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Farenheit 9/11 is full of crap and lies!

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posted on Jan, 17 2005 @ 04:32 PM
First of all I have to declare that I'm not a Bush supporter. I never have been nor will I ever be.

In M.M.s film Farenheit 9/11 we get to visit a women before and after she sent her son to Iraq. Before the son left for Iraq SHE encouraged him to go! And when she got the news of her sons death, got angry and bitter. Wich resulted in her blaming Bush!?. This woman must be the most stupid person in the entire world! Did she think that the millitary is like the Boy Scouts, you just send your son (or daughter) to camp for a coupple of years and then they return!? In war the soldiers don't stand around throwing flowers at eachother! They fire deadly projectiles, in wars people die! I didn't make this up this is fact. The only reason she's blaming Bush is that she can't handle the fact that she is responsible for sending her son to war.

F 9/11 represents M.M.s use of propaganda and his extraordinary ability to stretch facts. When he tries to ridicule Bush's coalition, he conveniantly forgets to mention the following countries (wich have in fact significant millitary power): Japan, Great Britain and Australia. In addition there is: Norway, Denmark, Italy, Poland, Spain, Portugal, Thailand, Phillipines and New Zeeland.

And it is no coinsidence that when he mentions Holland, he puts up a picture of a guy smoking Marihuana.

M.M. Doesn't show who his sources are. The African-American that is shown telling M.M. that no one in Congress reads the bills they are passing, is not reffered to as anyone special. We don't even know if he really is a Congress representative. Yet we know for a fact that the party representatives in Congress read the bills, but not all. Most only read the bills concerning their comittie. M.M. tries to Convince people that no Congress representatives ever read any bills.

In conclusion: Michael Moore is about as unbiased and objective as the Fox News channel.

I have many other examples but the post is getting too long.

posted on Jan, 17 2005 @ 04:37 PM
Yes it is, see FahrenHYPE 911.

posted on Jan, 17 2005 @ 04:41 PM
Your erroneous list of countries in the so-called "coalition of the willing" seems to diminish the credibility of any assessment you make of Moore's facts, in your post.

Nobody suggests that Michael Moore is unbiased, not even Michael Moore. His objective is to make some dollars selling movies on subject matter of interest. He also sees George W Bush and the administration for what they are: lying scumbags. It's not very difficult to expose that.

What is the purpose of your post exactly? There was once a WHOLE FORUM at ATS devoted to the movie Fahrenheit 911, an odd moment in editorial history at this website. Have a read of the hundreds of posts on that Forum and then see if you feel you have added anything at all.

[edit on 17-1-2005 by MaskedAvatar]

posted on Jan, 17 2005 @ 04:43 PM
I know its hard to beleive. Isnt it? Isnt it the most insane thing you've ever seen in your life? Well, half this country will tell you it is true, myself included. It is mostly true and if you research it you may think as i do and half this country. Good luck

posted on Jan, 17 2005 @ 04:55 PM

Originally posted by dgtempe
I know its hard to beleive. Isnt it? Isnt it the most insane thing you've ever seen in your life? Well, half this country will tell you it is true, myself included.

You're still confusing voter turnout with volume of opinion.

Not many Americans vote. They don't have to.

When you look at surveys of New Yorkers, the vast majority do not believe the official statements on how the worst attack on US domestic soil was allowed to occur. They see the inherent incompetence and negligence in the Bush administration as playing a pivotal role.

It does not seem a logical conclusion to reach to say that x% voted for one party, therefore the population at large believes this or that about 9/11. Unless you have some figures you would cite from elsewhere?

I suspect well over 60% of Americans smell the rat that is the Bush administration and 9/11. Many were deluded into believing that Iraq was responsible for the attack. People generally don't like being lied to, and they come back with a vengeance.

posted on Jan, 17 2005 @ 05:37 PM
It just goes to show you,...

Persons in position of gaining power or moneys, require a certain amount of increase in emotional reaction to them to succeed in their efforts.

It's not that they may boo you, nor that they praise you, but that you even get a reaction at all.

After all, when they quit talking about you, is when you have to worry.

MM as well as GB (not to exclude anyone else deserving) surely have this in mind the last few years, and have likely known this for some time. Both can profit well from it regardless of the bias, whether it be money or votes.

But if there wasnt the incessant chatter and discussion of either of them then, they wouldnt be here now in the light which we view them and their 'obvious' actions. Regardless if it's good or bad. (and I'm sure even the bad, can have nurtured, predictable, and desirable results.)(and I say 'obvious' actions, becouse some actions may be well played distractions in their own right.)

posted on Jan, 17 2005 @ 06:54 PM
tordenskoild: The African American you refer to is prominent member of the house of represenitives. His name is John Conyers. Your assignment for tonight if you are to continue to indulging in political prattle, is to learn what the f--- your talking about.

posted on Jan, 18 2005 @ 10:52 AM
Masked Avatar, I totally and completely agree with you... When I first heard about F911 I thought it was just a good documentary. Then I began to think that mr Moore was just trying to help out the Democrats by presenting the Bush administration as a gang of pathologic liars and amateurs. Then I finally began to think that any schoolboy with some spare time and access to the Internet could have done that... Right now I think that mr. Moore was simply trying to make some cash out of an obvious issue, while at the same time he tried to make himself dear and valuable to the Democratic community. My brother (who's into movie reviews and the like) said that presenting F911 as a masterpiece and showing it in theaters was an insult to the true indipendent filmakers, struggling to gain attention (he actually says that about any recent mainstream production...). And he isn't usually wrong about these issues.

posted on Jan, 18 2005 @ 11:15 AM
Tordenskiold, what's your deal about that soldiers mother so it's completely stupid that she tell her son to go into the army, thinking at the time he might have to fight but it will be to protect us, then see what is really going on and hating it. I think your stupid!

posted on Jan, 18 2005 @ 12:17 PM
Farenheit 9/11 was never supposed to be an unbiased look at the Bush administration. It was created solely to attack it and there was never any effort made to disguise that. So what is the issue?

If this thread is about Michael Moore's lies, his lies have gotten nobody killed. If it came down to it that EVERYTHING Michael Moore has ever said was a lie, the only thing it has cost the public is their own willingly given up ticket price to see his movies or the cover price of his books. When our government lies, and as a democractic republic you have a duty to figure out if its lying or not, the public has no ability to freely choose to give it more money. Taxation is mandatory. When it comes to war that is based upon lies, which the Iraq war was, it costs lives and money. If further warring persists, the lives taken on both sides will be involuntary actions taken by government force through conscription.

[edit on 18-1-2005 by Frith]

posted on Jan, 18 2005 @ 12:28 PM
the following is a line by line factual back up for F9/11. i wish people would get of their rears and watch the movie. not just sit back and listen to what others say. and yes, the congressman is real. hes from michigan.

all facts verified in F/911

If you read this, which most won't, you will find every fact is true. seems to me that your mind is made up, as you sit here and regergitate rush limbaugh at me. anyrate. open your mind. your president is a liar and a criminal. you can sit and judge the woman who lost her son, or think about how you would feel if that was your brother or best friend whos life was lost there.

also, something to ponder... WHERE ARE THE WMDS?? Wait.. didnt we call off the search this week..ohhhhhh yaaaaa. thats right. Now, Bush didnt lie? Powell, didnt lie? over a 1000+ soldiers havent been killed by a war predicated on a lie, right?

MM tried to tell you people this, but all you here is "MM is a big fat liar". Well, you know what? A lie told often enough becomes the truth. And, after reading this post, I see where they wont be at a shortage of people to belive them. Sheep...all sheep.

posted on Jan, 18 2005 @ 01:38 PM

Originally posted by Frith
Farenheit 9/11 was never supposed to be an unbiased look at the Bush administration. It was created solely to attack it and there was never any effort made to disguise that. So what is the issue?

If this thread is about Michael Moore's lies, his lies have gotten nobody killed.

I'm afraid your views on this are too simplistic. If Michael Moore's film and the controversy it stirred up actually encouraged the terrorists in Iraq to keep fighting and killing American soldiers there, then your statement is not factual.

IMO Moore is guilty as charged - lying and as an accessory to terrorism and murder.

posted on Jan, 18 2005 @ 01:42 PM
if all of you people would take 10 minutes out of your schedule and read the facts, or better yet, sit on your rears for a bout 90 minutes and watch the movie, you'd understand.

how typically american to pass judgement based on what your hear on TV. why form your own EDUCATED opinion, based on fact, when you can let Fox news tell you that its all lies and don't waste your time.

BTW-- Moore hates Clinton to.

Once again people, here are the FACTS

EDIT*--yes i am american to. just an embarassed one. I think it was a paper in England that had the headline "How could 52 million Americans be so stupid"--- good question

[edit on 18-1-2005 by spliff4020]

posted on Jan, 18 2005 @ 01:45 PM

Originally posted by centurion1211
I'm afraid your views on this are too simplistic. If Michael Moore's film and the controversy it stirred up actually encouraged the terrorists in Iraq to keep fighting and killing American soldiers there, then your statement is not factual.

IMO Moore is guilty as charged - lying and as an accessory to terrorism and murder.

You actually believe that, don't you? That a man who created a movie that wasn't even in the same language that any muslim could speak and whose origin came from the "Great Satan" would carry enough weight with those in opposition to the United State's goals would be outraged by it enough to kill people in Iraq? I sincerely doubt Iraqis, or as you most likely consider, foreign terrorists in Iraq, have had enough electricity over the last year to even be able to watch this program. Most likely any power they get goes to keeping them alive through the cold or heating their food and water.

Face it. The United States with the Shock and Awe campaign started this war in Iraq. The people are fighting back through any means they have and they are quite vicious about it.

posted on Jan, 18 2005 @ 01:46 PM
one other thing--- For all the supposed lies. If you people are to lazy to read it yourself, then please, tell me what the "lies" are, and I will happy to present to you the FACTS.

sitting and waiting for the masses....

[edit on 18-1-2005 by spliff4020]

posted on Jan, 18 2005 @ 01:52 PM
great posts spliff4020!!!
finally somebody that uses their brain!!!

posted on Jan, 18 2005 @ 01:59 PM
Well, Im not going to pretend that I am not biased. I bought his book, "Dude, Where's my Country?" and even got it signed by him as well as my Colombine video ( lemme know if anyone wants to buy it !!lol).

When I heard it was going to be a movie, I was stoked. I thought that the message would be brought to the masses, and people would wake up. Almost instantly on the news nightly, I would hear "LIES LIES LIES!! This Movie IS ALL LIES!!". In my head, I thought, noway. The people are smarter than that. Is that all they got? Just to say its all lies?

Well, name one. Go ahead. Most people cant. They havent even seen it. They must prefer to go thru life with blinders on and have other "trustworthy" people like, Bill O'reilly or Rush Limbaugh make their opinions for them.

Ive given up trying to make the haters see the light. They've obviuosly been brainwashed and I dont have the time or patience to change them.

I guess Ill just keep the "Don't blame me, I voted for Kerry" sticker on my car and keep livin.

Ahhh, what people wont do or say just to be on the "winning" team...


[edit on 18-1-2005 by spliff4020]

posted on Jan, 18 2005 @ 02:01 PM
Any American that takes sides is simply a sheep too stupid to realize that they are being led to slaughter. Any of you Sheeple ever hear of divide and conquer!?!? That's what this government has done to you!

While most of you are wallowing about arguing with one another about which party is right ot wrong, the government continues to steal the food off of your tables, the money out of your wallets and the liberty from your lives.

I've got some pretty shocking news for ALL of you, ALL POLITICIANS LIE! Yup, that's right, ALL OF THEM! Not just the Republicans, not just the Democrats... EVERY frikkin' one of them!

Social Security has been "Broken" for over 20 years, NOBODY has fixed it! Companies have been polluting the environment and killing us for over 50 years and NOBODY is fixing it! Banks and business owners have been getting wealthier and wealthier while the middle class gets squeezed out of existence and NOBODY is fixing it! Unions and government employees have been extorting money from the masses for decades and NOBDOY is fixing it! Our children have been learning less and less and entering into the world less prepared to meet the challenges of the world and NOBODY is fixing it! Our borders have been leaking illegal immigrants for 100 years putting an unneccessary strain on our national resources and NOBODY is fixing it! The Congress, the House and the Senate continue to vote themselves bigger raises, longer vacations and more benefits while the rest of us lose our raises, lose vacations and lose benefits and NOBODY is fixing it! Frivilous lawsuits have driven our medical establishment into the ground denying even average Americans the healthcare that they deserve and NOBODY is fixing it!

I could go on and on and on and on but none of you partisan hacks would be able to digest the magnitutde of what this government has done for itself... AT YOUR EXPENSE!

Well, congratulations Uncle Sam... You've done it!!! You've lulled your sheep quietly to sleep to steal them away one by one to the slaughter. I don't give a damn if you are a Republican or a Democrat, you are still an American! Isn't it high time that you take back your country and start demanding that the government do what it was founded to do... protect the freedoms and liberties of the citizens of this country and NOT the government itself!? Come on!

posted on Jan, 18 2005 @ 02:06 PM

BRAVO!!!! My feelings exactly. Everyone tries to label Moore as a democrat. WRONG! He didnt jump up behind Kerry and beat the war drum. When I saw him during the primary, he was for Clark. He had to support Kerry, because, well, like the rest of us who voted for him, HE'S NOT BUSH !!!

As far as the fleecing of the sheep goes, I couldnt agree with ya more. It seems to me, that as long as you dont mess with the beer and football, the people here will be happy to let ya do what you want to.

posted on Jan, 18 2005 @ 02:46 PM

Originally posted by Frith

Originally posted by centurion1211
I'm afraid your views on this are too simplistic. If Michael Moore's film and the controversy it stirred up actually encouraged the terrorists in Iraq to keep fighting and killing American soldiers there, then your statement is not factual.

IMO Moore is guilty as charged - lying and as an accessory to terrorism and murder.

You actually believe that, don't you? That a man who created a movie that wasn't even in the same language that any muslim could speak and whose origin came from the "Great Satan" would carry enough weight with those in opposition to the United State's goals would be outraged by it enough to kill people in Iraq? I sincerely doubt Iraqis, or as you most likely consider, foreign terrorists in Iraq, have had enough electricity over the last year to even be able to watch this program. Most likely any power they get goes to keeping them alive through the cold or heating their food and water.

You actually don't believe that the iraqis that don't speak English haven't had all this translated for them.

Ever hear of al-jazeera?

It's called aiding and abetting the enemy.

[edit on 1/18/2005 by centurion1211]

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