posted on Jul, 4 2016 @ 09:02 PM
I've been spending a lot of time leaning about the market lately so I want to assert a theory based on what I've been learning and see how I fair.
I'm predicting that we continue to see consecutive months of bad jobs data and we roll back into recession status because the Fed raised rates on bad
The Fed will drop interests now with the market uncertainty with both the presidential campaign and Brexit.
However I believe that Brexit will not happen and this boat rock will end up strengthening the EU and possible changing the hands of authority as a co
This will cause a serious devaluation in the dollar which will be a good thing long term once we hit the bottom.
The bottom won't be very low here we will have an opportunity to expand the European super state through trade pacts.
So I would move into silver and gold, silver went up at a much higher percentage than gold but gold still increased in value tremendously with Brexit
I would also consider looking at the British pound as another alternative. Buy in now while the dollar is still stron and watch your assets build
while everyone else is panicking.
Then when the Fed stop printing money buy back into the dollar while it's low and acquire hard assets and go from gold back into stocks and watch your
net value increase with the upswing.
Remember this is long term.
edit on 7/4/2016 by onequestion because: (no reason given)