posted on Jul, 4 2016 @ 02:06 PM
ANTICHRIST refers to "Oculus"
The partner of ATOMIC. Which is the correct translation of CHRIST.
Tom Horne and Steve Quayle are scared, pathetic little men.
What was really comical to me listening to one of their radio presentations once, is that it directly mirrored Bible verses about "The beasts".
In this particular one, one of them was having problems with his mic/phone being too loud. And was booming over the top of the others at times.
One of them then proceeded to spend 20 minutes, crapping on about all the things he was doing with some sh#$ty Christian organisation.
This was detailed in the Bible verse as something like "Tending to every feather in his plume". IE: bragging.
I listened to them talking about prophecy, while acting out a passage of the Bible which detailed THEM AS THE BEASTS! And it made me laugh me ass off.
They are nothing but pathetic, fear-mongering, weak, little, LITTLE, men.
The type of people who should never be given a pulpit of any type, because they are nothing more than a weak-minded conduit of fear.
Just because you are intelligent enough to see the correlations in the patterns of probability, doesn't mean that you are strong-minded.
These men are a prime example of the types of people Darwinism should have weeded out long, long ago, if we hadn't created a society not only built
around protecting these types of people, but nurturing them into positions where they delude themselves to being any type of 'leader of mankind'.
They are a disease.
They didn't predict anything.
What they did, was become so consumed in the fear that plagues their pathetic religion, that they personified it.
Tom "Horne" is one of the many who need to be "trimmed" from this world, along with the Vatican, for the good of the rest of the trees survival.
Enki Ea