posted on Feb, 22 2005 @ 02:31 AM
To answer the author's question, we have quite a long way to go before we see anything resembeling lasers in the field. The U.S. Army is however
particularly focusing its research on
CO2 (Carbon Dioxide) Lasers, I think, because they are one of the most powerful types of lasers out
there, and one of the only lasers that are ACTUALLY capable of doing any REAL damage to material and non-material targets. The only problem is that
for lasers like the CO2 laser, Mercury Gas laser and so on, is that they require a tremendous amount of power to even burn things at short range, so
you can imagine what sort of power supply lasers need! Also, most laser systems nowaday are far too unearthly and large to be used by soldiers or even
mounted on to vehicles, mainly because to make a very powerful laser, you need and amplification and focusing system or lasers that are all mirrored
into a single energy source, and these machines that actually do this are HUGE, as somebody mentioned, they were thinking of mounted a laser system on
a 747
This was one of the main problems with
STARWARS if you remember, the U.S.'s Strategic Nuclear Defense Program. They wanted to mount lasers on
to satellites that are powerful enough to destroy incoming ICBM's from a distance of 8000 miles, THROUGH AN ATMOSPHERE!!! This would literally
require a powerplant for the satellite to do this, and that would be very hard to put up into space and use! I think the main focus of STARWARS now is
develop Laser Cannons, that shoot down Nuclear Missiles from the ground as it would be easier to power them that way, but of course STARWARS has yet
to show any REAL results!
On a final note, I remember reading something about a weapon called the
"STINGRAY", it was a portable laser gun, powered by a Ni-CAD battery
pack mounted on the user's back. The gun itself looked like a machine gun, and the whole thing weighed about 10Kg's! Apparently from what I
remember, two of these were shipped off to Iraq in the 1991 Gulf War for ACTUAL COMBAT but never saw any action, due to the fact that these were
barely finished prototype weapons, and there was problems with the power supply as it could only last for about 20 minutes of use! I'll try to find
a link!