posted on Jun, 1 2003 @ 12:45 PM
i haven't watched the films, but will.
Admittedly i am a novice when talking about these kinds of issues, however i read through a lot of the Agencies setion on this website last night, one
thing i remember is that George Bush supposedly is "known to sit on the council of the Omega Agency", fair enough. It doesn't say anything about
him shape shifting though, and although i never say never, i don't believe George Bush has been filmed shape shifting, the security surrounding
issues of this nature would be so tight that i find it almost impossible to believe that he was caught in the act.
Now, this thing about all the presidents being related, i'm gonna have a wild stab at this one, America is a relatively new country, what we today
call the political/economic/military elite had to begin at some point and it is understandable that one original member of the elite (in the founding
stages of America as we know it) started off the elite that exists today and therefor they're all related. Doesn't he trace them back to a French
king in the 1700's, half of white America is probably related to this man.