens?

I am actually wondering about the same thing.

It's possible that the information contained in the dark matter footprint can re-interact with newly created neural networks, leading to a process somewhat similar to reincarnation.

Otherwise, unless dark matter out there is full of dark matter hills and dark matter stuff, I agree, the idea is a bit scary.

posted on Jul, 14 2016 @ 02:42 PM
a reply to: ssenerawa

As I have already stated in my OP, I do not have solid proofs - only a hypothesis based on suspicions.

posted on Aug, 11 2016 @ 06:47 AM
a reply to: intrptr

Once I would have agreed with you. I used to be hellbent on disproving the existence of non-baryonic dark matter. However when new particles matching precisely the profile of dark matter revealed themselves in my own model, I started reconsidering.

You could be right, of course. However I am now of the opinion that WIMPs do exist. In fact, it's possible that the DM particles which were implied by my model have been detected:

posted on Aug, 11 2016 @ 07:11 AM
a reply to: swanne

well some people claim to see spirits/soul

Although dark matter has not been directly observed, its existence and properties are inferred from its gravitationa

I like your reasoning however, although I have no direct proof I tend to subscribe to the holographic model, and that also we perhaps are in a simulation, old souls maybe using some expensive virtual reality tools marionetting bodies in the 3d realm.

posted on Aug, 11 2016 @ 07:27 AM
a reply to: TheConstruKctionofLight

I think I may have posted hastily, I need more time thinking about this.

posted on Aug, 11 2016 @ 09:15 AM
Some people here have an absurdly materialistic understanding of the human soul. Having no understanding of psychology found within esoteric traditions, they confuse it with the etheric double that transmits information from the soul to the brain and information gathered through the five senses back to the soul. The soul does not exist in the space-time continuum. So it needs an interface that transduces superphysical information to information carried by electromagnetic waves. This intermediate causal agent is the "biofield." It is composed only of shadow matter (E8-singlet states) predicted by E8xE8' heterotic superstring theory. (Note: it is NOT dark matter, a concept that belongs to astronomy and means all kinds of ordinary (E8'-singlet) matter that do not emit light because they carry no net electric charge). The concept of shadow matter is more fundamental than dark matter, although it acts as dark matter, being invisible, too. Shadow matter exists as bound states of E8-singlet states of heterotic superstrings. They are confined to a 10-d space-time sheet that is parallel to that occupied by E8'-singlet states but which is separated by a narrow gap spaced along the 10th dimension of space predicted by M-theory. Human beings exist simultaneously in two universes that are invisible to each other, interacting only gravitationally. The soul properly understood exists in neither universe because its natural home belongs to higher states of consciousness far beyond physical awareness generated by neuronal activity. But there is a causal channel between the superphysical and the physical universes. This is the domain of shadow matter whose particles and forces (prana/chi) are responsible for the astounding effects achieved by gi gong masters and yogis who have mastered pranayama. Dark matter has nothing to do with the soul.

posted on Aug, 11 2016 @ 11:12 PM
a reply to: micpsi

"The soul properly understood exists in neither universe because its natural home belongs to higher states of consciousness far beyond physical awareness generated by neuronal activity."

The soul "properly understood", is based upon labels. In all sincerity should not necessarily be related to Dogma, ancient of otherwise?

Suanne's position is interesting and relevant to conversation as conceptually we have gone beyond the point where physical structure in relation to reality cannot be observed directly.

Also String Theory goes well beyond 10 dimensions.
edit on 11-8-2016 by Kashai because: Added content

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