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posted on Jun, 18 2003 @ 03:51 PM

posted on Jun, 18 2003 @ 04:02 PM
that people still think that we wanted to rid him of WMD, because we thought he shouldn't have them.

I applaud the humor...but.

1. Saddam AGREED to disarm certain weapons.
2. This was a condition of the cease-fire of the Gulf War, and the agreement was necessary for him to remain in power.
3. Who sold them, and less importantly when...isn't the issue. We sold some to him back when he was an ally against a common foe. He then chose to be a threat to us instead.

posted on Jun, 18 2003 @ 04:04 PM
members only jackets...


posted on Jun, 18 2003 @ 04:10 PM
Ancient ogre

1. Do you agree that the rationale presented for the invasion of Iraq, following months of fruitless activity by UN weapons inspectors and their eviction, was to remove the clear and present danger of WMDs?

2. Do you understand that the intelligence gathered on Hussein's disarmament program was used in a knowingly selective and false way to justify the immediate aggression?

3. Do you see what level of analysis is being gone through, regarding the misuse of that intelligence, by the governments of the United Kingdom and Australia, in the public interest?

The knowingly false position that there was unequivocal evidence of the existence of WMDs (not previous weapons 'programs') to take a coalition of partner countries to war in Iraq is the most scandalous act of any president and administration in US history.

posted on Jun, 18 2003 @ 04:54 PM
Though I DO agree with what you have commented here MaskedAvatar....

What would have been the correct coarse of action? Mayhaps another 12-13 years of UN inspections...wait, didn't Saddam 'boot' them out and even dispense with the 'remote cameras' at predetermined facilities?

Yes! The US, Britain, and those who aligned with us did, indeed, 'claimed' that Saddam had WMD and then wrongly---a political 'blunder'--- proceded with the decision for war based on the BS intell. info. The action of war against Iraq/Saddam, IMHO, was not was certainly coming. It was the fact that they USED WMD as a MAIN issue and then to 'justify' the WMD issue, 'manufactored' evidences and intell. info. was further used. Thas what bothers me.


posted on Jun, 18 2003 @ 05:00 PM

As Toltec will attest to, I have a clear and immovable position on this issue. Which makes it boring to argue with me on it, I guess, for which I apologise.

I am not swayed by:

* millions more Kurds could be gassed
* there were weapons once
* Saddam Hussein was nasty
* Iraqis can be free and happy now
* something had to be done

It's not material. The pattern of this administration is evident in its everyday activity. It is the most corrupt, deceptive and undeserving administration in US history.

posted on Jun, 18 2003 @ 05:08 PM

I love it

posted on Jun, 19 2003 @ 08:33 AM

1. Do you agree that the rationale presented for the invasion of Iraq, following months of fruitless activity by UN weapons inspectors and their eviction, was to remove the clear and present danger of WMDs?

2. Do you understand that the intelligence gathered on Hussein's disarmament program was used in a knowingly selective and false way to justify the immediate aggression?

3. Do you see what level of analysis is being gone through, regarding the misuse of that intelligence, by the governments of the United Kingdom and Australia, in the public interest?

The knowingly false position that there was unequivocal evidence of the existence of WMDs (not previous weapons 'programs') to take a coalition of partner countries to war in Iraq is the most scandalous act of any president and administration in US history.

1. Absolutely not, and I didn't state as such. All I did was refute the basic premise of the article...that we wanted to rid Saddam of weapons we gave him, just because we felt he shouldn't have them.

2. The intelligence was completely manufactured....I'll give you that. Again, refer to my answer in #1.

3. Yes...but again, my problem is that the article tried to convey that we were crazy to accuse Saddam of having certain weapons, when we sold them to him in the first place....when it has nothing to do with the the issue. The issue is, did he live up to his agreements, agreements which were necessary, in order for him to remain in power. Shortly before the war, even Blix stated that while he could account for much, Saddam had failed to live up to the agreement in earnest....and THIS is the point.

Do I believe that the war on Iraq was to rid him of WMD? Absolutely not. But I wasn't arguing that viewpoint, merely pointing out the fallacy of the article's base arguement...

posted on Jun, 19 2003 @ 08:39 AM
Mr Ogre

"Ardent" has never been in my vocabulary much until now. I am very appreciative of the earnestness and zeal with which you have corrected my dyslexia.

I was going beyond the article to get your true feelings and position on the matter. You were focussed on the viability of the arguments in the article.

If only the corrupt, deceitful and criminally negligent Bush administration were as ardent as you have been, in the analysis of every article of intelligence they received.

posted on Jun, 19 2003 @ 08:50 AM
Yes, Hussein and his political party was in cahoots with terrorist organizations, yes, they did help finance them train them and support them. Yes, Hussein et al was a clear and present threat to the citizenry, and yes, he had to be taken out.


I was led to believe that there were virtual lakes and streams of vile, toxic and deadly chemical and biological weapons, just waiting to be placed into the hands of equally vile and deadly terrorists. I hate to be a regular ol' party pooper, but where is the oceans of noxious potions that we were going to rid the world of?

Yeah, I know about the mobile weapons labs found, read about them and was impressed with Hussein's cunning, but the labs aren't the same as the already manufactured weapons we were expecting to be found.

posted on Jun, 19 2003 @ 08:53 AM

Mobile weapons labs: Do you mean the hydrogen-producing trailer-based facilities that the British have advised the international community they sold Iraq for their weather balloons?

posted on Jun, 19 2003 @ 09:01 AM
Yeah, those "Weather balloon labs" 8nudge-nudge, knowing wink. A nudge is as good as a wink to a blind bat*

posted on Jun, 19 2003 @ 09:08 AM
regardless of the fact that the mobile labs are now don't need all of that to release weather balloons,

Saddam did a marvelous job of stowing/shipping out what he doubt there. Of course, he had plenty of time, even when playing shell games with the inspectors, before the war.

While I don't believe that WMD were ever really a true agenda of this war...I, like TC, feel quite betrayed that no fruit bore out even the cover premise for this war. Also like TC, I believe that this war needed to be fought, and won quickly. However, I will also be quick to criticize the way in which Bush and Co. went about a frickin' bull in a china shop....

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