posted on Jul, 4 2016 @ 08:39 AM
a reply to:
Thanks for the assist.
Honestly I'm not convinced of the bona fides of this character. Perhaps it's legitimate, and they do raise some interesting points. But...
I find it implausible that a "high level" person gets "sent home" to wait for the fallout of the Lynch-Clinton meeting. Possible, but seems unlikely
as most "high level" people would be in touch figuring out what to do. Not a smoking gun, but sticks in my craw.
Seems kinda hard to buy that a "high level" person supposedly well versed in secrecy laws and classified material would state that simply possessing
said material constitutes treason. Violates any number of secrecy laws, sure, but not treason. I'm not sure if it was the OP or somebody talking to
the OP, but I did see at least an implication they work for the FBI. I would wager your average street agent six weeks out of Quantico knows what
constitutes treason and what doesn't.
I find it a tough pill to swallow that somebody as "high level" as this cat makes him or herself out to be would be all that hard to track down. The
repeated assertions of maintaining secrecy and whatnot are for naught. At some point, all the information is traceable as far as who knew what.
Figuring out who knew information A, information B, and information C, and who knew all three of those, is pretty basic counter-intelligence work. If
he is in fact high level, that makes the list even shorter.
An interesting read, and raises some interesting points. But I can't help but question the validity.
I did enjoy the holocaust denial, though.